New Start

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I have recently moved into a city and its really pretty at night but the thing is this isnt any normal type of city this is a type of city that never sleeps and that never wakes up.

Us people in this city are somewhat 'angles' in some type of way we have wings to halos but some come late and early like my cousin Ashley, she is four and already has her wings but is still waiting for the halo for me its the wings but carying on I have finally moved into a two person aparment only because it was nice and I could afford it.

As im un-packing my bags someone had knocked on the door, I walk up to the door and open it to my supprise it was my best friend named Casandra "HIIIIEEE!!!!" she said jumping/hugging me "Oh my goodness whats up with you latley?" I said giggling at her exietment "Well i havent seen you in like.. what, YEARSSS!!" she almost screamed still jumping as I kept giggling "Here come inside im not done packing but you could take a peek" I said slowley moving to the side so she could walk inside "Oh wow you have a lot of boxes do you need help unboxing?" Casandra asked, I shook my head "No you dont have to it is my stuff after all" I gestured as I looked through my stuff and putting it were I thought would look nice she frowned "Awwe come on let me help you i have nothing to do!" I sighed and raised an eyebrow at her "Fine but I will move it if I dont like it" Casandra sqeeled and started to rumge through my stuff I laughed at her and she laughed with me, all afternoon we unpacked the boxes.

"11:23 Pm" I said, Casandra looked at me confused "Exuse me..? what do you mean?" she while she kept placing little decrations on shelfs or my lonley bookcase filled with nothing "Its 11:24 Pm now" she gasped "I have to go home right now!" she said running over to me and giving me a bear hug before running off, Casandra was one of the best people to trust and hang out with she had never back stabbed anyone or to what I know but you cant be an angle without trust and being loyel, I took a quick glance of everything and smiled 'I could make this place very comfy' I thought then I went over to one of my bags and grabbed some Pj's and put them on and fell asleep on my sleeping bag since I havent got my furniture yet and waited for tommrow.

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