[[Rewritten]] Prologue

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A small, black, kit gazed out of the wet, damp, cardboard. The box protected him and the cats around him, and its brown walls separated them from the storm blowing outside.

Tangled and ruffled dark hair clamped onto his sides, giving him an unpleasant, sticky, feel. They were all stuck together-him, his littermates, and their mother. The kit could feel drops of water hitting his head, dripping from the ceiling.

Outside was a whirl of rain and lightning. He could see the flashes of light in the distance, and the large boom that followed after it. Raindrops splattered into the ground, and water flew alongside the wind.

Splash. The rain poured down on the flimsy cardboard den, soaking the top through. The water leaked its way in, making the kit dripping wet.

He shivered at the cold, slick, feeling. I don't like it here. The kit turned his head to glance up at his mother, who was also gazing out into the distance.

Another wave of cold suppressed him, making his tiny teeth chatter. He pressed himself closer with his littermates for warmth, but only to find a forbidding chill in their black pelts.

He shifted his gaze upwards again, noticing his mother's azure stare. Their eyes met for a small second, blue against amber.

The queen's pupils looked away, sliding to his littermates. His gaze followed, peering into those three pair of eyes. To his surprise, they were empty and hollow.

"No." The kit blinked upwards at his mother's quiet mew. Sorrow displayed in her features, dulling her deep-coloured pupils.

He tilted his head at the black she-cat, a puzzled look plastered on his face. His voice was high-pitched as he squeaked, "Mother, what's wrong?"

The kit's mother ignored his question. Her voice was low as she hissed, "We have to leave." She detached herself from her kits, stepping out of the pile of fur.

The kit could only stare as his littermates collapsed around him, his amber eyes round with terror. W-What's wrong with them?

Teeth clamped gently around his scruff, lifting him up into the air and turning him away from the view of his siblings.

The ground seemed far below him, a blur of grey. Rain started shattering down on his once-fluffy fur, indicating that the queen and her kit was out of their den.

He could feel his mother moving, her pawsteps slashing the puddles beneath her. They moved out of the tight alleyway, into the empty, deserted, Thunderpath. Twoleg lights lit the pathway, but the stars were no where to be seen. The sky looked grey, and the moon was covered by clouds.

Suddenly, A blinding white light flashed in his vision, slicing through the night's darkness. Footsteps of twolegs thumped behind them.

Danger! the kit thought, his heartbeat quickening. The noise of their feet seemed to get louder and louder, making his ear twitch.

The kit's mother quickened her pace, heading towards the fields of grass ahead. Beyond the field, she could see shelter in a pine forest. Beyond the field, there were clans living around the lake.

When they finally reached the field, the twolegs had stopped chasing them. They could no longer hear the large splashes of their feet, the water soaking their fur. The greyness of the skies were clearing out, starting to become more blue. They had left the streetlights far behind, and a few stars had came to blink at them.

But they were not safe. They had been chased out of their den.

The queen dashed across the wet, muddy, field. Her teeth were still secured around her kit, not letting him go. The kit started to feel a bit of soreness on his scruff, but he did not complain. His eyes raised to glare upwards, to stare at the night.

Lightning flashed, its tendrils spreading across the sky, creating a pattern like shattered glass. The light was quickly followed by a large rumble of thunder, in less than a second. The kit winced at the noise ringing in his ears.

That was when bolts shot down from the skies again. And this time, the thunder did not wait before they shook the earth. Bright light blinded the kit's eyes, but it was nothing compared to the fizzling pain that came next.

The smell of ashes filled into his nose, making his head feel dizzy. He didn't know that his mother was already limp with death, and that she was the one that was struck. His eyes were closed, and his temples hurt.

Then he fainted into the darkness, unaware of the translucent cat arriving at his side.


Her pawsteps felt light as she raced through the air. She could not feel the rain, splattering on her pelt. They passed through her, like she was invisible. Expect she was invisible. Close enough.

In front of her was an old tabby tom, paddling through the rain. He was brown with tangled fur, with couple of missing whiskers. She could she the muscles aching with every step he took, and she knew that he was going to collapse in any second.

He would've been in the elder's den, in this stormy night. But there was a reason why he was here. There was a reason why she was here, too.

"Comet." The ghost she-cat halted her pawsteps at the sound of her own name. The brown elder's voice was sounded hoarse as he pronounced it. "I know you're following me."

"What are you trying to do?" Comet stared at the old cat, worry showing in her pale orange eyes. "How many lives are you going to take?"

The old brown tabby turned around. He face showed exhaustion, but his voice did not even once waver as he meowed, "I'm not taking any. I'm just guiding their lives. I help them."

The pale she-cat knew that inside those hollow, green, eyes, a spirit lingered in him, controlling the once-warrior. And she knew to not trust the spirit. The spirit that stole lives. "What will happen to Mudtail? Where are you taking him?"

The tabby tom glanced down at his battered body, and let out a shrug. "He's old. He'll die."

The ghost cat bristled, her white fur sticking up. "You're going to leave him here?" Without a proper Clan burial?

"It's fine." His next words shook Comet the most. "I've killed his family, I've made sure no one would miss him."

Fine? That's fine?  Comet stared at the green eyes, her gaze full of terror and disbelief. How could a cat be so cruel?

"I'm not heartless."

The hairs on Comet's pelt rose. "Not heartless?  You've mind-controlled an innocent elder, and now you're ditching the body and leaving it to rot!"

The brown tabby drew his striped tail in, silent for a heartbeat. "You know, I'm doing it all for your kind."

Comet's hackles raised as the tom continued speaking,

"The next cat I'm planning to guide, happened to be a powered-cat..." Not-really-Mudtail swirled around a small shape on the ground, circling it while gesturing with his tail.

The ghost-cat let out a gasp. On the ground was a tiny, unmoving black kitten, smeared brown with dirt. "Y-You're...Y-You're going to take over his life?"

"If I don't, then he'll die." Seeing Comet's unconvinced look, the old tom added, "Plus, with all of his powerful magic, he could rule the clans! And then we'll make sure that you power-y dead cats be recognised!"

Comet took an angry step forward, baring her teeth, "You're not doing anything for us. You just want his power!"

But Mudtail already fell to the ground. Even at a distance, she could see that his green eyes were glazed now and empty. H-He....He killed him!

For a second, Comet thought the spirit inside him also died. But she was wrong.

"He's dead now." Comet looked up to see a floating white tabby levitating next to her, his mouth curved into a wicked grin.

Her head snapped at the tabby tom, her claws now unsheathed. "You."

The spirit-cat's expression was smug. "I've been waiting for this young cat-" He gestured to the small, black-furred kit. "Since I've been cursed."

No. You're not stealing his life too! With a powerful twitch of her legs, she launched herself at the spirit-cat-

-Only to find air between her claws.

The white tabby had dodged her blow easily, sliding towards the left. He levitated next to the kit, as if he's going to attack him.

A smirk. "And now it's my time to use him."

And all Comet could do was watch in affright, as the spirit-cat plunged into the kit's body- Diving into deep his thoughts, deep into his soul, deep into his essence.

And the amber eyes flew open.

A/n: I know I said I'll be updating every Friday, but I felt like writing, so extra update for you! :D

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