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Estelle happens to be in town at the end of February when I finally send in my PhD applications. I will hopefully be hearing back by mid-April, but that doesn't give me a lot of time. So, Estelle insists we go out to a pub near Georgetown to celebrate my presumed return to the world of academia. I'm not sure I'll even do it.

Since my luck is so awful, of course Estelle overhears me receive a threatening phone call from Caro about my lack of a date for the wedding. She is threatening to go nuclear. It's worse than one of Cletus' cousins who will be paired with me for the reception. Actually, Stéphane's date told her that Luc is single. The idea of brining him is nothing short of mortifying.

Especially since if he comes it might let slip exactly what happened last month in Québec.

"You can bring me," Estelle jokes. "I can be your life partner."

"She'd decapitated me and serve me for dinner if I did that," I roll my eyes.

Really, I owe it to Caro. She lied to Cletus' parents. They weren't pleased when they found out our parents were divorced prior to my father's death. So, she's told them that Stéphane is engaged to a French woman and my supposed boyfriend is going to propose to me any day. We're just waiting until after the wedding so we don't steal her thunder.

A stable family life. Out of all the lies she could come up with, that one is maybe the most stupid. Even more so than banging on Mylène's poor English skills to not reveal the lack of engagement.

"Ask Dr. Reid," Estelle says.

I don't look at her. Instead, I press my cheek to the small table we've gotten for the apartment. The cheap wood is warmer than I had imagined. It's still so cold outside, and the wedding is in less than three months. The music on her radio is clear but my head isn't.


"I thought you two were friends now," Estelle points out. "Besides, it's at least believable that you'd be in love with him."

"You are the worst," I put my head in my hands. "You're getting a chore list for your birthday this year."

"Stop sulking," she mumbles. "It's so unattractive. Get up. We're leaving in twenty."

Having her around is nice. I can't even be mad that she wants to celebrate my finished applications. We'll end up at a pub like one of the ones we frequented while at Oxford. At least it's Saturday, and if I really want to, I can be hungover all day tomorrow.

So, I get ready. After I come out, make-up on and a jumper too, she sends me back into my bedroom and forces me to change. She says I look like a middle-aged white lady in the worst kind of way. At least she doesn't force me to take down my messy bun.

She makes me do a shot before we leave. At least then the wind isn't as cold on my exposed neck. She drags me out. I just went out last weekend, and I didn't get drunk then. It's warmer inside the pub. The bodies inside heat the air even if it isn't packed. She orders us drinks at the bar and pays for them. I'm too intoxicated by the smell of musk from the guy leaning next to me. The lights are dim, the air hot, and I'm maybe glad she made me wear a shirt rather than a sweater, even if it's lowcut. She drags me over to the booths once we get in there.

Sitting at the spot is my brother and Reid. Together. They look up at me. Reid offers me a small wave. I don't even think to return the gesture.

What the fuck is going on?

"Hey!" Stéphane grins, pulling himself out of the booth.

He hurries over to pull me into a hug. I feel frozen beneath his grip, but I move my hands up to hug him. His shoulders feel even more broad than last time. He started his biology degree online part-time so he can keep up with his duties as a park ranger, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not tall enough to peer over his shoulders. Only when we break apart do I glare at Estelle. She blows me a kiss.

"Congratulations," Reid smiles at me from his spot.

Stéphane pats me on the back, "future Georgetown postgraduate researcher."

I only applied to Georgetown as what felt like a favour to Estelle. Even if I get in, I don't think that I would go.

"Yeah," I shrug, "maybe."

"You'll get in," Estelle agrees.

She pushes Stéphane's shoulder, sliding into the booth after him. I stare at the three of them all pushed together in the same space.

"I hate when you conspire against me," I finally admit, sliding into the booth next to Reid.

Already my skin is flushed. It's only getting hotter in here.

"It's only because we love you," Estelle laughs.

All I do is offer him a curt nod. Stéphane starts to ask about the month, about the research I want to do and who I want to be my supervisor. In the office, I hate distractions, but I welcome his questions. Anything to distract me from the fact that Estelle invited Reid of all people to my celebration, to ignore how I've been seen with him in public before, alone, with other people around, but somehow this feels more intimate than any other moment, with us squeezed into a booth together.

His leg bumps into mine and both of us reach for our glasses, drinking.

"Come on," Estelle reaches across the table to grab my hands. I focus on the tightness of her grip, "we didn't bring your brother all the way out here just to talk."

"We didn't do anything," I roll my eyes, smiling. "This was all your doing."

Still, she only pulls my arms closer. She slides out of the booth and forces me up to join her. I try to frown, but with her spinning me up to make me dance, I can't help but laugh. We leave our jackets with the boys at the booth as she drags me to the dancefloor. Estelle has had more to drink, so she has an easier time getting into dancing. She holds a hand of mine the whole time, spinning us around.

