|| Moon 5 || Closed ||

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Clan Info

Prey ~ 207

Herbs ~ 90

Sticks ~ 125

Border Strength: 20/20

Season: Leaffall (2/3)

Event: An Incoming Kit Storm, A Sin Walks Into Camp, A Soul Walks Into Camp, Deals with Chaosstar, Deal with Embereye, A Fight Between Second in Commands.

Weather: Harsh Wind


Cats: 23

She-Cats: 11

Toms: 9

Crystalline: 2

Arctic: 0

Snowdrop: 1

Jasmines: 1

Lynxes: 3

Wolves: 5

Icicles: 3

Clouds: 7

Snowflakes: 0


Cats Needing to be Fed: 24

Slightly Hungry: 4

Moderately Hungry: 0

Starving: 0

Slightly Injured: 0

Moderately Injured: 0

Severely Injured: 0

Cough: 0

Whitecough: 0

Greencough: 0

Hayfever: 0

Fleas: 0

Rabies: 0

Frostbite: 0

Brain Damaged: 0

Other: 0




Hollypaw, Lemmingpaw, Blizzardpaw, Frozenfall, and Cloudwish did nothing yesterday! They are all slightly hungry. (No effect on energy)

All dens have been built! Congrats!

It seems the gods have cursed or blessed, however you think of it, with a kit storm.

Silentchill, Silverwhisper, Deerbriar, Butterflystrike, Gibbousburn, Frozenfall, and Brightdawn are all Clouds expecting kits. They currently have one energy. The kits will be born on Moon 6. Not all of them will stay in the nursery, some will return to normal with others watching their kits.

Butterflystrike has been healed.

Twilightchill strolled through the clan's entrance, an unknown emotion in his eyes, though he still appeared to have a friendly gaze when looking over the clan, though it darkened when his gaze flitted over a cat- Chaosstar. Meanwhile, the crystalline, Harefreeze made his way to him from his den.

"What are you doing in the HallowClan camp?"

"Me? I'm Twilightchill, one of the frozen souls!" The white furred cat smiled, though his eyes kept working their way to Chaosstar. Harefreeze nodded, though he still looked wary of the soul.

"Don't worry, I'm not like the sins at all! I'm not going to hurt any of you." Twilightchill promised the clan that clearly was wary of visitors because of the previous two sins that had arrived the moon earlier, "Except maybe one of your visitors over there..."

"What did you just say..?" asked Chaosstar, killing intent clear in her eyes, as she strolled over towards the crystalline and the former arctic. Even if Twilightchill didn't mention her by name, she seemed to know that he was talking about her. When Twilightchill stayed silent for a moment too long, Chaosstar lunged towards him with her claws sharp and teeth bared.

Chaosstar began the fight with an attempted bite to the neck, but Twilightchill reacted quickly to the attacking cat, causing the bite to go on his foreleg. Chaosstar and Twilightchill both moved to claw the other, but Chaosstar moved a tad bit faster and swiped at him, causing a bleed. The white tom reacted quickly and jumped onto the she cat, causing her knees to buckle under his weight for a moment.

The moment was too long though, and Twilightchill clawed at her flanks, hoping to inflict damage to her movement. It didn't have much effect, for Chaosstar quickly flipped him over and landed on his stomach, winding him. She managed to deal some heavy blows, but Twilightchill threw her off after he regained the strength.

The two cats were now standing, glaring at each other, not realizing the clan was watching them transfixed, and Harefreeze chose to intervene.

"Stop fighting- this will not happen in my camp." The pure white tom looked at both of them with a stern look to add to his tone. It was quiet for a few moments.

Twilightchill hesitantly turned away from Chaosstar, reluctantly agreeing that it was a bad idea to fight in front of the clan. Chaosstar huffed and pushed past the former arctic, heading outside of the camp to do something. Before she left though, she glared at Twilightchill and the clan and hissed out a few words.

"I'll be back later...Just you wait..."

Twilightchill, Arctic of the Frozen Souls, and prior arctic of HallowClan, has arrived. He will be here for Moon 5 and Moon 6.

In the dark of the night, while cats where sleeping, one snuck into the camp. The cat padded to the Lynx den, picking it apart stick by stick. It was silent, and they had a small pile after a few minutes.

While this was happening, Embereye sat up. She sniffed the air, and picked up the familiar scent. She rose, and walked out to the back of the Lynx den. Sure enough, the cat she thought she scented was there.

"Swansong." She said, looking at the thieving cat. They turned around, three sticks secure in their jaws. "What are you doing? Put the den back!" Swansong shrugged, putting the sticks into the pile.

