Chapter 25

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Clan Bridger planet/night time
Sabine pov.
Me and ezra were in mira's room putting her to bed. She look so beautiful doesn't she. I said to ezra. Yep after all she is our daughter. He said. Yeah well let's get ready for bed. We had pretty long day. Yeah destroying the rebellion is taking much out of you. Much? I ask. Ok not that much but hey they keep challenging us and losing. Yeah now let's go to bed. We walk out of her room and two guards were place there to guard her.

15 minutes later.
We were in our room. I was on the bed looking at my datapad while ezra was in the shower. Then I heard the shower stop then for while ezra came out. He was wearing a orange t-shirt with black shorts. He came into bed right next to me. So what are you thinking about? He ask. Nothing just mira. I said. Yeah look I know you were scared and so was I but everything work out in the end. Yeah it's 5 years since she was born. Yep I remember it like it was yesterday.

5 years ago.
2 months after the wedding.
Ezra pov.
I was walking to me and sabine's room. It's been 2 months since we were kick out of the rebellion and I got to say it was a good act. They all betray us over that one mission. They won't be so big if wasn't for us. But life's good here at sabine's parents home. We got our own clan and warriors to follow us. We're moving out soon to find a bigger place because two clans in the same house. Is just weird. So anyway I made it to our room.

I open it and saw sabine. Hey sabine is everything ok? I ask walking up to my wife. Yes ezra everything's fine. I just have something to tell you. She said. What is it? You know how I was feeling sick last week. Yes. Well I went to the medical center and the medic droid check to see what was wrong and what he told me was surprising. What was it?

Ezra I'm pregnant. WHAT ARE YOU FORREAL!!! I yelled. Yes. I grab her and spin her through the air. Ezra haha put me hahahaha down. She said in between laughter. I put her down and hug her. We stayed like that for a minute and let go. Is it a boy or girl? We'll just have to find out when the time comes. Alright have you told your family? No because I want to tell them with you. Ok let's go. I grab her hand and we left our room.

5 minutes later.
We made it to the throne room and saw sabine's parents and her brother. Sabine, ezra what brings you here? Sabine mother ask? Well mother we got some good news for you. What is it? Mother I'm pregnant. WHAT!!! They yelled at the same time. Yep that's right. Well congratulations you two. Sabine father said. Thanks dad. We're going to be grandparents. Sabine mother said. I'm going to be an uncle. Tristan said. Well that wasn't so bad? I said to sabine. No it wasn't. She said and kiss me.

9 mouths later.
I was in medical bay with sabine. Her water broke this morning and was give birth to our child. I was holding her left hand and her mother was in here too. She was holding sabine's right hand. Alright Mrs. Brigder you just need one more push. The media droid said. You can do this sabine. I said. She gave one more push and out came the baby. It's a girl. The media droid said.

He wrapped her up in a blanket and handed her to sabine. Ezra she's so beautiful. Sabine said. Yeah she has our eyes. So what are you two going to name my granddaughter? Ursa ask. I think I'll call her mira. Your going to name her after my mother? I ask. Yep she'll have your mother's name and she'll have wren as her middle name. Ok I like. And I like it to daughter. Well little mira I promise we always protect. I said and held her in my arm.

End of flashback

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