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The story continues when Shivaay blackmailed Anika to get married to him as Tia ran away from the wedding.

Anika and Shivaay got married and now they're standing at the main door of Oberoi Mansion as dadi is doing all the post wedding rituals.

D- I'm so glad that my Billu is finally married. (To Anika) Puttar, now you've to imprint your hand prints on the wall as you're part of Oberoi family now.

Anika was about to speak something when Shivaay held her hand tightly. Anika closed her eyes in pain.

She slowly nodded her head and dipped her palms in turmeric paste and imprinted them on the wall. As she was imprinting her hand prints on the wall, dadi noticed Anika's bracelet. Dadi was confused but then she realised that she was getting different and positive vibes from the bride.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and pulled her towards him.

Pinky cupped Shivaay' face.

P- Oh my Maata! I'm so happy that my Heera beta is married to my Heera bahu.

Shivaay faked a smile and nodded his head.

D- Let's start Muh Dikhai ritual.

Anika and Shivaay got tensed.

S- Dadi, Let's do all these Rituals tomorrow. We're very tired. I think we should go and rest in our room.

D- Billu, the ritual is important.Puttar, remove your veil.

S- But Dadi...

Dadi moved towards Anika and removed her veil. Everyone were shocked after seeing Anika as Shivaay's bride.

P- Oh My Maata! Where is my Heera Bahu? Anika, what did you do to my Heera Bahu?

Pinky pushed her with such force that she stumbled on her feet but Shivaay held her.

S- Dadi, Tia ran away from the wedding, that's why I had to marry Anika. The Oberoi's reputation was at stake. We couldn't tell the guests and the media that Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife ran away from the wedding.

T- I think What Shivaay did was right.

Tej said while agreeing with Shivaay.

Suddenly Om received a video message from Khanna, it was the recording when Shivaay was blackmailing Anika to marry him and manhandling her.

OmRu looked at the video and then at Shivaay with disappointed gaze. Om then showed the video to the whole Oberoi family. They were shocked to see the doing of their son.

D- What is this, Shivaay?

S- Dadi....I.....

Dadi planted a slap on his face and everyone was shocked.

D- This is the result of our upbringing. You treated her so bad and still she is standing here and then also you aren't accepting your mistake. You manhandled a girl and forced her to marry you and still you have the guts to stand in front all of us and covering up your deeds.

S- Dadi, everything I did was for Oberoi family. For Our surname and esteem. We all are nothing without our surname. Dadaji, Bade papa, dad and I did everything possible to maintain our name so if I took a decision then why is everyone behaving like this.

Dadi chuckled sarcastically.

D- Seriously, Shivaay? You did everything wrong, you spoiled a girl's life by forcing her to marry you and manhandling her. You mistreated her and now you're blaming all this on Oberoi's name and esteem. It's true that your Dadaji did everything possible to maintain this name but he never did anything wrong. But what you did was wrong.

Shivaay was getting angry by each passing second. He was not getting it that why his family is acting so haphazardly.

S- Dadi, I just married Anika for our reputation but trust me, I'll divorce her and noone will get to know it.

Dadi looked at him in shock.

D- Tell me one thing, Billu. Is Oberoi's reputation and name the only thing which matters to you?

S- Yes dadi. I love my name and family.

D- Will you cross any limit to maintain this name?

S- In a heartbeat.

Shivaay said with a straight face and tears were continuously flowing from Anika's eyes.

D- Then I'm sorry to say but you aren't capable of this name. Your Dadaji always said that family and love comes first, no matter what. He wouldn't be proud of you that you ill-treated a girl for this Oberoi Name. From now onwards, I, Kalyani Singh Oberoi, takes the right of being an Oberoi. YOU ARE NOT AN OBEROI ANYMORE. I DISOWN YOU. FROM NOW ONWARDS, YOU ARE NOT RELATED TO THIS FAMILY OR OUR NAME. YOU WON'T WORK IN OBEROI INDUSTRIES AND YOU WON'T LIVE HERE OR TAKE ANY PRIVILEGES PROVIDED BY OBEROIS. GET THAT.

