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best read in dark mode / black
2 updates in 1 day lesgooooooo!

Player Log : #1, #2, #3 #4, #5
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C O N T I N U E - F R O M - S A V E D ?
[ you cannot go back to the past ! ]


PLAYER : ??? (#1-#5), Boboiboy (#4)
LOCATION : Rintis - District 9, Hideout.

"Okay." Boboiboy props his chin up on his hand, surrounded by four other pairs of eyes, staring right at him. "Let me get this straight." He takes a deep breath, mind struggling to remember everything.

Gopal, Ying, Yaya, Fang...

He repeats in his head, then rolls the name off his tongue. "Gopal, He repeats, tongue dry as the said boy nods excitedly, "Fang, Ying.." The other two loll their head, correcting him. He scratches the nape of his neck, suddenly at lost of words.

"Uh," He faces the last member, her pink hijab being the brightest color in the room. "Uh.. Yang?"

"Oh my goodness," They all say, exasperated.

The girl merely sighs, "My name's Yaya."

"Oh, ya! Right," Boboiboy coughs, clearing his throat to get rid of any evidence of his embarassment. The red tint on his cheeks never left, though. "Sorry. Listen, it's only been 15 minutes."

Fang frowns, "It's been 2 hours, dimwit." He turns to Ying, who was busy picking mindlessly on her blue-and-yellow manicured nails, "Why'd you pick him, anyway? All we know is his powers. Nothing else."

"You both are talking like I'm not here!"

"Stop whining, brat." Fang shoots back.

Ying puts her hand down on the table with a huff, "Is there a reason why we shouldn't? You know, it's worth to have another ally in a world like this."

Gopal speaks up, chomping down another cookie that Yaya had just baked the day before, "Ha'ah! She's right. It wouldn't hurt to have a friend."

"You act like you know everything."

Yaya chips in with her opinion, "Objetively speaking, I agree with Boboiboy." She looks at him, up-and-down, "He seems reliable enough. Plus, he wouldn't dare to escape anymore, from what he did to Captain Sai and his team."

Erk, Boboiboy's palms turned clammy.

Fang crosses his arms, not liking the majority vote one bit. He didn't exactly favor the boy in terms of personality- obnoxious and witty. However, they were in dire need of someone to help up their technology game.

Simply put, most of the things they had in their base were recovered from spaceship wreckages, unfortunately stored in the back due to its broken property. So unless they had someone or something to fix it with, it's pretty much useless.

He caves into their wishes, head hanging. As the leader of their outlawed team, he had nothing to gain or lose from this decision. "Fine. We'll keep him."

Boboiboy's eyes glimmered, "Woah- really?!"

"Under one condition." Fang snarls, glaring at the brunette who spoke too soon. "If he causes us trouble, I won't hesitate to kick him out of here."

"That's a little too mean, Fang." Ying scowls.

"Really?" The purple-haired boy retorts, raising a brow and leans on the chair, arm bent on the top of the wooden furniture, "Because last time I remembered, he almost got me into trouble. Do you want to take his place instead?"

With a cold gaze, she looks away in defeated silence. Fang beams in victory and turns to Boboiboy. "You— did you hear what I just said?"

"Crystal clear, mushroom man." He winks.

Fang slams the table, angry. "BRAT!"

And that, was the story of the Destined Five.

. . . > FILE #1 , OVER.

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