Chapter 3: He Answers With A Angel

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"Dear Holy Father... It's me... Again." A long silence pierced the air, a pained silence. "I don't know what to do anymore... after all the things I've done, go figure right? I thought I knew what I wanted... I thought I knew what was best. But when it came to that opportunity, I tossed it out the window, like an ungrateful mongrel. I know you had a plan for me... but..." a woman's sobs could be heard through a scrambled prayer. "I need guidance... please Father..."

Jocaphine Pennyworth had just come through a few days ago and the things her daughter went through. "My boy, send me Jacquel and Kaiel." a deep voice rang out with clarity and power through a golden glowing table.

"Of course, father," a younger male said, matching his father's clarity. He went through angel radio and he called the two angels as requested.

'Jaquel and Kaiel, you are needed in the assignment room at once.'

I heard the man's voice in my ear, I got up from my desk and I started making my way to the assignment room. I heard my heels clicking on the pristine white marble floors. I heard an all too familiar and irritating voice, "What's up , Jacquel?"

"Hey Kaiel, what do I owe this absolute pleasure?" I said through a fake smile and faux chipper tone. I sighed, I didn't like Kaiel very much, he never took his job seriously and half the time he goofed off. A clown, if you will.

"Did you hear? We're getting assigned humans to watch over!" Kaiel gleefully said with a hint of smugness it made me want to barf...metaphorically.

I hid my sigh with a gentle gasp of air as I said to myself,

'I hope I don't get some whack job that has been convicted of murder.'

We eventually got to the assignment room and each of us put on our respective headphone sets after registering our halos for authorization, or for those that don't know, hoop earrings and wrist watch respectively. I listened to my orders, to my surprise and 'excitement' I got the girl I have been rooting for since she was born, Lexy Pennyworth. I thought she was such a darling and she deserved better than what life threw at her. I got up and I put back my earrings and then I heard Kaiel sigh.

"What's up for complaint now?" I asked putting my hands on my hips and I raised a brow at his comment.

"Ugh, I got some mob umbrella boy, his name is Oswald Cobblepot. He isn't even close to being a good person! He doesn't even go to confession!" Kaiel sighed in exasperation as he walked out of the room with me.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Jacquel and is 'Angel Of The Lord' a job description? I work tirelessly day and night for God and I am proud of my work, it's so very rewarding. I am 10,000 years old and I've been at desk duty for a long time...I wanted adventure and I got it. I have been assigned Lexy Pennyworth, daughter of a butler and maid, very humble beginnings but a lot of pain and suffering. She has a lot of work to be done on her character, but I am willing to work to heal her and comfort her. She deserves a little hope in her life.

I am set to start my assignment tomorrow morning human time and I can't wait to meet her face to face. 

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