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Margret was frantically running down the quad. She didn't know where she was running to, but she ran. Suddenly, she found Emerson reading a book under a tree.


Emerson's head shot straight up and found a breathless Margret in front of him.

"What's wrong?!" He asked as he stood up.

"She's trying to kill me!" Margret yelled.

"What? Who?"

"Hey, I got my book," Lilith said as she approached the two.

"She is!" Margret pointed at Lilith and stood behind Emerson.

"What?" Emerson questioned.

"What is she talking about?" Lilith asked in confusion.

"You tried to kill me you psycho! Emerson, call the police." She tugged at Emerson's shirt.

Emerson stepped away from Margret and stood beside Lilith. "Y- you, believe me, don't you?"

"I think you've been doing a little too much crack, Margret." Emerson rolled his eyes.

"NO! She really did try to stab me! She's crazy!"

"Lilith would never do such a thing! She was getting her textbook!" He gestured to her book.

Lilith now stood behind Emerson, putting on an act. She whispered to him, "I think we should go."

"Yeah, let's go. You should really stop taking all those drugs. You're becoming a lunatic."

Emerson and Lilith packed up their things as Margret watched in horror.

"You're taking her side?!" Margret yelled.

"Of course. Lilith doesn't make baseless accusations."

Lilith basked in the protection of those around her. To her friends, she wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Fine! I'm reporting you to the police, Lilith! Mark my words, you'll be arrested."

Lilith and Emerson walked away, hand in hand. Lilith stared back at Margret as she shook in fear. The look Lilith gave Margret would haunt her for the rest of the week.


Margret did exactly what she said she'd do. The following day she went straight to the local police office. There were phones ringing on every desk, police officers running in and out of the building, and papers thrown everywhere.

"Um, excuse me?" Margret called out but no one seemed to have been paying any attention to her.


Suddenly the receptionist appeared. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to report someone for an attempted murder."

She raised an eyebrow. "Does it have anything to do with the Providence murderer?"

"Well, no-"

The receptionist took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to Margret. "Fill this out and we'll get to it as soon as we can."

"Wait, what?! Someone tried to murder me!"

"Listen, missy, we are working day and night to catch this person. We already know how grave the situation is. Now are you gonna continue to waste my time or are you gonna fill out the report?"

Margret angrily sighed and began to fill out the report on Lilith. However, that report would later be lost with the rest of the reports on attempted murders. It was apparent that the Providence murderer was far more important than some student's frivolous accusations.


Lilith had been pacing back and forth in her room for some time now. She had to do something about Margret as fast as possible. There was no question about it. She would no longer be able to quietly murder her using a knife. It was time to buy a gun. Lilith used Emerson's credit card to make such an expensive purchase. To make sure that the gun wouldn't make too much noise she also bought a silencer. Lilith had absolutely no experience using a gun, but that wouldn't stop her.

She would observe Margret from afar. Lilith knew that she would be paranoid for a while. However, after a few days had passed, so did her paranoia.

One night, Margret decided to go to a party with a few of her friends. Lilith waited outside in the dark to see what her next move would be. She had been sitting outside for almost five hours when Margret stumbled out of the door. It seemed as though she was being kicked out. Margret swayed back and forth as she attempted to walk back to the university all by herself.

The streets were empty at this time of night and the party had been located on top of a hill, surrounded by trees and bushes. It was too perfect for Lilith. She watched as Margret took a detour into the trees and followed right behind her. Lilith saw Margret pull down her pants behind a bush and squat down. She was drunk and drugged out of her mind.

Lilith quickly took out the gun and placed the silencer into the barrel and aimed. It was difficult for her to see where she was pointing in the dark. Margret was also crouched down, making things far more difficult. Lilith decided just to go for it and shot into the dark. The bullet went straight into the tree that was in front of Margret. She missed.

The noise made Margret jump and she stood up in confusion. Margret bolted. Lilith chased after her, she fiddled with the trigger and aimed again. Missed. Margret ran deeper and deeper into the woods, Lilith directly on her tail. Realizing she had two shots left, Lilith decided to aim once more. Time moved quickly for Lilith and without thinking, she shot. Another miss. Lilith began to panic, having lost sight of Margret. Lilith wondered if this was truly the end for her.

In an instant, Lilith heard something to the right of her. She caught her breath. Margret was hiding behind a bush, quivering in fear. She held her head in her hands and began to cry. Lilith calmly approached her with all the intention to kill. Lilith now stood directly behind her. She pointed the gun directly at the back of Margret's head. Without batting an eye, she shot. Chunks of Margret's brain and blood splatter onto the floor and she fell to her side. Lilith immediately ran off into the darkness of the night.

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