"Why should I? They have enough already." They replied playfully, taking another two sticks from the den.

The she-cat sighed, her voice getting dark. "Swansong, I don't want to ask again."

They sighed. "Fine, fine. I'm done." Swansong pushed the sticks slightly away from the camp, then turned around and confronted Embereye. "But I'm still staying here for a little bit, if you don't mind. HallowClan, here I come!"

With that, the white cat padded past Embereye with purpose as the Clan was being roused awake by the commotion.

Swansong, the Catalyst of Greed, a former lynx of HallowClan has arrived. They will leave of their own free will in nine moons.

Silverwhisper is experiencing a mix of emotions, the most dominant one being fear. While she stuffs the rabbit with yarrow and death berries, she wonders if she should really go through with this.

But she can't back out now. The Snowdrop has already made a deal, for a good reason. 'This is necessary,' she tries to convince herself. It only partly works.

"Hello, Silentchill," Silverwhisper greets the Arctic. "I brought prey for you." She pushes the prey towards her, bowing her head to be respectful, and also to hide her petrified expression.

Silentchill thanks her. Before she starts eating, Silverwhisper hurries away. She doesn't want to be right next to the she-cat when she starts reacting to the poison.

The scream that echoes across the camp makes the Snow Drop cringe. She doesn't want to watch it, but she turns her head before she can herself.

The sight is terrible. She's convulsing, the effects of the death berries seeming to take complete control. For a horrible moment, Silverwhisper wonders if the yarrow won't work. Then it takes hold, and the poisoned she-cat starts throwing up.

Cats rush around her to try and help, panicking. Eventually, things seem to calm down. The Arctic isn't dead. Is that good? Or maybe the pain was so bad that Silentchill wishes she died.

While the clan continues their day, Silverwhisper sits, completely frozen, what she just did repeating in her head over and over again, an inescapable replay of her sin.

Silverwhisper made a deal with Embereye! In return for poisoning the cat Embereye chose, their prophecy skill is now 8/8. Silentchill is severely injured, and failing to heal her enough may result in consequences.

As Chaosstar walked back into camp, after a night of doing who knows what, she motioned to her first offer. The apprentice got up from his spot by his mate, Hollypaw, and started towards his target.

Cloudwish wasn't ready for the hulking mass of Lemmingpaw jumping on them, quickly folding under the weight. The wolf tried to get out from the Icicle, but fate was not in their favor. With one slash, they could no longer see and were now left with a bloody, dangerous wound on their head.

Lemmingpaw was quickly pulled off the wolf, shoved away from the scene.

Lemmingpaw has made a deal with Chaosstar! In return for injuring a cat that has some connection to someone, his hunting skill is now 6/6! Cloudwish is severely injured.

The next cat motioned to was much more stealthy in their approach to their targets. Even with all the odds against them, they pounced on the two Icicles by the edge of the clearing.

When all was over, they both had heavy wounds on their sides, their blood on Freezebite's paws.

Freezebite has made a deal with Chaosstar! In return for injuring two cats with a connection to someone, his hunting and battle skill are maxed out to her extent and fully trained! Lemmingpaw and Hollypaw are moderately injured.

When Harefreeze got up, everyone's attention was on him. Just to watch him lunge at his target with claws out.

Harefreeze has made a deal with Chaosstar! In return for injuring a cat that has a connection, his battle skill has been maxed out. Berrywhisker is moderately injured.

Cherrysnow was the last one to get up. However, she picked the same target as another...

Cherrysnow has made a deal with Chaosstar! In return for injuring someone, her battle skill was maxed out and full trained! However, she also picked Cloudwish. They are no longer with us.

Embereye, Chaosstar, Swansong, and Twilightchill are now open to talk with, trade with, ask for tasks, or bond with. Certain responses and such will lead to other events, so be cautious....

Three strays have joined the clan! They are Moonsight, Lostsong, and Tinysnow!


HallowClan Allegiances





A pure white tom with amber eyes.

Hunting Skill: 6/6

Battle Skill: 6/7

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mate: Silentchill
Frozenfall - 1
Icethorn - 1
Frostleaf - 1
Butterflystrike - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Lives: 5

Healthy (3 Energy)



A large, fluffy she-cat with a black and white tuxedo cat pattern with white paws, white chest, white tail tip, and white muzzle. Dark Blue eyes.

Hunting Skill: 6/6

Battle Skill: 12/12

Foraging Skill: 4/5


Gibbousburn - 4

Freezebite - 2

Lemmingpaw - 1.5

Cherrysnow - 1

Icethorn - 1
Lives: ???

