Chapter 33

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20 minutes later
Mandalore hospital
Sabine pov.
We arrive on mandalore and ride straight to the hospital. Ezra was still unconscious. Please ezra stay with us. I said holding him close. We arrive and some doctors came out. I call a head when we left the dark planet. Is this him? One of them ask. Yes please hurry. Don't worry will do everything we can. I gave him to them and they put him a stretcher and curry him inside the hospital. While doctors are working on your husband. You have to wait in the waiting room. Alright. I said and we went inside.

50 minutes later.
I was still in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come and tell me how ezra's doing. He's still in surgery. I sent hera and leia back to base to check on thing while we were gone. I tried to send mira back but she refused. She wanted to stay knowing her daddy life could end. My mother contact me to see how I was doing. I told her everything that happened and she said that she was on her way to confirm me. Then she walk into the room and I jump and hug her. Don't worry sabine I'm here for you. Have they said anything yet? She ask. No the waiting is killing me. I need to know is he alright or not. Then one of the doctors walk in.

Sorry to keep waiting Mrs. Brigder but we have some new about your husband. He said. What? I ask. Your husband still in surgery. The stab wound in his side miss his stomach and intestines. If they didn't he would be dead now. And what's the bad news? He's lost a lot of blood. We're give him some after the surgery but it was another 45 minutes. We'll call you when it done. He said and left.

This just terrible. If kanan wasn't dead then I'll kill him myself. I look over and saw mira crying. I pick her up and held her close.

Clan Bridger planet
Hera pov.
Me and leia came back to base to make sure everything was ok. Then the captain came outside. Captain syndulla we have incoming message from the rebels. They wish to speak with us. He said. Tell them this isn't a good time. If they want to complain about of us beating them. Then so beat it. I said. They said it's important. Fine come out on you two let's see what the losers want.

2 minutes later.
We got into the comman center and answer it. The holo table came on and mon mothma pop up. Captain syndulla it's good to see again. She said. What do you want? We're very busy right now? I said. Me and the others leaders of the rebellion have to agreement to have a peace treaty between us and clan bridger.

I don't know we have a question for you? Leia ask. What? Did you sent kanan to attack us? What no master jarrus has been missing for days now. We been searching for him. Well give up your search cause he's dead now. What how? He and ezra fought and kanan stab him. So ezra cut off his arm and push him over a cliff. So now ezra's in the hospital.

I'm sorry to hear that. He pay for his actions. Ok so back to this treaty. Ah yes we will stop fighting and bring peace to both our teams. No more blood shed. I will have to see what ezra and sabine say about this. Take as much time as you need. She said and ended the transmission. What are you going to do? Leia ask. I'm back to the hospital tell sabine and see what's her decision.

Your need a mandaloraian to get past the city gates. I'm sending two warriors with you. The captain said. Fine let's go leia. I said and walk out.

45 minutes later
Mandalor hospital
Sabine pov.
I was still in the waiting room with my mother and daughter. Then the same doctor came out. Mrs. Brigder. He said. Yes? I ask. You husband's out of surgery. Would like to go see him. Yes. Please follow me. We got up and follow him down the hallway. He stop in front of a door. He's right in inside. If there's any please call me. Alright. He left and we went inside.

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