Chapter 3

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Nightpaw found his mentor waiting for him at Halfrock.

"I am going to show you the borders." Meowed Stormflight as they headed towards the camp's entrance. He stopped."Have you ever been out of camp?"

"No." Nightpaw said honestly. "We're not allowed to." His eyes widened. "Are we supposed to leave camp as a kit?"

"No. You're not supposed to." Stormflight mewed.

They paddled through the thorn tunnel and entered the forest. The leafs were red, orange, and yellow at leaf-fall. They scattered on the ground, making the earth change colour.

Nightpaw found it hard to catch up with his mentor, scrambling over small rocks and fallen branches. By the time they stopped, Nightpaw was exhausted and gasping for breath.

"I never knew that ThunderClan's territory was so big!" He breathed.

"There's more." Stormflight meowed. "Do you want to go back to camp?"

"No!" mewed Nightpaw. "I want to see all the borders!"


They continued silently for a moment. A familiar scent tingled in his nose. Sleekfur! He saw a silver pelt in the distance.

Stromflight must have noticed her too, because he yowled, "Sleekfur! Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the nursery?"

"Just taking a walk. " Sleekfur meowed simply. "Mouseflower is looking after Skykit." Weird. Thought Nightpaw. Sleekfur never leaves her kit.

"Be careful!" Stormflight mewed. Stormflight's mother had taken Sleekfur in when her parents died. She was like a slightly older littermate to him.

Sleekfur nodded and paddled in another direction.

Nightpaw and Stormflight continued their way to a stream. They stopped, halting at the bank of it.

Nightpaw sniffed the air. "This must be a border. There is a strong scent coming from it."

"Very good." Stormflight meowed. "This is Windclan's border. They have been marking the borders quite frequently."

"Why?" asked Nightpaw.

"I don't know." meowed his mentor. Nightpaw could tell that he have assumptions. They headed down the river. "Have you seen the lake?"

"No." mewed Nightpaw.

"You're about to see it." Stormflight lead Nightpaw through a patch of trees.

They paddled out of the tree that were shielding them from the wind. The lake stood in front of the two cats.

It was huge. "Whoa." Nightpaw stared at the vast body of water. Waves, not too large, but large enough to wash away a kit, rippled in the sunlight. "I didn't thought that the lake is so big!"

Stormflight purred. "I didn't knew either until I saw it." The pointed at the other side of the lake with his tail. "Over there is RiverClan and Horseplace."


"A place where twolegs put horses." Explained his mentor. "Do you know what a horse is?"

Nightpaw wasn't really listening. He took a step towards the lapping waves.

"Don't fall in!" mewed Stormflight cautiously, his ears prickling with alert. "We aren't RiverClan cats!"

"I won't fall in." promised Nightpaw. But he was a bit close to the water. Nightpaw stared at his own reflection. He have a black pelt and amber eyes, with a bit of kit fluff behind his ears. The hair on his scalp is unusually longer than most of the cats he saw...

A large wave reared towards Nighpaw, swallowing him. He clawed frantically, trying to stay afloat.

"Don't struggle!" Stormflight yowled, his eyes full of panick. Frantically, he dug a branch out of the ground, clawing the sand.

Nightpaw choked as water filled in his lungs. His eyes stung. His vision blurred.

"Hold on to the branch!" Nightpaw heard. The black apprentice dug his claws into it's bark, clinging on with all his energy. Then Nightpaw faded into unconsciousness.

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