More than Healthy (4 Energy)




See Clouds



A small, albino tom with pure white fur and soft violet eyes. 

Hunting Skill: 2.5/2.5 

Battle Skill: 4/4 

Foraging: 8/8 

Wants to Prove Himself (5 Energy)




See Clouds


A small, light ginger she-cat with light grey paws and bright amber eyes.

A Lynx to Snowdrop transition

Hunting Skill: 5/5

Battle Skill: 6/6

Foraging Skill: 7/7

Healing Skill: 5/5

Prophecy Skill: 8/8


Silverwhisper - 3.5

Cherrysnow - 1

Deerbriar - 1

Icethorn - 1

1Freezebite - 1

More than willing to help (5 Energy)





A white she-cat with grey splotches on her back and ice blue eyes.

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Healing Skill: 5/5

Prophecy Skill: 5/5

Mate: Blizzardpaw


Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Healthy (3 Energy)



See Clouds



A gray tom with white stripes on their back, white spots on their face, and green eyes. Blind.

Foraging Skill: 6/6

Healing Skill: 4/5

Prophecy Skill: 4/5

Healthy (3 Energy)





See Clouds



A blue-grey tom with white underbelly and dark blue eyes.

Hunting Skill: 5/5

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mates: Gibbousburn, Butterflystrike


Frozenfall - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Embereye - 1

Chaosstar - 1

Healthy (3 Energy)




A pure white tom with bright blue eyes, one being blind.

Hunting Skill: 6/6

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mate: Deerbriar

Healthy (3 Energy)



See Clouds



A pure white tom with light green eyes. Deaf.

Hunting Skill: 6/6

Battle Skill: 7/7

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mates: Amaryllisthorn, Silverwhisper


Chaosstar - 2

Embereye - 1

Healthy (3 Energy)




 A white cat with ginger patches and icy blue eyes. 

Hunting Skill: 7/7 

Battle Skill: 7/7 

Foraging Skill: 7/7 

Healthy (3 Energy)





A small, fluffy white she-cat with ginger ears and tail and blue eyes.

Hunting Skill: 6.5/6.5

Battle Skill: 7/7

Foraging Skill: 4/5

Mate: Berrywhisker

Chaosstar - 1

Embereye - 1

Healthy (3 Energy)




A small, fluffy, russet tom with bright brown eyes.

Hunting Skill: 4/5.5

Battle Skill: 4/5.5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mate: Cherrysnow

Moderately Injured (1 Energy)




A dark ginger tom with white paws and grey eyes.

Hunting Skill: 5/5

Battle Skill: 4/5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mate: Brightdawn, Frozenfall


Frozenfall - .5

Healthy (3 Energy)



See Clouds



A white she-cat with faint ginger spots and green eyes.

Hunting Skill: 4.5/6

Battle Skill: 4/5

Foraging Skill: 4/5

Mates: Silverwhisper, Freeezebite


Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Healthy (3 Energy)




A white tom with one black paw, one yellow eye, and one blue eye.

Hunting Skill: 4/6

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 4/5

Mate: Cloudwish

Healthy (3 Energy)



See Clouds



A smoke grey she-cat with white patches on her back and green eyes.

Hunting Skill: 4.5/4.5

Battle Skill: 4/4

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Healthy (3 Energy)




A pure white tom with light grey legs, light grey ears, and blue eyes.

Hunting Skill: 6/6
Battle Skill: 3/5
Foraging Skill: 4/5

Healthy (3 Energy)






A large, thick-furred black tom with light brown spots and a white muzzle.

Hunting Skill: 6/6

Battle Skill: 7/7

Foraging Skill: 1/5

Mentor: Cherrysnow

Mate: Hollypaw

11 moons

Moderately Injured (1 Energy)




A black she-cat with silver stripes and green eyes.

Hunting Skill: 2.5/5

Battle Skill: 3/6

Foraging Skill: 2/5

Mentor: Berrywhisker

Mate: Lemmingpaw

11 moons

Moderately Injured (1 Energy)




A white tom with brown eyes.

Hunting Skill: 2.5/6

Battle Skill: 1/5

Foraging Skill: 2.5/5

Mentor: Ivygaze

Mate: Frostleaf


Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

11 moons

Healthy (3 Energy)






A small, thin-furred, pure white she-cat with piercing blue eyes.

Hunting Skill: 7/7

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mate: Harefreeze

Severely Injured, Expecting Kits (0 Energy)




A small, fluffy, light grey she-cat with bright blue eyes and an even fluffier tail.

