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Orange or yellow eyes: Said to be like Lionblaze, Master of the Sun.

Silver eyes: Said to be like Jayfeather, Master of Dreams.

Green eyes: Said to be like Hollyleaf, Master of Rules.

Blue eyes: Said to be like Dovewing, Master of Softhearted Betrayals.

Red eyes: Said to be like a spirit of The Dark Forest.

Purple eyes: Said to be like strays or kittypets.

Cancer, crab: Barkclimber, Climbing Squirrel. Said to be playful and daring. Like to tease and get into trouble.

Leo, Lion: Sliverthunder, Lion. Said to be brave and loyal. Like to do what's right and challenge unfair things.

Aries, Ram: Flutterfeather, Bird. Said to be skittish and observant. Don't like suprises and like obvious things.

Gemini, Twins: Bloodbrothers, Twins. Usually twins are born at this time and they both get these traits. One is mischievous and one is kind, One is gloomy one is cheerful and so on. It really is mostly random.

Virgo, Virgin: Flashfeet, Mice. Are mischievous and skittish. Like to make mayhem and hide away afterwards, even putting the blame on others.

Libra, Scales: Shinestone, Moonstone. Said to be wise and smart. Don't like to go outside camp to hunt or fight but love to stay inside and help kits and elders.

Scorpio, Scorpion: Stingpoison, Scorpion. Aggressive and definitely not open to strangers. They have tough skin that hides a soft heart.

Sagittarius, Archer: Stinkysmell, Stink bug. Smart and lazy, making them smell sometimes because of their lack of grooming. Though this makes preadators go away so they are quite smart in a way.

Capricorn, Goat: Slitherbite, Snake. Aggressive, smart and sneaky. Love to get into fights over nothing.

Aquarius, Water Bearer: Twoleg, human. Usually smart but misunderstood. They make wonderful things that are turned down by others because of their strangeness.

Pisces, Fish: Splashstream, fish. Said to be swift and playful. They don't like to do daring things though.

Taurus, Bull : Longhorns, Elk. They are skittish and when cornered very aggressive. They usually hide their best skills and keep them hidden for a suprise.

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