Chapter 6; Kings' men

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I quickly jolted up from the cool grass, tears pricking my eyes. My breathing was heavy and so were my limbs. Seeing the Kings face made me feel rage over top my sorrow, I quietly cursed under my breath and my eyes glanced towards the bar. It was still dark and quiet, I stood up slowly when I heard Diana move. I froze mid rising and looked over. She had merely rolled over, I continued my action and sighed a bit. Jumble that was previously on my chest was now gently in my hand. My eyes looked up at the sky and the bright stars glistening brightly, the castle in the skyline looked brilliant. I grabbed my cloak that I was using as a blanket and walked towards the city, entering the tree line.

The streets were bare of any sober minds, drunks stumble to there homes from the in-town bars. I heard mumbles from the drunks that stumbled by, I kept my head walking through the blackened streets. Then I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks. "Yeah, there were theses merfolk who spoke in a weird tongue to each other but spoke our language too." I man with a scruffy look said to a farmer type, both a little drunk.
"What are you on?" The farmer laughed and drank ale from his wooden beer mug.
"I'm saying nothing but the truth, I heard they're looking for a criminal and is on there way here to speak with the King." He said sipping another sip from his own mug.

I finally interjected myself into the conversation, my hand grabbing his arm. "When did they arrive?" I asked my eyes covered in a thick vail of shadows.
"I heard they arrived months ago but searched the closet villages first." He said pulling his arm from my hand.
"You don't believe his bull, do you?" The Farmer asked.
"I-I'm unsure, but I am curious of what they might be," I lied through me teeth, my tongue ran over my 4 sets of k-9s' showing that it was a lie. "Well, have a goodnight." I walked off and side, petting Jumbles little head under my cloak to calm down.

The urge to flee returned to my body, I stopped at a small well and looked down into it and sighed. "Can I keep running?" I mumble softly, as the moon reflected in the deep pool of water. "Urchin." I growled out thinking of the King. "He sends his own people after one child, he knows a could kill them... but will I... can I..." I sigh heavier, "my quarrel is with him, not the innocent bystanders of the ocean. It is either his blood or mine staining the oceans tides." I throw a flower into the well and make the water react in spikes shredding it. I let the water go and walk away, heading back into the woods.

I approach the bar and think for a moment, 'should I tell them.' I open the door quietly, I rummage through the food supplies taking little as possible. I hear a grunt from behind me. "The hell are you doing?" I turn and see Ban.
"Nothing, just snaking." I answer, still tense from the idea that they're coming. Since the bar was still dark my markings were lit up, including my eyes and hair.
"Meliodas wasn't lying when he said you glow." He chuckled half-heartedly.
"It's so I can see in deep water better." I answer with a colder tone. "Since our eyes can't fully see in the dark, due to the fact we are not nocturnal and stay closer to the surface." I eat a bit of bread, "food up her is quite bland." I add, eating.

We talked until the sun starts to rise, "you have a weird accent, I do you not originally speak this language?" He added, already drinking.
"No, I normally speak in my peoples tongue, but we can learn your language if we choose to do so. Most of our scriptures are in your language though, I suppose it was to make it easier for foreigners at a time." I answer, sitting on the counter.
"How do you curse in your language?" He asked smirking.
"Kos'vics-s" I said smirking at him.
"What does that mean?"
"You'll never know, but you should feel offended."

Meliodas walked in and I smiled a little, "morning." I swallowed the lump in my throat, my thoughts started to consume me and I glance at Jumble who laid sleeping in a bowl of twine. "I wanted to thank you for you're hospitality and I didn't want to leave before then." I got down and sighed a little.
"Why are you leaving?" He asked siting on a chair.
"I don't wish to bring anymore problems for you and your friends, I have to go before the Kings' men come here." I grab the bowl gently.
"That really shouldn't worry you." He leaned back in his chair, "we can take them on."
"I don't want them to get harmed either! The only blood that should spill is the King's." I growl a little, "he's the one who branded a child and sent them to die."
"Then why not go back and challenge him?" Ban said leaning against the wall.
"He'll have hundreds of guards there! I might be "strong" but no way in hell, I can take them all out THEN the king!" I exclaimed loudly.

They sat there in silence for awhile, the Meliodas chimed in. "We can help." I was taken aback by the offer, my mind started running over all the possibilities and outcomes of certain situations. "So what do you say, I mean there's only five of us right now, it should be easy." He stood up shrugging a bit. I stare down at him, thinking.
"Fine, but there are things you must know." I grabbed a paper and sat down. I started to draw symbols, twenty to be exact. It wasn't all of them but it was the most common ones, among less common ones. I sigh left my mouth when the symbols I had were drawn. "These are some the markings of my people." 'I have some of these as well, I'll never be able to get rid of them either' I think to myself.
"Do they really label everyone?" King asked from the door.
"Yes." I answered coldly.
"Does that you have them?" Meliodas asked, I merely nodded. "Like what?" My eyes lingered on the murderer one and 2 others.
"Well, I have one of  "middle class" on my ankle, "death penalty" on my hip, and "Murderer" on my shoulder." I sighed a bit.

I filled everyone else in on the 'plan', we were leaving tonight and going deep into the oceans to find the ruins.

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