Chapter 1

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"You're not going alone and that's final" Justin replied strictly while he carried his one year old daughter on his lap who was busy seeing if she can grab a handful of his hair.

Folding my arms around my chest while resting my back on the chair I couldn't help but ask "Why can't I ?"

Justin tried stopping the toddler from pulling any of his hair which earn him a cry and scream from her "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry my sweetheart" He rocked her seeing if she would stop but she didn't "You can take as much of my hair as you want" He raised her up to touch his hair and immediately she stopped fussing making Justin groan in distress "She definitely didn't take this attitude from me" Justin tried pointing out.

I snout out in disapproval "I'm certain she did" I smirk at his agonizing state.

Victoria went out shopping with Lia and Elsa, leaving the twin with Justin to babysit. Justin and Victoria have been married for two years and blessed with twin. Dave and Daniella. Dave the calm one at this moment was having his nap unlike his sister Ella the energetic one who refused to take one.

"Remind me why am here again?" I gaze at Justin curiously.

He lifted his stare at me looking at me bewildered "To help me with the diapers and food of course"

I laughed out "Right"

"And to your question earlier. I wouldn't want all the men there busy ogling you" He said with a murderous expression on his face. Like he was already picturing it.

"But am 21" I spoke out in distress while internally questioning the creator why I was given two protective brothers.

"Exactly you're 21. You still a baby" He gently pulled his daughter's from his hair when he noticed she was about putting it into her mouth.

"Oh c'mon are you kidding me" I dryly remark.

Justin only reply was "Nope"

Now at this moment I wished I had left him alone to take care of his kids maybe then he will come to his senses.

"You know I can just go without you realizing it" I said in a reasonable tone.

Justin quack his brow at me "Trust me I will know" He said glance at me briefly then at his disturbing daughter. I cursed internally asking God why I had a brother who was blesses with riches.

"Then how can I go?" I questioned him.

"Now that the question I need you to ask" I rolled my eyes at his comment "Sebastian is taking you" He said simply.

I nearly chock on my own saliva. I gaze at my brother to check if he had somehow magically become intoxicated all of a sudden "Okay now I know you're joking" I said calmly while deep inside me I wanted nothing more than to yell the whole mansion down.


I grit my teeth in annoyance with my hands clenched to a fist "But you know Sebastian is the biggest manwhore to ever live. What makes you think he wouldn't make a move on me?" I stated out to him feeling miserable with his suggestion.

"More of the reason why he needs to accompany you as your date" His words made me gaze at him like he had mysteriously lost his senses.

"How is that helpful?" I sat up already feeling kind of interested in his word.

Justin took Ella's bib to clean of a drools dropping from her mouth "One, I trust him. Two, he's able to chase men away with his look and also he has an intimidating. Three, he only sees you like little sister" I don't know why but his words kinda sting me in my heart. I immediately shook my head from the unwanted feelings.

"He's not coming with me" I stubbornly refused "And you are mistaking in number two, he's nothing but a clown. He doesn't take things serious" I almost yelled out at him.

Justin only chuckled by my words "That I can't deny" he immediately sobber up with a serious expression "He's going with you and that final" I felt like a child when he spoke. He was quite intimidating even to me his sister.

I murmur to myself "I don't know why I keep wasting my time"

Dave's soft cries immediately filled the sitting room through the monitor.

"Don't worry I've got it" I stood up and head over to the kid's nursery.

The journey to the nursery didn't take long despite how the house is. I opened the door and was immediately fascinated with the beauty of the room. The cream classic painted walls half was designed with a princess side while the other was designed in a boyish style. The ceiling also was designed with artificial stars that twinkles in the moonlight with hanging dolls on it.

My gaze shifted to little toddler in the crib "Awe, who is awake and jumpy?" I bent over with a cooing expression written in my face while tickling him also thanking my stars I had braided my hair.

The toddler giggled while kicking his hands and legs in what I think is a happy dance. I lifted him off the large white crib then out of the nursery.

When I got to were Justin was I instantly took notice that he wasn't alone "Victoria you back?" Victoria and Justin sat on the same sofa with Ella in her arms who was busy sucking her mum's nipple.

Victoria gaze at me in surprise then she glared at Justin "You owe me 50bucks and one week of cleaning the twins diapers" she said to Justin who look like he had been caught stealing from his mother pot.

Feeling confused I couldn't help but ask "Ahn..May I know why?"

Victoria glance at me "That because I made a bet with Justin that if he called to ask for assistant then he gives me 50bucks then he takes care of their mess and if he doesn't then I give him 50bucks and do it all. And seeing you it shows I did win" she smiled sweetly at me.

Justin immediately tried denying it "No, I didn't call her, she just came over for a visit. Right Lisa?" Justin stared intensely at me.

After thinking about what he said to me earlier I decided to punish him "Actually.." I paused to give it a little spice of suspense, Victoria waited for my answer while Justin continued staring at me hard "..He called"

Victoria had the look of victory and at the same time laughing while Justin's shoulder slump in defeat.

"That what you get for treating me like a child" I happily remark.

"So you rat me out all because of I refused for you to go alone to the charity event" Justin stared at me in disbelief.

Victoria glance at both of us in confusion "What are you both getting at?" She stop breastfeeding her daughter then hand her over to Justin, she made a sign for me to hand Dave over to her.

I moved over to her then gave her Dave for breastfeeding "Justin insisted I shouldn't go to the Cancer children charity event alone then he said Sebastian will be my escort. Can you imagine?" I said sitting down in the lone sofa behind me. I instantly became aware of the shopping bags in the sitting room.

Victoria blue eyes twinkle in a way I don't like "Really, that the most wonderful suggestion you have ever made in your life" she said out to Justin who looked offended by her word while I'm staring at her in disbelief.

"What?" The question sloped out of my opened mouth.

"Oh come on Lisa that a wonderful idea and yes Sebastian is following you" Victoria grin at me. Why do I have a feeling she is planning something.

I immediately gave up with this two. They indeed her meant for each other.

Their story is kind of like a romance novel way. Justin and Victoria's marriage is kind of like an arranged marriage it just that instead of our parent forcing him to marry Victoria, he choose to marry her for business sake. Justin hurt Victoria in a lot of way that is humanly possible emotionally but Victoria's forgiven heart is that of a gold, she forgive him without him trying hard. She is too too forgiven.

Victoria and I also don't get along in the past. I harboured a painful hatred towards her thinking she was a very bad influence to my brother but as you all know she forgave me when I asked for her forgiveness after realising she wasn't as bad as I thought. And now looking at them both I wish to have what they both have. Love.

Love is a rare thing to find in this world. It not easy for two people to fall in love with themselves. If love is found and felt between two individual they should treasure it with their might like a diamond.

"It getting last already I have to get going and prepare for tonight" I stood up and took my hand bag which has been sitting beside me in the sofa.

"Oh of course" Victoria said to me grinning in joy.

"Let me see you to your car" Justin stood up, following me not before his wife yelling out.

"Justin make sure to call Sebastian as you both are heading to the garage" her comment shows she indeed planning something.

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