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You get to write the perfect story - What is it about?
It's about elves, and dragons, and all the races of earth, werewolves and drow elves and others included, banding together to fight the combined might of heaven and hell, and their struggle to survive.
It would focus on a single human, a mage, and his relationship with an Omen. An omen is an elf that is occasionally struck with visions of the future. They've been together for years, and she was constantly seeing what she saw was his death. But after she saves his life from an assassin, the supposed death she foresaw, they journey around the world, helping to slay monsters and end age old feuds between elves and dragons, just in time for the Anolth of Heaven and the Daema of hell to attack. WIth a much more unified front, The pair of them lead a massive counter attack, retaking many of the races old holds, and from there, the must continue, and beat all of heaven and hell back into their own worlds.
Write your perfect story on this document.
Minimum 1000 words
Must use Iceberging and Juggling
Must "Show" more than "Tell"
Must use Summary, Indirect, and Direct Dialogue
Act 1:
Set up - Another Omen
Inciting Incident - Xera breaks her silence
Antagonist - ??
Protagonist - Xera, Bergerac
Turning Point - Attempted assassination
Act 2:
Problem Intensifies- Near dragon-elf war
Temporary Triumph- Bring all of the races leaders and form a peace pact
Reversal- Demon army is discovered
Dark Moment- The army of Heaven attacks the city of Westhall, destroying the human capital
Turning Point- Xera and Bergerac rally the remaining fighters of the races

Act 3:
Final Obstacle- The combined army of heaven and hell
Climax- The massive charge of the united races
Resolution- They win the battle, and begin to push the enemy back

Since this is an assignment, I might continue it here
It'll be fun anyways

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