Chapter 31

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Ezra pov.
I walk back outside and saw the captain and some of the warriors helping the injured. Then the captain came up to me and said. Sir some of these men are injured. Anything serious? I ask. No sir. They just need to lay down that's it. Ok take them to their rooms to rest. I have some business to take care of. Is everything alright sir?

No the reason these warriors are injured is that kanan was here and he took mira, sabine, hera, and leia. I need to check the cameras for more evidence. I need you and some of the warriors to come with me. Yes sir. SOME OF YOU COME WITH ME!!! THE REST OF YOU STAY HERE AND GET THE INJURED TO THEIR ROOMS!!! The captain ordered. YES SIR!!! They yelled back and we into the base.

On a drak planet
Dark Kanan pov.
I landed on the dark planet with my prisoners. GET OUT! I Yelled. They got up and walk out the ship. Now sit down. They sat down and sabine spoke. You won't get away with this kanan. She said angrily. We'll see about that. Ezra won't defeat me this time now that I have the darkside on my side. He will come, he will challenge me, he will be lose, he will die then you'll be joining him. You all maybe or maybe not be one the force. I said started to laugh.

He will defeat you. Hera said. Keep telling yourself hera. After I'm done with him. Your be the next to die for betraying us. Especially me. Whatever the rebellion was bound to fail anyway. No more talking. Now I need to sent a message to Mrs. Brigder so call husband and father. I said and walk back into the ship.

Sabine pov.
Mommy is daddy going to lose? Mira ask me. No sweetie he's not. You know  how strong your father is. I believe in him. Me too. Hera said. And me too but how are we going to get out of here? Leia ask. I have an idea. I have a knife in my wrist. I can use it to cut us free but I'll do when ezra gets here and starts fighting kanan that way he'll be distracted. Good idea now all we have to do is wait for ezra.

Clan Bridger planet
Ezra pov.
Some of the warriors and I were fixing the monitors to see the videos of kanan. Sir we got one back on line. One of the warriors said. Good let's it. I walk over to him and saw the video. Kanan had a new lightsaber and took my friends and family. Watching this made me upset.

Damn kanan. He's on the darkside. He's obsessed of me has drove him crazy. I still don't know if the rebellion is involve in this. If they are I'll make sure they pay for this. Then the captain came up to me. Sir we're receive a transmission from the jedi. The captain said. He's no longer a jedi captain he's a sith now. Let's see what he's wants. I went to the holo table and answer it.

Ezra it good to see you again. Sorry that I miss you when I there. He said in a evil way. ENOUGH WHERE'S MY FAMILY!!! I yelled. Calm down. Don't worry their alive. But not for long if you come here tomorrow and fight me. Just tell where you are and I personally kick your ass. Highly doubt that. You may had the upper hand the last time but not this time. We'll see tomorrow kanan. Yeah we'll see tomorrow because I got your number. He laugh and ended the transmission. Tomorrow I will get you guys back.

The next day
I got in the a-wing kanan left for me to find him. I told the captain to stay here and watch the base just in case the rebellion was in this. I came out of hyperspace and landed on the planet.
I walk out and saw kanan. I glad you made it. WHERE ARE THEY? Over there. I turn around saw them. Cuff behind their backs and tape on their mouths. GUYS!!! I yelled. You can save them if you can defend me. He turned on his double bladed lightsaber. Fine. I turned on my lightsaber and his old one too. I see you brought my old lightsaber to fight my lightsaber but that won't work. STOP TALKING AND LET DO THIS! Very well. We ran to each and clash.

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