Foraging Skill: 6/6

Healing Skill: 5/5

Prophecy Skill: 8/8

Mates: Freezebite, Amaryllisthorn


Embereye - 3.5

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)




A tiny, fluffy, she-cat with mostly brown fur with lighter highlights and shiny yellow eyes. Tail swishes out in a plume and has large ears.

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Healing Skill: 5/5

Prophecy Skill: 4.5/5

Mate: Ivystare


Embereye - 1

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)




A small, thin-furred she-cat with white fur. Also has black and ginger fur sporadically on her paws, muzzle, and tail along with green eyes.

Hunting Skill: 7/7

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 5/5

Mates: Icethorn. Gibbousburn


Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)



Aromantic Bisexual

A tanish she-cat with light grey splotches on her face and dark yellow eyes.

Hunting Skill: 5/5

Battle Skill: 5/5

Foraging Skill: 6/6

Mates: Butterflystrike, Icethorn


Chaosstar - 4

Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)




A light orange she-cat with incredibly thick, soft fur and a white underside. Red Fur around her paws.

Hunting Skill: 4/5

Battle Skill: 4/5.5

Foraging Skill: 4/5

Mates: Kestrelwhisker, Brightdawn


Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Brightdawn - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Kestrelwhisker - .5

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)




A ginger and white she-cat with lilac brown streaks and blue eyes

Hunting Skill: 3.5/6

Battle Skill: 4/5

Foraging Skill: 3/5

Mate: Frozenfall, Kestrelwhisker


Frozenfall - 1

Icethorn - 1

Frostleaf - 1

Butterflystrike - 1

Harefreeze - 1

Amaryllisthorn - 1

Gibbousburn - 1

Blizzardpaw - 1

Expecting Kits (1 Energy)




???kit ( Kit 1 )


A small, thin-furred tom kit with white fur, a blue left eye, and an amber right eye.
Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Harefreeze and Silentchill


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A large, thin-furred she-kit with white fur and piercing blue eyes.

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Harefreeze and Silentchill


???kit ( Kit 3 )


A large, thick-furred tom kit with light grey fur and green eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Harefreeze and Silentchill


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A small, thick-furred she-kit with light grey fur, a green right eye, and a blue left eye.

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Silverwhisper and Freezebite ( Amaryllisthorn )


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A small she-kit with blueish-grey fur, a tannish-grey mask, and yellow eyes

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Gibbousburn ( Butterflystrike )


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A she-kit with tan fur that is speckled with grey spots, has blue-grey socks, and dark blue eyes.

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Gibbousburn ( Butterflystrike )


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A small, thin-furred tom kit with blue-grey fur and dark blue eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Butterflystrike ( Gibbousburn )


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A she-kit with white fur and dark blue eyes.

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Butterflystrike ( Gibbousburn )


???kit ( Kit 3 )


A small, thin-furred she-kit(?) with white fur, blue-grey patches, and green eyes. (Hermaphrodite)

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Butterflystrike ( Gibbousburn )


???kit ( Kit 4 )


A large, thin-furred she-kit with gold fur and brown eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Wolf

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Icethorn and Butterflystrike ( Gibbousburn )


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A she-kit with pale ginger fur and blue-grey eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Brightdawn ( Frozenfall )


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A small, thin-furred kit with dark brown fur, white socks, and brown eyes. ( Bio tom)

Path: Wolf or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Brightdawn ( Frozenfall )


???kit ( Kit 3 )


A tom kit with white fur and grey eyes.

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Brightdawn ( Frozenfall )


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A kit with dark brown fur and dark blue eyes.( Bio she-cat)

Path: Wolf or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Ivystare and Deerbriar


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A tiny, thick-furred she-kit with dark brown fur, white socks, white tail-tip, and blue eyes.

Path: Wolf or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Ivystare and Deerbriar


???kit ( Kit 3 )


A tiny, thick-furred kit with white fur and icy blue eyes. ( Bio Tom)

Path: Lynx or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Ivystare and Deerbriar


???kit ( Kit 4 )


A kit with brown fur, white chest, a blue right eye, and a yellow left eye.

Path: Wolf or Jasmine

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Ivystare and Deerbriar


???kit ( Kit 1 )


A dark ginger she-kit with red paws, a white chest, and amber eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Wolf

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Frozenfall ( Brightdawn )


???kit ( Kit 2 )


A thin-furred she-kit with light ginger fur, a red underside, white paws, and grey eyes.

Path: Jasmine or Lynx

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Frozenfall ( Brightdawn )


???kit ( Kit 3 )


A thick-furred tom kit with dark ginger fur, a white underside, and grey eyes

Path: Jasmine or Wolf

Plays: Unavailable

Age: Unborn

Parents: Kestrelwhisker and Frozenfall ( Brightdawn )



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