Stéphane joins us and I break with the distraction to grab a drink from the bar. Just water. I catch a glimpse of Reid in the booth, who offers me a wave. I order a water for him as well. Squeezing through the bodies that are beginning to crowd the pub as it gets later and later, I make it back to Reid. I squeeze in next to him, opposite the pile of coats that he's made where Estelle once sat.

"I'm sorry Estelle dragged you into this," I shrug, raising my voice loud enough so that he can hear me.

Even this far from the dancefloor, I can feel the beat of the songs through the booth. It's more of a buzz than the liquor. I can clearly tell Estelle is still living the life of someone in college. She's up there, dancing and laughing, and it's getting closer to midnight and I'm exhausted. As I approach my thirties, I don't have the same energy I used to possess. It's getting late.

All I do is work. I can't remember the last time I did a puzzle. If I'm not working, I'm reading over papers for the professor at Georgetown who said I have a place as a student under him if I want this fall.

"I like Estelle," Reid answers, just as loud. He smiles, just a bit, "she emailed me a few days ago. I didn't even know you were applying for doctorate programs."

I gulp down the water. It's too hot. February isn't supposed to be like this, not even inside buildings, "I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. I'm not sure I'm going to even follow through if I get into one of the programs."

"Why?" Reid looks at me, taller than me even though we are both sitting in a booth.

"I think I like my job," I tell him. "Even if my coworkers all suck."

He furrows his brow just for a second before he smiles. I find myself cracking up too, a grin across my face.

"Is there a reason you aren't dancing?"

"I was watching the coats," he points to them, like I hadn't seen them there piled up. "Besides, your brother is nice. Talking to him is a bit more comfortable than dancing. Although, he seemed to be under the impression that I was coming to your sister's wedding?"

I close my eyes. Fucking Estelle. She's so conspiratorial, no wonder she's convinced there are cryptids that the government doesn't want to know us about. As much as I love her, she can be so pushy.

"Estelle is always up to no good," I point out. "My younger sister, Caro, wants me to bring a date. You told-"

The song switches and a bunch of college girls start shouting nearby, screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs. I try to finish my sentence, shouting at him, but I can barely hear what I'm saying. He looks puzzled. I grab his arm over the sleeve and pull him in closer, leaning up so that I can talk into his ear.

"You told Stéphane that you're not coming, right?"

I pull back just a bit. Reid shakes his head. I watch his Adam's apple bob in his throat. He tries to say something back, but I can't hear him. I turn my head and brush the lose strands that are falling out of my bun behind my ear. At one point, my hair was pulled back with careful slick poise, but all the movement and sweat has certainly made it more dishevelled. He seems to tremble a bit as he leans in closer. I can feel his breath on the side of my face. Hopefully I smell like the thin perfume I wear and not the bar. The room is loud, pounding, swinging, and shaking, but for a second his breathe is the sensation that is too much. I try not to flinch.

"I didn't have the chance," he manages.

I turn my head a bit, just to look at him slightly. I gesture for him to follow me, pulling myself out of the booth. He becomes my shadow, helps me collect all of the coats in case anyone tries to go through them or snatch one. Then, I step outside with him. It's snowing. I'm so hot that the cold doesn't hit immediately, not even on my exposed neck.

"Sorry," I explain. "My sister really wants us to bring dates to appease her fiancé's family. Caro can be a bit much. I'll tell Stéphane the truth when we all leave."

Reid swallows.

The door swings shut behind us as a patron walks back in the pub. The music is muffled out here.

"So, you're looking for a date, then?" he asks. "To make your sister happy?"

I shake my head. The chill starts to hit me then. I try to untangle the coats in my arm. Estelle is even shorter than me, but the other one is Reid's. I grit my teeth, trying to force it over myself while juggling the other coat.

"Here," Reid gets in closer, helping me pull on his coat. He adjusts the collar, pulling it properly over my shoulders. His fingers linger on it.

My chest burns. It's worse than the cold, worse than any whiskey. The solution doesn't feel like in relies in him pulling away, but rather him coming closer.

"I mean, she's going to try to get my ex to come if I don't find someone," I manage, "but you... no pressure, I mean. I'd just rather go with a friend rather than an ex, you know?"

Reid's still holding on to my coat, "Cole, it's fine. I'm happy to be your date."

I smile at him. The bar door opens, and he pulls his hands off my collar. I mumble something about being tired, and I go inside to get the others. It was a fun night, but I'm ready to go home.


Pfff. I mean, the tension. It's only going to be worse, sorry haha. But the wedding! Any predictions about what will happen? Surely, everything will go smoothly then?

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