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Welcome! This is Clan Village ~The Uprising~! This was inspired by plenty of other people who have done a 'Clan Village'. @UnitedWarriors created the idea, so go check them out!

|+|The Basics|+|

1) You start off with a leader and two warriors, who you can then make your deputy and medicine cat if you wish. When you start, you cannot attack or be attacked for two moons.

2) Each day is a moon. Each moon will end when a real day is over.

3) Each warrior has 5 energy and apprentices have 3 energy. You can refill your cats' energy by feeding them or having them sleep. The day is over when all of the cats' energy runs out. Each task takes 1 energy.

4) Warriors have 25 health and apprentices have 20 health.

5) Each cat has 5 hunger. When that runs out, they will die. Cats are automatically fed at the end of each day by rank.

6) Cats don't automatically rank up; you need to rank them up yourself.

7) Kits don't need to eat, because if their mother is fed, they are automatically fed too. If the mother dies of hunger and there are other queens, the kits can be taken in by another queen so they don't die.

8) There will be floods, dog attacks, rogue attacks, twoleg traps, etc. to make things more interesting.

9) During leafbare, the chances of finding herbs and food are lower.

10) Each den takes a different amount of branches to make, depending on how many cats it holds. There are multiple dens; look in the Charts below to see more.

11) The day will also end when there are thirty replies (if you keep refilling the cats' energy, a day could last forever)

11) Queens can give birth to 1-8 kits. She-cats can only breed with toms and vice versa. Kits will be born two days after two cats mate. They have a higher chance of surviving if they have a nursery and medicine cat.

12) You may have 2 allies and as many enemies as you please.

13) Kits can train once a day. When they rank up to apprentices, they will start off with Level 2 stats.

14) Leaders have 9 lives

||Den Charts||

Leader's Den- 5 Branches
Medicine Cat Den- 15 Branches
Warriors Den- 20 Branches
Apprentices Den- 10 Branches
Nursery- 15 Branches
Elder's Den- 10 Branches
Prisoner's Den- 5 Branches

Each day, the den strength goes down by 25%. After 4 days, the den will break and you will have to repair it using the number or branches it took to make it.

That's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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