Chapter 30

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Looking up just as Tiberius returned with the supplies he needed, Gidget remained quiet while he inspected her cut up arms. Carefully pressing a wet washcloth against the cuts, the hawk didn't say anything either. An eerie silence fell upon the dark shed until Gidget mumbled, "They don't get to me. Not at all."

"Right and I'm a blind hedgehog," Tiberius grumbled in reply. He was trying to grab a shard of glass that was in her arm but he couldn't see glass so it was a bit of a struggle. Taking the pair of tweezers from him, Gidget got the shard and a few others by herself. Setting the tweezers down and held her arms out so the red tail could continue to clean up the blood. Watching him, the fluffy white Pomeranian asked quietly, "So let me guess. They don't get to you?"

"Not anymore. I taught myself to shut the world out," Tiberius answered, not even looking away from his task. Finished with the washcloth, he set it down and grabbed a roll of bandages. He gently wrapped up Gidget's arms. The Pomeranian, meanwhile, was curious as she questioned the red tailed hawk, "What do you mean?" Pausing, Tiberius looked up at her and murmured, "I really don't want to talk about this."

"Well you got my interest peaked. Start talking," Gidget replied. Sighing heavily, Tiberius lowered his head. First completing the task at hand, he got up and put the supplies away. Walking over to the front door, he looked outside with his back facing Gidget. Still sitting on the stool, Gidget watched him, waiting for him to speak. Closing his eyes, Tiberius bowed his head in silence as he mumbled, "I was five when my family first moved here. We were hoping to start a new life in the big city. But that's kinda hard to do when you're a wild animal like me. Neighbors got afraid and they threatened to have us kicked out, yet we stayed. Then a fire mysteriously burned down the apartment when my family were the only ones there. I survived."

Her ears pinned against her head in shock, Gidget quietly got up and walked over to Tiberius, placing her paw on his shoulder. Turning his head away from her, the red tailed hawk muttered, "I got sent to the local orphanage and stayed there for three years. The other animals, dogs specifically, threw rocks at me and muzzled me, chained me. They tried hard to break me. I finally ran away when I realized that nobody wanted me. I learned two things that day."

"What did you learn?"

"Firstly, I wasn't gonna allow anyone to see that they got to me, never again. Secondly, there is no use for me to change who I am when all anyone sees is a wild animal who shouldn't be trusted by anyone or anything."

Speechless, Gidget had nothing to say. What was she supposed to say?! Looking up at Tiberius's face, she could see the sadness glistening in his eyes. Gently she pulled him so they could face each other. Wrapping her arms around him, she mumbled, "I trust you." Surprised by this, the hawk said nothing as he returned the embrace. A faint purr rumbled in his throat while Gidget's tail wagged happily.

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