The world sucks

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Yeah, it does
The world is hell
It'll test you
Who knows
Maybe you have stone skin
Maybe you have steel in your bones
Maybe you have ice in your veins
Maybe you're soft
Maybe you're not tough
Maybe the world comes at you to fast
To hard
Maybe there's a person willing to help
Maybe there is someone with stone skin
Willing to stand in front of you
To shield you
And maybe they can't
Maybe their far, far away
And you only really know each other
Through a screen
Maybe all the can do
Is tell you that they love you
Maybe send a hug
A smile
A word of comfort
That can make a world of difference
It can't
But they still will
Because it's what they know
They know to stand by you
To help however they can
To fight a loosing battle
Because they care
Because they care

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