Chapter 7. Where she pulls in a new trouble!

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The continuous coughing had taken it's a toll on Arshiya and had rendered her to tears, which was excruciating for everyone.

First, her friends, who seemed to have to avoid this conversation with her parents, then, Mr. Chopra, who was so worried that he left the handyman of The Big Boss unattended and lastly, the man working under Vihaan Malhotra, who was praying for her well being, since he had to tell this to him himself, just in case....

So, it had been a relief to everyone when the waiter appeared with the bowl of curd. Vani took the small bowl from him and brought it to her mouth, and helped Arshiya eat it off slowly, letting the curd soothe it's way down her throat, the tension in the air dissipating as her coughing turned to slow hiccups, before finally dissolving within the curd.

Arnav Varsi took a final glance at The Boss's supposedly, to be and, took a step back, retreating in the background while pulling his phone out of his pocket and pressed the only emergency number in the phone-lock contacts. The steady dial tune rang in his Bluetooth and dissolved into screech as the phone connected to the private number.

However, at the table, the tension in the air soon died down as the aroma of food trickled their mouths with water and almost immediately the spoons dug into the deliciously garnished dishes.

"Arshu. Pass me the mango pickle, no?" Anu motioned towards the beautifully crafted basket filled with jars of pickles and smiled widely as Arshiya handed her, her favorite pickle.

"How can you even eat them? I got a pimple last time I had one." Srishti eyed her twin partner enviously as she leisurely scooped a portion of pickle on her plate and Arshiya snickered as Anu rolled her eyes at her.

"Eat your food."

"No. I am gonna report this "uncaring" behavior of yours."

And she did.

Srishti pulled out her phone and clicked a picture of the mango pickle and reported it on Instagram with a crass caption.

@sreeaa:- @dazzlinganuditaverma is my greatest fear. She doesn't have pimples even when she eats a tub of pickles. T^T

PS: But I love @arshiyasharma and @iamvaniverma. Having loads of delicacies with them in our Favorite Restaurant #TheRoyallèMumbai.

Anita huffed in disbelief.

"You are crazy."

The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Arshiya, with occasional background quarrels and ended in a peaceful dreamless sleep.


But with morning, the harsh painful reality came slapping in her face as she held the phone close to her ear in a deep ponder.

"Arshiya, that file is very important. If I couldn't return that file in the cabinet by evening, Mr Malhotra can send me to jail for fraud and embezzlement."

Shukla Gupta repeated with deep agony.

"Can you... Can you please bring the file to VM Towers, beta?"

Arshiya felt sympathy for her Shukla uncle as he stuttered as if being choked on something but she herself, was barely able to escape the territory of Vihaan Malhotra last night. If she were to go into devil's lair, she might not be able to escape the wrath of the cold business god who was so graciously offered cupcakes as chadava?

Arshiya shuddered.

"Arshiya beta? Are you there?"

Her uncle's voice rattled her out of her disturbing thoughts.

"I-I am."

She stopped, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to go inside."

She pursed her lower lip in ponder.

It's okay.

"Where should I bring the file, uncle..."

It's not like he'd be waiting for me to arrive and take as hostage...?


Shukla Gupta walked inside the Emptied Café near the VM Towers, specially escorted by two bulky men in black and glanced at the girl sitting on the last table with an odd glint in his eyes.


The brown-haired girl looked up at the familiar voice and stood up to greet him with a smile, which disappeared as she glanced at the two men behind him.

"Uncle? Are they your friends?"

Shukla Gupta didn't bother to acknowledge her question.

"Did you bring the file?"


Arshiya was oddly confused at the sudden change in the question but nonetheless answered the question.

"Yeah. Here." She passed the black binder to her uncle, who just glanced at the two men behind him in meaningful silence. They didn't bother to acknowledge his gaze and glanced at the glass door.

On that cue, the door was thrown open and Arshiya involuntarily took a step back as her eyes met the dark stormy greys.

"Dhruv. Rishi."

