Chapter 25

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A/N: I forgot to mention last chapter, @KoanuTheSpirit , thanks for all the votes! Also, I really appreciate you for commenting on every chapter that I post! It helped me to know what you think about the part. Again, thank you for all your support!

Night had came. Cats were snoring peacefully inside dens, safe inside ThunderClan's camp's walls.

Nightstrike flew his eyes open the moment the cats around him were asleep. Skyflight's waiting outside.

He slowly and silently got onto his paws, not wanting to wake his Clanmates up. And then he snuck out of the den, making his pawsteps as light a possible.

Skyflight was waiting for him at the thorn tunnel. Nightstrike paddled up to the young she-cat, his mate.

"Hi." Nightstrike whispered.

"Come on," Skyflight gestured to the thorn tunnel, meowing quietly. "Let's get out into the forest."

Nightstrike nodded and followed. They paddled through the forest silently, watching out for owls. This isn't my first time sneaking out into the forest all night. He thought, remembering his meetings with Blossomflower.

Blossomflower. A tiny pang of guilt hit him. I wonder how she is doing now. NIghtstrike shook his head. We're separated. She's just a normal SkyClan warrior that I shouldn't care about now.

"Nightstrike, is there something wrong?" Skyflight asked, seeing Nightstrike's shake of his head.

"No, I'm fine." Nightstrike meowed. "Just clearing my head."

"It's creepy how our voice echoes through the forest at night." Skyflight remarked.

"I'm used to it." Nightstrike accidentally meowed.

Skyflight's whiskers twitched. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know." The black warrior lied. "The echo just seems normal to me."

"Then I guess your name suits you well." Skyflight meowed, sounding slightly amused. "You like to act during the night."

"I'm not so sure about that." Nightstrike replied, a picture of a dozen owls attacking him casted in his mind.  Nightstrike shuddered.

After some more paddling, Skyflight stopped.

"I think this is far enough."

Nightstrike looked around. They were about halfway to the moonpool. "I guess." He meowed.

"Good." Skyflight looked at Nightstrike in the eye. "We can start now."

She prodded a stick towards Nightstrike. "You know how you can move objects without touching them?"


"Well," Skyflight explained. "I was thinking that you should practice your powers more."

Nightstrike blinked. Huh?

"For example, Lionblaze, Dovewing, and Jayfeather used their powers to save the clans. So maybe your powers would also save the clans?"

"Sure?" Nightstrike meowed.

"Then you need to be good at using your powers." Skyflight concluded.

"Okay." Nightstrike nodded. "So do I try to light the whole forest on fire or what?"

Skyflight purred with amusement and shook her head. "How about you try to move the stick onto that rock?"

"Sure." Nightstrike concentrated on the stick. Move. He thought. The stick moved towards the rock and hit it. "Oops."

"Try again." Skyflight meowed, moving the stick back to where it was with her paws.

Nightstrike tried again. The stick was lifted up into the air, but it couldn't balance properly on the rock's bumpy surface.

"This is hard." Nightstrike moaned.

"You'll manage it." Skyflight cheered encouragingly. 

By the time Nightstrike managed to lift the stick onto the rock without touching it, it was time to get back to camp.

Nightstrike looked at the rock with the stick balanced on it. "Phew. I did it!"

"Next time," Skyflight meowed as they paddled back to camp. "I'm going to make you lift something larger without touching. Or maybe practice your fire." Hearing Nightstrike moan,

"I'm tired."

made her add, "Or make sure that you don't faint out after you use your powers."

Nightstrike drowsily crawled towards ThunderClan's camp. "How am I supposed to do my work like this?"

"We'll find a way." Skyflight promised. She yawned. "Maybe we'll go into the forest every other night."

Just like my meetings with Blossomflower. Nightstrike thought, mentally sighing. He straightened his back. "Okay."

Skyflight purred. "And the nights that we aren't out, we'll share a nest!"

Nightstrike purred too. That's something to look forward to.


It was a few moons after Nightstrike's first lesson. Nightstrike had improved much, but so far there wasn't much conflict between the clans...Or so he thought.

"Nightstrike, Hawkclaw, Flutterwing, Skyflight, Cedarfoot, Kestrelstripe, Leafsong." Lightfire ordered. "You are all coming with me to litter bones inside ShadowClan's borders."

"What?" All of the cats gasped. "Why?" Flutterwing asked.

"They've been littering remains of their prey inside our borders!" Lightfire snarled. "We're going to have revenge."

The cats began to mutter to each other.

"But," Lightfire added, "We are not getting caught by ShadowClan patrols. Be very careful."

"I don't think this is a great idea." Skyflight whispered to Nightstrike.

"Me neither." Nightstrike whispered back. "We're just going to cause more trouble."

"She's the deputy." Hawkclaw meowed, shrugging. He had overheard the two mates. 

"Now, is everyone ready to go?" Lightfire asked. "Bring your apprentices."

"Hawkclaw's right." Flutterwing sighed. "She's the deputy."


Eight warriors and three apprentices paddled through the forest. Leaves were raining down from trees—red, orange, yellow—scattered all over the forest.  

They paddled until they reached the SkyClan border, the fallen leaves cracking beneath their pads.

"We'll go around SkyClan's territory." Lightfire meowed. The she-cat deputy lead her-to-be clan around SkyClan's borders, not passing to scent marks.

They soon arrived at ShadowClan's borders.

"I want us to split into groups of four, not counting apprentices." Lightfire ordered.

The warriors split into two groups—Kestrelstripe, Flutterwing, Nightstrike, Skyflight as one group, and Lightfire, Mouseflower, Cedarfoot, Hawkclaw as another. The apprentices followed their mentors.

"Our group is a bit big." Lightfire decided. "Hawkclaw, you should join the other group." Hawkclaw obeyed.

The groups went into different directions. Lightfire's group went right, Nightstrike's went left.

They paddled through the unfamiliar territory for a while. The pine trees looked too tall for Nightstrike's liking.

"I think this is deep enough." Flutterwing meowed after a while, looking uneasy.

"Good." Kestrelstripe growled, spitting out the crow food that she was assigned to bring with her. 

"Should we scatter it?" Hawkclaw suggested.

"Nah." Skyflight meowed. "Let's go back before any patrol sees us."

The cats agreed and headed back to the edge of the border, waiting for Lightfire's patrol.

Soon later, the ThunderClan cats regrouped.

"Did any cat see us?" Lightfire asked.


"Good." Lightfire meowed. "Let's go home."

As the cats paddled back towards ThunderClan's territory, Nightstrike felt himself shiver.

What will happen next? How would the ShadowClan cats react to our behavior? What if they want even more revenge? Would they attack us, even though we're not next to them?

Nightstrike silently prayed to StarClan, hoping that the next several moons would be fine.

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