Chapter One

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Sockstripe sat in a sunny patch of grass next to the thorn barrier that surrounded Dusk Clan. He watched as Jaykit, Sunkit and Vixenkit charged around camp after each other whilst Wildkit, who was tripping over everything, and Nightmarekit tried to follow them around.

Their mothers, Trailheart and Roseshine, sat by the elders den, chatting and keeping an eyes on both the kits outside, as well as the rest of the kits, who were gathered in the elders den. The kits listened intently to Sunflowersong with big eyes as she told them how a cat called Fernlight had torn apart a long forgotten clan, Snow Clan, from the inside. As Sunflowersong was drawing to the end where Fernlight and her leader fought before she was exiled, Dunekit let out a terrified wail and bolted outside to his mother.
Sockstripe watched as Roseshine comforted him, telling him that Fernlight's betrayal happened moons and moons ago and that it wouldn't happen in Dusk Clan.

Sockstipe stretched before drawing his attention to Pantherstalk who was padding towards him. Pantherstalk bowed her head as a greeting as Sockstripe stood up. "Good morning Sockstripe" she said as she stopped in front of him "I need you to lead a hunting patrol" she informed him "the prey pile is getting low". Sockstripe nodded "of course" he replied, turning to go. Pantherstalk smiled "good. Take Hailshadow and Strikepaw with you" she told him, before walking away towards the warriors den, careful to not trip over the horde of kits still rushing around camp after each other.

Sockstripe collected Hailshadow, who was resting in the middle of camp, and Strikepaw, who was sitting with her siblings in the apprentice's den, before leaving camp.


As Sockstripe's hunting patrol returned to camp a loud scream echoed from the nursery. Most cats who were in the camp looked up in surprise as Trailheart emerged, looking panicked. "It's Dunekit! Help him!" She yowled to Fawnflower and Tropicalpaw, who had poked their heads out of the medical den to see what the commotion was about. Fawnflower and Tropicalpaw ran into the medical den, quickly followed by Roseshine, Dunekit's mother.

Sockstripe placed his crow that he had caught in the prey pile before watching the nursery in concern. Sunflowersong ushered the rest of the kits into the elders den while Scorchmask sat with Trailheart, who was shaking in shock. After a while Tropicalpaw left the nursery and ran to Hawkstar's den.


After what seems like hours, Tropicalpaw and Hawkstar emerged and Hawkstar called a clan meeting. Sockstripe sat with his daughters and mate, Sunflowerpetal, and looked up at Hawkstar. Hawkstar sighed before starting "I have called you all her to announce the death of Dunekit." Shocked gasps echoed as he continued, "It appears that he had eaten death berrys and has passed away just before Trailheart found him" he added.

Duskfall, who was sitting with a distraught Roseshine, glared at the medical cats. His tail flicked "why would you store death berries in the medical den" he hissed at them. Fawnflower shook her head "that's the confusing thing. We didn't have any death berries stored" she explained before Tropicalpaw added "he didn't get them from our den." Duskfall scowled and stood up, claws drawn, "then where did he get the berries then?" He growled, clearly not convinced by the medical cats' explanation.

"We do not know where he found them" Hawkstar stated before Roseshine cut in "someone gave them to him" she whimpered, glaring at the floor. Hawkstar stopped and shook his head but before he could deny this Roseshine stood up and glared at Trailheart "you gave my son death berries and lied about finding him dead" she yowled. She lunged at Trailheart with her claws outstretched. Trailheart shrieked as Roseshine's claws scratched her cheek. Before Roseshine could attack Trailheart any further, Pantherstrike got between the two queens, and Scorchmask protectively led Trailheart away from Roseshine. Roseshine hissed angrily "I call a vote of exile" she yowled. Hawkstar looked shocked "Do you understand what you're saying Roseshine? If half the clan vote for Trailheart's exile, then she's no longer allowed on this clans territory even if she's innocent. Roseshine, she has a family in this clan." He reasoned. Roseshine hissed and glared at Trailtail "Do it!" She snarled, turning her attention back to Hawkstar.

Hawkstar shifted uncomfortably and gave Trailheart an apologetic glance. "As the warriors code states, if a member of the clan called for a vote of exile each member of the clan, above 6 moons, must vote and which ever side has the majority is what the clan has decided." Announced Hawkstar. He looked towards the entrance of the clan "this side is for those who think Trailheart should be exiled" he told them before looking to the opposite side, next to the nursery and elders den "and this side is for those who think Trailheart has done nothing wrong and should be allowed to stay."

Roseshine and Duskfall stalked towards the entrance of the clan side, whilst most other cats decided on the nursery side. After everyone had stopped moving, Hawkstar nodded "Trailheart stays" he announced.

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