Chapter 2

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5 years later

Hera pov.
Me and The Crew Were Heading To The Command Center For Our Next Mission. It Has Been Five Years Since Ezra and Sabine Were Kick Out of The Rebellion. After A Week of Our Suspension. Mon Mothma Realize That She Made A Mistake To Kick Them Out and Send Us To Find Them.

But We Couldn't Find Them. It's Like They Disappear From The Galaxy. They Where Never Heard From Again. We Came  Into The Comman Center and Mon Mothma Gave Us Our Next Mission.

Ghost Crew You'll Be Heading To This Planet. She said. Why? I ask. Because There's A Group There Who's Been Attacking The Empire Faster Then Us. And They Have Taking This Imperial Base Four Years Ago. So We Would Like Them To Join Us. We're On It Senator. I said and We Departed For The Planet.

5 Minutes Later
We Came Out Hyperspace Over The Planet and Receive A Transmission. STATE YOUR BUSINESS!!! YOU'RE TRUST PASSING!!! Someone said On The Transmissionn. We're Here To Speak To Who Ever Is In Charge. I said.

ONE MINUTE PLEASE!!! Alright You Have Been Granted To Land. Alright. Something Not Right. Kanan said. Yeah. Zeb said. Well Let's Play It Cool Ok. I Told Them and Enter The Planet.

We Landed At The Base and Walk Out. We Saw Mandalorian Warriors In Orange Armor. Then One of Them Came Up To Us and said. I'm The Captain and One of Our Leader's Will  Be Come Out and Speak With You. The Captain said. Then The Front Door Open and The Warriors Keeled Down As A Woman With The Same Colors Came Out

Rise. She said As They All Stood Back. That Will Be All Captain. Yes Your Highness. Why Are You Here Rebles? To Ask You To Join Us. I said. No We Mandalorian's Fight For Our Own. Please If You Just Listen For One Tim... But I Was Cut Off By The Captain. Your Highness. What Is It Captain? The woman Ask.

Your Husband Is On His Way. Ah Good Just Wait Until My Husband Gets Here. Then The Door Open Again But This Time. A Man Came Out With The Same Color Armor On As His Wife's and Warriors.

Rebels Why Are They Here? The Man ask. They're Trying To Get Us To Join Them. His Wife said. We Don't. So Leave Or This. The Warriors Drew Their Weapons Out and So Did We. Fine We'll Leave But First Who Are You? Kanan ask.

We'll Show You. The Man and Woman Both Pulled Off Their Helmet's and We Were Shock. They Were Ezra and Sabine. Ezra, Sabine. It's you. I said

Yeah It's Us. Now Leave. Sabine said. Why? Because If You Don't. We Will Tell Our Warriors To Kill You. Fine We'll Leave. But We Would Like Some Answer. Like What? Ezra ask. Where Have You Two Been? We Tried To Find You Both Four Years Ago.

We Been Here After We and Our Clan Left My Parents Place. But Ezra's Not Mandalorian. Zeb said. I Am Now and This Is Clan Brigder. Ok Than. I said. Now You Must Leave. Ok Come On Guys. Back To The Ship. With That We Left Heading Back To Yavin.

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