Chapter 13

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"Here" I stretched my hand towards Sebastian's face handing him a glass of brandy. I sigh out in relief finally getting the disturbing load of my chest.

Years of keeping this from everyone close to me haven't been easy-but the humiliation my family would have faced kept me from revealing anything. Thou I'm not entirely filled with relief, the thought of how my family would react keep flashing though my head.

But somehow letting Sebastian know brings a reassuring feeling that all will end up in a good result.

How I miss my babies

"Why? How? Just-" Sebastian weakly asked gulping down the entire glass. His entire body view clam but his hard hold on the glass proved otherwise.

I knew the time was to come soon-it was all for my babies sake "You don't remember do you?" I asked him feeling my chest starting to hurt at his known reply.

Sebastian presented a confused expression, his brow frown causing his eyes to narrow towards her "Remember what?"

Of course he won't remember-he was drunk.

Unexpected tears ran down my cheeks as immediately cleaned it averting my gaze away from him "March 12 2016"

For a second he still looked confused till everything began to make sense to him. He dashed off the couch pacing around the sitting room burning a hole on the ground.

A growl left his lips as he threw the glass on the wall pulling at his dirty blond hair. I flinch at the glass making contact with the wall.

It was very disturbing seeing Sebastian react this way. I've never seen him react this way apart from the night. The night that forever changed our lives.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why?!" He yelled turning his blazing green eyes towards me. If eyes could kill I'd have been dead and dug six feet down.

Such intensity of his gaze did something to my heart "Really are you seriously going to ask me that?" I chuckled humourless "Why don't you ask yourself that question?"


"Yes you" I stood off from where I sat match to his face "Weren't you the one who said you'll never which to get married or have a child?" I spat at his face.

Sebastian groan in frustration kicking the object close to him as the atmosphere got more thicker and disturbing "That was a broken man speaking for god sake"

"And I was the breaking girl listening" I pointed to my chest "That comment made it impossible for me to speak to you about your daughters. Each time I try I keep hearing the same word repeating in my head!" I yelled out not able to keep the tears back-letting it fall like a river.

"You should have at least try!"

"Then what?!"

"I would have made it right" He quietly spoke watching me with a disturbing softness in his eyes.

I shook my head narrowing my eyes at his word "By marrying me?" I bawl out to him.

Converging towards me he held unto my upper arms "Its the right thing to do"

"That will only make you resent me more" I cut him up as his mouth opened to reply back "And don't you say you won't because I know you too well"

Sebastian sigh in defeat dropping his head down probably feeling the realization of the whole situation falling on him "You must have hated me. You still do-that why you never let me come close towards you"

I sniffed nodding my head "For a while I did-but now I realized I shouldn't. You were at that time a victim of circumstances. I gave you the time you needed, but no more I've come for what is rightfully mine" I notch my voice to a whisper.

"What could that be?" He lifted his gaze to mine.

For years I'd wanted that emerald green of his eyes staring intensely at mine. Now I've it within my palms I'm never letting it go.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulder feeling him shudder in desire as his hands move to hold my waist. His sudden mood change astonish me a lot-a prove of how much I affect him.

"You" I whisper close to him lips both our body burning hot "I've given you enough time to heal yourself, its about time I steal your body" Saying that I trail my fingers on his stubble jaw down to his adam-apple following my lips with it.

He sharply inhale as his hands holding my waist tightened, his green eyes dilute in desire. My lips trailed on to the side of his neck as I bite softly on his neck making him groan, afterwards I suck him neck making sure a hickey appear branding him as mine.

"Then your soul" I pop the first three button of his shirt. Not getting the urgency I needed I clench on his shirt in my fist as I rip it off his body bringing my hands to his nipple pressing him between my fingers. Sebastian grunt in pleasure the full result of his hard length felt on my stomach. Where the sudden boldness of temptress coming up-I had no idea.

"Then your heart" At that I kissed his chest where is hearts was beating fast at my seduction. I wrap my lips at his left nipple sucking hard making a loud groan escape him lips as his hand shifted in my hair. I kept my task kissing and biting his chest trailing my lips downward.

Getting to him covered groin I rumbled with his buckle belt trying to free him. In a flash I was lifted up, my legs wrapped around his shirtless torso.

"I think that's about enough" He growl in my ear making a shiver run through my spine "It's my turn now. But this time I won't only be pleasuring you I'll be fucking you-hard" I moan out at him vile words "After that I'll do it again and again till your are sore and unable to walk tomorrow and then I'll tell me all that is to be said about our children"

I wonder how we from a serious conversion to finding ourselves in a compromising position but that was the least of my worries.

I fear for what lay between my two thighs.


Thank you reading Claiming Sebastian.
Chapter 14 coming up soon !
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Lots of love❤❤❤❤

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