Arshiya watched numbly with shock as the two men bow to him, before taking a hold of her uncle's arms and dragging him out of the café, leaving her all alone with the cold business king.


Vihaan Malhotra watched her as she fumbled with her words, not sure what to say and sighed.



Arshiya glanced up at him confused.
Vihaan Malhotra pulled out a chair for her and glanced at her meaningfully.

"Sit down Arshiya."

"A-Are you... Are you going to scold me for giving you cupcakes?"

Arshiya stuttered as she shuffled on her feet nervously and Vihaan sighed as he walked towards her.


Do you know you'd have been in serious trouble...

Vihaan took ahold of her hand and led her to the chair he had pulled for her and ushered her to sit on the chair.

"I-I am sorry..."

She blurted out before he could walk around the table to sit on the chair opposite her.

"...I didn't mean to disturb you..."

"...I just wanted to thank you for your help and.."

Vihaan Malhotra just watched her ramble out her fears of disturbing him and getting scolded just in case, to her heart's content.

... or, maybe it would not be that much of a serious issue...

He sighed as he pulled out a chair from the table behind him and sat down beside her, causing her to jump in fright and ceasing her inconsequential babble. His brows raised in surprise as she stared at him in dread.

"Am I scary?"

Arshiya almost nodded her head, but thought better and shook her head with dizzying speed, like she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince him.

Vihaan Malhotra smiled innocently.

"Don't be. We are friends."

Arshiya flinched.

"You don't believe me?"

Vihaan asked with a dropping Oscar-worthy sad face and Arshiya couldn't dare to nod her affirmation again.

"What should I do to make you believe me?"

Arshiya blinked. Did he hit his head in the morning?

Or, is he drunk? Arshiya leaned a bit closer and sniffed for any lingering scent of alcohol on him after a supposed hangover.

She frowned when she couldn't whiff anything weird.

Or, does he have a fever?

Arshiya stared at his forehead, where a traitor strand of hair had escaped the neatly brushed mane of hairs, in contemplation not sure if she should touch it or not.

Maybe not...

Arshiya shook her head and choose the next best option.

"Do you have a fever?"

Vihaan Malhotra stared at her like she had grown two heads. He was just ignoring her weird actions just now, but to think...


Arshiya stared at him like she was not sure how to explain it.

"Do you feel sick? Or, maybe a bit dizzy in the head and feeling hot and cold under your clothes? Or, are you burning here?"

Arshiya tapped her forehead as she stared at him calmly as she had just not explained what 'fever' is and Vihaan smiled.


What am I going to do with you?

Vihaan Malhotra dug deep in his pockets and pulled out a 'Milk-bar', causing her eyes to brim up with happiness.

"For me?"

Vihaan nodded with a grin and she stood up from the chair.

"Ok. Let's be friends."

Arshiya tried to snatch the chocolate from his hand, but he held it high and out of her reach.

"You cannot eat it today. How about you come to VM Towers on Monday and take it from me."

Arshiya stomped her feet in vain as she looked up at the towering man.

"No. I wanna eat it today."

Vihaan Malhotra narrowed his eyes at her.

"Let's not be friends anymore."

Arshiya sputtered something between her teeth and glared at the audaciously arrogant man.

"You... Were you not the one who asked me to be?"

Vihaan smiled teasingly.

"Was I?"

Arshiya bit her lower lip and glanced at the chocolate again.

"Alright, I'll eat it on Monday."

Vihaan Malhotra grinned at her.


Arshiya nodded stiffly.


Arshiya watched him lower his arm and seized the chance to snatch the chocolate from him before he could change his mind again. For safety reasons, entirely.

Arshiya smiled toothily as she stared at the chocolate and Vihaan sighed.

So naivè.

It would not do her good to tell her about the troublesome matter.


She hummed, high in spirits as she looked deeply at her beloved gift.

"I wish to meet with your father."

Arshiya Sharma felt the floor stumble from beneath her feet as his words rang deep in his ears.

Who am I? Where am I?
Is that chocolate in my hand?


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