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It was Early morning when Anika woke up from her sleep and saw Shivaay standing near the window, staring outside.

Anika stepped off the bed and hugged Shivaay from behind and rested her face on his back. Shivaay Smiled and held her hands in his.

A- What are you doing here?

S- I was thinking about Oberois.

Shivaay said and Anika stayed mum to let him continue.

S- I've decided what I want to do. Do you trust me?

A- Always. I'll always be by your side.

Anika said and pecked his back. Shivaay Smiled and pulled her in front of him.

S- You know you're my little miracle. You changed me and my life for good and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you Anika. I love you and our baby so much.

Shivaay said with teary eyes and Anika's eyes got filled with tears too. She cupped his face.

A- I love you too, bagad bille.

Anika said and Shivaay chuckled with a sigh.

S- Ah! I missed that name.

Shivaay said and both burst into laughter.

Their little moment was broken by Shivaay's phone ring.

Shivaay answered the call.

S- Hello Om. Is everything fine?

O- Shivaay, Dadi woke up and doctor said that she is out of danger.

S- Okay. We'll be there in an hour and please ask all the family to be there when we reach. I've something to tell.

O- Okay.

They disconnected the call and Shivaay looked at Anika.

A- I'll go and get ready.

S- Hmm and till then I'll prepare the breakfast for us.

Shivaay said and went to prepare breakfast.

Anika freshened up and dressed up in a black maternity dress and Shivaay dressed up in a grey shirt and black trousers after freshening up.

While breakfast, Anika noticed that Shivaay was nervous and he was barely eating anything. She had an idea and smiled wickedly.

A- Baby you know, your papa is a very big businessman and he doesn't get nervous even on his most difficult deal but I guess he's acting to be nervous to gain our attention. Don't you think?

Anika said while talking animatedly to her baby bump and Shivaay chuckled.

S- What are you doing?

A- you're nervous. Is it that bad?

S- what's bad?

A- Your decision? Is it that bad?

Anika asked him worriedly and Shivaay sighed.

S- I don't know. I don't even know if It's right or not.

Anika held his hand in hers and smiled.

A- If your heart agrees with the decision then it's right. And everyone will definitely support you. And If they do not, then I will always.

Anika said and Shivaay Smiled while pecking her hand.

S- Let's go.

Shivaay and Anika reached the hospital and walked towards Dadi's ward.

As soon as they entered the ward, they saw all the Oberois waiting there.

Dadi saw Shivaay and Anika and smiled.

D- Shivaay! Anika! Come here.

Anika touched Dadi's feet and dadi blessed her.

Shivaay Smiled and sat on the chair beside Dadi's bed and held Dadi's hand.

S- Dadi, today I want to bury our past and start a new phase of my life. I know its been a long time, since we all parted ways but i want to mend that again. I want my baby to be born in a positive environment so I forgive you all.

All the Oberoi's have tears of happiness in their eyes.

S- But I've few conditions. My self respect won't allow me to live in Oberoi Mansion or take up Oberoi surname again. I and Anika will live in our old mansion and you all can come to meet us. And even we'll come to spend a day or two at the Oberoi mansion weekly. You all are welcome to our house anytime. I won't seperate you all from my baby. We'll be a Happy family.

Shivaay said and everyone looked a little shocked and sad except Anika who supported Shivaay whole heartedly.

Dadi caressed Shivaay's hair and smiled.

D- I know we did wrong with you and some injuries can be cured but still they leave a scar behind. I respect your decision, Billu and I will support you. Right?

She looked at the Oberois and they nodded their head.

Soon, everyone Hugged Shivaay and Anika one by one. They spent a lovely family time together.

Dadi was discharged after few days and Shivika shifted back to their old Mansion. As promised by Shivaay, they met weekly and sometimes on a daily basis. Pinky and Jhanvi shifted to Shivaay's mansion till Anika's delivery.


Shivaay and Anika were sleeping in each others arms when Shivaay felt something wet on his face.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw his 3 year old daughter drawing on his face and some on his wife's face.

He looked at Anika's face and burst into laughter. After listening to Shivaay's laughter, Anika woke up and looked at the father-daughter duo.

A- Shivaay?

She burst into laughter after looking at his painted face.

Shivaay took his phone and looked at his face and burst into laughter.

He then showed the camera to Anika and she was shocked to look at her painted face.

Both of them clutched Shivani in their arms and all three of them chuckled.

A- You naughty girl, what did you do Mumma and papa's face?

Anika said while tickling her and Shivani was laughing.

Sh- My teachel shaid to plactishe painting.

Shivaay said and all three of them burst into laughter.

S- Now Mumma and papa will practice painting on little Shivi's face.

Sh- No. No.

Anika held her in her arms and Shivaay painted a cute rainbow and cloud on Shivani's face while she was continuously giggling.

S- Perfect.

A- Selfie time!

Anika squealed happily and they clicked a family photo.

Sh- Mumma, when will my little blothel and shistel come out?

Shivani said while pointing at Anika's 7 month baby bump.

A- Soon baby.

Sh- But I walted to dlaw on them too.

Shivani said with a little disappointed face and Shivaay and Anika went aww.

A- So who said we will not?

Anika raised her top and tucked it above her baby bump.

Shivani squeeled in happiness and started drawing and Shivaay helped her too.

A-Wow! Your brother and sister loved it.

Anika said and they felt the twins kick on Anika's stomach.

They shared a family hug when Shivani got down from the bed.

Sh- Come on, we habe to meet Dadi, dadu, bade dadu, badi dadi, PD, Om cha, Gauli chi, Ludy cha and Bhabya chi.

Shivani excitedly ran towards her room and shivika chuckled.

A- Can't believe she's already grown up so much?

S- Hmm.. time really flies away. But I love that you haven't changed a bit. So beautiful.

Shivaay caressed her face and Anika blushed.

Shivaay slowly locked their lips and they shared a beautiful kiss with a promise of eternity.

Here ends this beautiful book.

How was it?


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