Chapter 4

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The next day
Ezra pov.
I was in my and sabine's room getting dressed. I had mission and sabine was supposed to come with me but do to last night. I think it would be better for her to stay here. I put my armor and boots on and grab my helmet. That's when sabine woke up. Ezra what going on? How we get back her? She ask. I went to her side of the bed and sat down.

Well you a little to drink last night at the party and I brought you back here unconscious. I said. Oh now I remember. Wait why are you dressed? I'm about to go on a mission today. Oh crap the mission. She was about to jump out of bed when I stop her. Hey I got this. I'm taking mira with me so you can rest. You did enough partying last night so rest. Fine. I pulled the covers up to her and kiss her on the forehead. I got up and grab my helmet. Be safe. Sabine said and I left.

2 minutes later.
I reach mira's room and knock on it. Mira are you up yet? I ask. The door open and she came out. Ready dad. Um where's mom? She ask. She will not be joining us. She a bit too much of drink last night and needs to rest. Oh ok. So I take it the party was awesome. Yes. So what's the mission? The new republic is transporting something secret and we need to intersected.

Then what are we waiting for let's go. She said and ran down the hallway. She has too much warrior spirit in her.

15 minutes later.
Mira pov.
Me, dad, and some warriors were in hyperspace on our way to the mission with fighters. We're coming out of hyperspace sir. The pilot said. Good. Clan Bridger get ready for battle. We all put on our helmets and the ship pulled out of hyperspace. We saw the rebel ship with fighters. Fighters fire emp's to knock out their hyperdrive. Yes sir. They said and fired them. The ship shut down and we made our.

Ok clan bridger their shields are down. Let's go. The ship lower down open and we flew to the ship. We reach the ship and landed on top. Mira cut a hole here. Yes father. I actvied my lightsaber and started cutting. I made my hole and we went in. Sir I scan the ship and the cargo hold is this way. The captain said. Let the way captain. We all ran down the hallway and saw new republic troops.

FREEZE MANDALORIANS!!! YOU'RE BREAKING REPUBLIC LAW!!! One of them yelled with their blasters up. NO FREEZE!!! I yelled and back and shot him. Then a fight began. Mira let's use the force to grab their blasters. Dad said. I was thinking of the same thing.

We both use the force and grab their weapons. SHOOT THEM!!! Dad ordered and the warriors shot them. Let's keep moving. We ran down the hallway and shot more republic troops until we reach the cargo hold. Mira you got this? Yes dad. I started through the door and after some seconds I open it. There we saw a lot of republic troops.

IT'S THE END OF THE LINE CLAN BRIDGER!!! YOU HAVE LOST!!! One of them yelled. I don't think so. Dad said we all throw smoke bombs. They couldn't see but we can see them. CLAN BRIDGER SHOOT THEM ALL DOWN!!! I yelled. We started shooting them and they fell to the ground. Some still moving. Let's see what we got. Dad said and we check all the cargo they had.

Sir we found weapons, explosives, and treasures. The captain said. Good did anyone find anything else? I did father and should see this. He came to me and I showed him what I found. It was three crates of mandaloraian gear. What is the republic doing with this? I ask. I don't know but were about to get some answers. He grab one of the troops and started asking questions.

Why do you have mandalorian gear in your positions? My father ask. I'll never talk. The troop said and dad through him to the ground. He pick him up and ask him again. WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS!!! We have orders from mon mothma to take them to a factory on coruscant and mass produce them and go undercover in the clans. The man said. So mon mothma wants to use our armor to sneak into the clans.

Dad drop the man and some warriors came arrested him. Captain call hera and tell her to bring a star destroyer so we can transport this cargo. Yes sir what about these prisoners? We're taking them back to mandalor for trail. Yes sir. The captain said called hera.

15 minutes later.
Hera came with the star destroyer and we transported everything on board. I went to the bridge with dad and meet with hera. So we're going back home now? She ask. No we're heading to mandalor first to take these prisoners then home. Dad said. Right pilot set a course for mandalor. Hera said we went into hyperspace.

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