Chapter 7

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It had been two sunrises since the battle. Nightpaw woke up at dawn, eager to train. He glanced at the medicine den. Volepaw's leg is healing well, and Dappleleaf had said that he wouldn't be limp.

"What are we going to do today?" Nightpaw asked Stormflight. His mentor lets him chose what he wants to do, but Nightpaw doesn't really mind what he does for training.

"We'll be training with the other apprentices." Stormflight mewed. He glanced at his apprentice. "Are you okay with

Nightpaw nodded excitedly. He had been in good relationship with his sister ever since the battle, and he wouldn't mind winning those arrogant apprentices, Branchpaw and Leafpaw, in a practice battle.

The apprentices arrived at the mossy clearing. Nightpaw with Stormflight, Sunpaw with Kestrelstripe, Fawnmist with Leafpaw, Shadewatcher with Branchpaw, Ivypond and Cedarfoot with Flutterpaw and Bushpaw. Poor Spidernose, Volepaw's mentor, did not have an apprentice to train.

The mentors taught the apprentices new fighting techniques and reviewed some old ones. But Nightpaw was a fast learner, and already learned most of the moves. He tried out some new ones and practiced hiding his tail.

Soon all of the apprentices were praticing. "Since all of the apprentices are here," meowed Shadewatcher. "How about we practice partner fighting?"

"Sure!" Meowed Nightpaw. The other apprentices nodded.

Kestrelstripe grunted. "It's pretty easy." She grumbled. "Just attack together. Defend each other's back."

"Then if they already know how to do it," Ivypond chirped in, "Then let's see them try."

"Okay." meowed Stormflight, taking a step forward. "Flutterpaw and Bushpaw, attack me."

The two littermates hurled themselves at Stormflight, striking his grey pelt. Their blows matched. Soon, they knocked him onto the ground with their sheathed claws.

"Good." Cedarfoot, Bushpaw's mentor commented.

"How about," meowed Shadewatcher. "You all get into pairs, and try fighting in with your partner?"

Flutterpaw and Bushpaw collided. Nightpaw turned to Sunpaw. "Do you want to be my partner?"

"Sure." Mewed Sunpaw simply. Leafpaw and Branchpaw were paired together, as they were the only ones left.

"Leafpaw and Branchpaw versus Nightpaw and Sunpaw?" Fawnmist suggested, glancing at the other mentors. Shadewatcher and Stormflight nodded their agreement.

But Kestrelstripe just growled, "I don't think that it's fair. Nightpaw and Sunpaw are moons younger than you and Shadewatcher's apprentices, Fawnmist."

Sunpaw looked surprised that her mentor would defend her. Stormflight mewed, "I think they would be fine. If the battle seemed too unfair we'll try something else."

"Fine." Muttered Kestrelstripe, slightly unhappy.

The apprentices lunged at each other, claws sheathed. Nightpaw and Sunpaw fought together, protecting each other's back and making blows at the same time. Nightpaw made sure that he hid his tail this time. After making several strikes, Nightpaw realized that Leafpaw and Branchpaw weren't actually working together. Leafpaw targeted Sunpaw, Branchpaw targeted Nightpaw.

Nightpaw risked a glance at their mentors. Shadewatcher and Fawnmist weren't so happy with their apprentices. He quickly refocused on his battle. Branchpaw brought his paws hard on Nightpaw's head. Nightpaw gritted his teeth at the pain.

With a look from his sister, Nightpaw leaped at his opponents. Sunpaw did the same. Soon they had both of the cats knocked out.

Sunpaw's eyes glowed. "Did we win?" She mewed.

"No." Snarled Branchpaw, getting on his four paws again. He lunged a the younger apprentices, his claws unsheathed. Branchpaw slashed with his claws, slashing Nightpaw's muzzle.

Nightpaw gasped. "You're not allowed to unsheath your claws!"

Branchpaw hissed. "I don't care!" He swiped at Sunpaw and Nightpaw, gaining over them. Nightpaw looked frantically at their mentors.

Stormflight took a step forwards, but Shadewatcher blocked his path. "It just a battle." He murmured.

Stormflight glared at him, shock and anger in his eyes. "You want Nightpaw and Sunpaw to get injured for nothing?!"

Another slice of pain slashed his ears. Nightpaw looked up at Branchpaw. "What are you trying to do?"

"To end this fight," Branchpaw said, smirking(If cats can even smirk). "with me winning."

"Sore loser!" screeched Nightpaw. A blast of power surged through him. He got ready to make a blow. 

Just as Nightpaw swiped at Branchpaw, claws still sheathed, his paw lit up with blue and green flames. The flames touched Branchpaw. The brown tabby leaped back in shock.

Nightpaw was just as shocked. The flames disappeared in a few seconds after the blow. He studied his fur, wondering why it isn't burned into ashes.

Nightpaw realized that everyone was staring at him like he's crazy. Which I probably am. He thought. At one point, he thought that the flames were just his imagination. Apparently he was wrong, since the eyes staring at him were aimed at his right paw.

Finally Stormflight spoke. "What did you do?"

"Uh." Nightpaw mewed nervously, almost muttering. "I'm not sure."

"You started a fire." Kestrelstripe growled. Nightpaw hung his head in shame. I going to get exiled. He thought miserably. I'm a danger to the clan. I might burn down the forest by accident. 

The she-cat mentor continued. "That is dangerous. You might burn down the forest." Yeah, that's what I thought. Kestrelstripe growled at him. "We will report-"

She was interrupted by a tortoiseshell warrior with red spots on her pelt scrambling towards the mossy clearing.

"Rainfire, what's wrong?" 

The young she-cat looked urgent. She glanced at her littermate, Kestrelstripe. "It's Swiftstar!" Rainfire meowed, catching her breath. "She got an really bad infection from her wound. This morning she woke up very ill. She's on her last life, and Dappleleaf says that she might not be able to make it!"

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