The whole Oberoi family was shocked. Shivaay was feeling like someone snatched the floor beneath his feet.

S- Dadi, what are you saying? You can't do this.

D- I very well can.

Pinky rushed towards Dadi.

P- Mummyji, why are you doing this? Just because of this trash girl.

Dadi glared at Pinky.

D- If anyone has any problem with my decision, then they are welcomed to leave this house as well.

Pinky's mouth dropped and she silently stood beside Shakti.

Dadi turned to look at Anika and cupped her face.

D- Anika Puttar, please forgive me for everything that happened to you. I'm so ashamed right now. But I want to correct his mistake and I want you to live with us as our daughter. You will get all the respect which a daughter gets from her family.

Anika looked at Dadi with teary eyes and smiled a little.

A- Dadi, you don't have to ask for forgiveness. It wasn't yours or anyone's fault. I'm grateful that you're not angry with me and giving me respect of a daughter but dadi, I can't live here. Willingly or non-willingly, I'm married to Shivaay and it's the duty of every wife to support their husband in happiness and sorrows. I'll go with Shivaay.

Dadi smiled and pecked her forehead.

D- I'm so proud of you. Shivaay is lucky to have a wife like you. You're diamond in real senses and it's his misfortune that he treated you like a stone. I'm sorry beta.

Anika nodded her head.

D- So Mr.Shivaay, will you leave?

Shivaay was about to go inside when Dadi stopped him.

D- Where are you going?

S- to get my stuff.

D- You're not taking anything from here, not even a single rice grain. Give me your car keys, wallet and cards.

Shivaay looked at Dadi for a moment and then handed her everything.

He then looked at OmRu who didn't even look at him.

He smiled sadly and left the Oberoi Mansion and Anika followed him.

Anika sat on her scooter and followed Shivaay.

Shivaay glared at her.

S- What are you doing? Why are you even following me? You had a offer to live a lavish life then go, your dream is fulfilled. After all, you took everything from me, even my family.

A- Really, mr.ober...

Shivaay cut her sentence in between.

S- I'm not an Oberoi anymore. All thanks to you.

Anika glared at him.

A- Really, Shivaay. You're blaming me for all this. You pulled me in this mess and now you're throwing all the dirt on me. Look, sit on the scooter.

S- Why? Are you gonna take me to 5 star hotel or what?

A- No. But I'm taking you to my house. Where else will you live?

S- Look. I can manage. I don't want your help.

A- Then have a nice sleep on road or footpath.

Anika started her scooter and was about to leave when Shivaay stopped her.

S(thinks)- she's right. If I didn't go with her then I actually had to spend night on road. It's already so late in the night and noone will help me so late in the night. I don't even have money. I'll stay with her for a night and I'll arrange something in the morning.


Anika smirked and turned to look at him.

A- did you call me?

S- Yeah. I was thinking that I'll live you at your house and then I'll manage something in the morning.

Anika just shrugged her shoulders and signed him to sit on the scooter. Shivaay settled on the scooter behind her and Anika controlled her smile.

Anika drove towards her chawl.

Shivaay scrunched his nose after seeing the alley of her area.

S- Eww! This area is really very filthy.

Anika rolled her eyes at his comment.

Anika parked the scooter in front of her house.

(Avoid the greenery, it's located in a chawl)

A- Get down. We've reached.

Shivaay looked at the house and sighed in disappointment.

S- Now. This is the only option.

He followed Anika inside the house.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the first Chapter of this book😁😁

How was it?😊😊

First of all, thank you so much guys for supporting me. I'm really grateful to you all and happy to know that I've earned gems as my friends.🙏🙏

Please give your precious views.☺️☺️


I'm sorry if I forgot someone.🥺🥺


ove you all.😘😘

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