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The flight was about to take off when Shivaay's phone started ringing.

It was Om's call.

Shivaay was about to disconnect the call when Anika stopped him.

A- Take the call, Shivaay. It must be important.

Anika said worriedly.

Shivaay sighed and answered the call.

S- hello.

Shivaay heard Om's sobbing from the other side of the call and he got worried.

O- Shiv... Shivaay...... Dadi.....

Om was continuously sobbing.

Shivaay stood up on his place and Anika also looked at him worriedly.

S- Om, what happened to daadi? Is She fine? Why are you crying, Om?

Shivaay asked him worriedly.

O- Dadi had a heart attack. We....we are in City hospital. Please come back.

Om said while crying and Shivaay's eyes got filled with tears.

S- we're coming.

Shivaay disconnected the call.

He looked at Anika with teary eyes.

S- Dadi..... She's .... She's in hospital. She had a heart attack.

Shivaay said and Anika immediately held his hand.

A- Let's go.

They immediately left the flight and drove to the hospital.

They reached City hospital and rushed inside, carefully not to hurt Anika or the baby.

Shivaay stopped at the reception.

S- can you tell me Kalyani singh Oberoi's room.

Shivaay asked the receptionist and she nodded her head while typing something on her computer.

R- She's in ICU, 4th floor.

S- Thanks.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and they headed towards the elevator.

Shivaay was anxiously fidgeting around and Anika noticed this. She gently placed her palm on his chest.

A- Calm down, Shivaay. Don't worry, daadi will be fine and healthy soon. You have to be strong, for us and for the family.

Anika said and Shivaay nodded his head with teary eyes.

Soon the elevator dinged and the door opened. They reached ICU and saw the Oberoi family waiting outside. They all looked hell worried and impatient.

As soon as the family saw Shivaay and Anika, Om and Rudra rushed towards Shivaay and hugged him and started crying.

Shivaay hugged them back and closed his eyes.

All the Oberois and Anika had tears in their eyes after watching them.

O/R- Shivaay/Bhaiya.

S- Shhhhh... Nothing will happen to Daadi. She'll be fine.

Shivaay said while patting their back. Om and rudra broke the hug and looked at Shivaay with teary eyes.

S- But how did this happened?

Om looked down guiltily.

O- I had a little argument with the family and then Dadi felt sudden chest pain and fainted. Then we rushed her to the hospital and doctor told us she suffered from heart attack. It's all because of me.

Om said while crying and Shivaay hugged him.

S- No. It's not your fault. Nothing will happen to Daadi.

Shivaay consoled him.

At the same time, doctor came out of the ICU and the Oberois rushed towards him.

S- Doctor, how is my Dadi?

Shivay asked the doctor.

D- She's out of danger now but you have to keep in mind that she doesn't get any shock or get worried as it's harmful for her. Her heart is already weak and she is aged so her body won't be able to suffer another heart attack. We'll keep her in our observation for a week, then we can discharge her. For now, only two of you can meet her at once.

Doctor explained the situation to the Oberois and they nodded in understanding.

Jhanvi and Tej were the first ones to go meet Dadi.

Pinky walked towards Shivaay with teary eyes and cupped his face.

P- Shivaay beta, your mother was very wrong. I was so blinded by money and luxury that I couldn't see my own son's misery. I know we don't deserve your forgiveness but please beta, forgive us.

Sh- Yes beta, forgive us. We want you with us. We want to raise our grandchildren. We don't want to miss their childhood for our sins. We don't want this money anymore, we can live in poverty also but we want to live with you. Please forgive us beta.

O/R- Please bhaiya, We want our bhaiya and bhabhi back.

Everyone had tears in their eyes. Anika wrapped her arms around Shivaay's arm to emotionally support him as she knew that he was going through a turmoil.

Shivaay looked at the Oberoi family with teary eyes.

S- Uh.... I... Need some time.

He said and walked straight to the elevator and Anika followed him.

Shivaay went to the garden of the hospital and sat on the bench with his face buried in his palms.

Anika sat beside him and put her hand on his shoulder.

Shivaay looked at her and hugged her.

S- What do I do, Jaan? I'm torn into two parts- one says to never forgive them and take revenge for everything they did to me and another says to forgive them as they are my family and I've always loved them even when I was angry at them, I cared for them.

Shivaay said while sobbing and some tears escaped from her eyes.

A- Shivaay, all I can tell you is that always listen to your heart because our heart can never betray us. I will always support you in whatever decision you take. But always remember that you're my everything and you will always be and I'll always be by your side.

Anika said while caressing his face and Shivaay nodded his head with a smile.

S- can we go to our home? I need some time away from everything.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

A- let's go.

Shivaay and Anika headed to their home.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?🤔🤔

Only 4 chapters are left.🥺🥺

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