Chapter 9

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5 minutes later
Ezra pov.
I was with Sabine helping her back up. Mira went chasing after the assassin alone with some of our Warriors. I sent Hera and Leia to find her for extra support. Has the others come by yet? Sabine ask. No I think there chasing that Assassin. I'm sure there fine. I said. Then the Captain and 2 Warriors with stretcher came out of the base. Captain what's going on? My lords thank goodness I find you. He said.

What's going on? Is another of our Warriors injured? Sabine ask. No your highness. It's your daughter. Our daughter! What wrong with her? She has been injured badly. Captain Syndulla says that she fought the Assassin and he left some nasty cuts on her. We're going to go her now. Alright hurry. I said. Yes sir. You heard him men. They ran off to the woods and look back at sabine.

You think she'll be ok? Of course sabine. She's strong. She's been like that since she was 10. And if not. I'll make sure the guy who hurt my little girl will pay dearly. We look back woods and came the Warriors with the stretcher. Follow behind them was The Captain, Hera, Leia. They brought the stretcher to us and we saw our daughter.

She was in worst condition. She had many cuts on body and one on her face. She was on unconscious with her lightsabers on her side. Quickly get her to the medical center. Sabine said. Yes your highness. They quickly took inside the medical. Captain place this place on full alert. Double the guards and blockaid the skys. Order the Star Destroyers to shoot down anyone that's not mandalorian or allied with us. I said. Yes sir. He said and I joined the others.

8 minutes later.
I was with sabine in the medical center. Mira armor had to be removed for our doctors to examine her. She several scars on her legs and arms. One slice through the armor on her back. And the one on her face. Doctor how is she? Sabine ask. According to these results. She'll be fine. But she have a broken nose. Her nose is broken how? I ask. She was punch in the face. And I found some of liquid on her scars.

What? This purple stuff. The doctors said handing a small container of the stuff to sabine. What is this stuff? She ask. I did some research on it and it a poison that makes a person very weak. Making you to kill your opponent faster. If these were regular cuts. Mira would be awake and not unconscious. But luckily it's not deadly. How long would she be out? Your Highness. I say maybe for a few days.

Thank you doctor. No problem my lords. With that he left and we both look at Mira. Sabine grab her hand and look deeply at her. I was about to say something but Hera came in. Hera did you find anything on our intruder? I ask. So far nothing. I don't know even know the guys name. I look up every Assassin Hunter in the galaxy with a picture and so far nothing. Who ever this guy is. He's good.

I left Leia to continue on the search. Hera said. Good. That's good. How long did they say she would be out? A few days. But she would still need time to heal. Alright. Then out of nowhere Sabine let go of Mira hard and bum rush me and Hera and headed straight to the door. Sabine where are going? I going to lay some hate on the New Republic. I'll be back in a couple of hours. You're welcome to join me if you want Ezra. But do not try to stop me.

Sabine left going to our room to get her helmet and jetpack. Once you piss off Sabine. You're going to wish haven't especially if you touch her daughter. I think you need you need to go with her. Hera suggested. I don't know. Mira needs one of parents to be by her side when ever she wakes up. I know Ezra but I can tell you want to join Sabine and cool off for a bit. It's alright. As Mira's Godmother. I'll be right here her side when ever you and Sabine come back.

I thought about and Hera was right. I need to cool off because I too was very upset of what happened to Mira. You're right Hera. I need to go cool off for a bit. Contact us if anything comes up. Right Ezra. Now if you excuse me. I get Sabine before she hurts someone or something thing. I said and left. But the real thing that's on my mind is. Who is this guy and what am I going to do to him and the New Republic once I get my hands on them.

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