Hey, Babe! Hi, Sweetheart!

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Klaus arrives in the kitchen to see his daughter eating cake while chatting with Lizzie and Josie.

"Sweetheart? You ready to go?"

Hope looks up to see her father standing in the doorway and smiles. "Yeah, dad. Talk to you guys next time?"

"...Sure." Josie says with a small smile.

When Hope walks over to her father, he leads her out of the kitchen.

"You go on ahead. I would like to speak with Clarissa's daughters for a moment. I'll catch up with you

"Okay." She kisses his cheek before leaving.

He walks back into the kitchen, goes over to table and sits across from them.

"So you two are Lizzie and Josie Saltzman. Alaric's daughters?"

Lizzie smirks and leans on the table. "Yes and our mother is Clarissa Forbes. You know her pretty well, don't you?"

"We're old friends, your mother and I. But it's very surprising on how she ended up with not just someone who was her high school teacher but someone is so..."

"Old? Is that what you're trying to say?" Josie laughs. "That's funny coming from someone whose ancient."

"Oh... And to correct you but aren't you our mom's ex? You were more than friends until you hurt her." Lizzie says while grinning.

"How much do you know?"

"Everything... Oh you've got some frosting on your arm, let me get that for you." Lizzie grabs Klaus' arm and begins to siphon from him, causing him to screams out in pain. "How could you hurt an amazing woman like her? Do us all a favor and stay away from her."

The twins smile and leave the kitchen, leaving behind Klaus who groans in pain.

"Surprised you let me get away with that." Lizzie wraps her around Josie's shoulders.

"Don't get used to it. I only made that exception for Aunt Clary."

"Kinda fun, wasn't it? Did you see his face when we called her mom?" The twins laugh.

"Well, she has been our mother figure and auntie wasn't bothered by it."

After returning to the Mikaelson mansion, the family are sitting together in the living room.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. Josie's nice and Lizzie seems okay but..."

"But what?"

The adults are suddenly become quiet, understanding why.

"It seemed like they didn't want to get to close to me."

"Dad, I think you have a chance of getting back together with Clarissa."

Klaus frowns and shakes his head. "Sweetheart, I don't there's a chance of that ever happening."

"But you told me she's always been your one true love! Besides, her and Mr. Saltzman aren't even together!"

Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah look at each other confused then back at Hope. "What do you mean?"

"Lizzie and Josie told me that Clarissa is their surrogate mother. Their biological mother was killed and she secretly did a transfer spell to send the twins into Clarissa. Ever since she gave birth to them, she's helped Mr. Saltzman raise them."

Since the return to Mystic Falls, Klaus begins to feel hope again. "...So there's a chance?"

Clarissa and Enzo are at the town square, sitting on a bench.

"Does your wife know you're here?"

"Of course she does. Before I even told her, she had already gotten me my plane ticket."

"...You two are something else."

"I'll be going back soon, I had to check on you. How are you really doing?"

"I told you over the phone that I was fine."

"But we're face to face now, so you can't lie to me."

"I just... I really don't want them to be here... I have nothing against Hope or Freya but... I just never wanted to see him again. I don't even want to see Elijah or Rebekah."

"You're not wrong to hate him. And it's okay to be angry at them. Just remember that you have people who do love you and would never abandoned you like they did."

"...I love you."

"Love you too." He wraps his arm around her shoulders to bring her into a hug. "So when are the munchkins getting back?"

"This weekend. They've really missed you both."

"We'll be back soon. I've left you all presents, you can find them in your room."

"You spoil them and me."

"Of course I do, I'm their favorite uncle and your best friend! Don't tell Kol that."

She chuckles. "I can't believe you left Paris, got on a plane and flew all the way back here."

"My best friend needed me, I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

They get up from the bench and hug once more. "Have to go now but we'll come back soon. She really misses you. Call her when you get a chance."

"I will."

"See you soon, angel."

He kisses her forehead and walks away.

The next couple of days, have gone well. Hope is becoming accustomed to the school. The twins or at least Josie have been friendly to her and have not caused any trouble. Clarissa has not seen Klaus and the others since they've arrived and she has greatly appreciated that. It's now the weekend and she's out shopping with Kendra, one of her best friends and sister.

"They're coming back today, right?"


"They're not going to be happy... Can't believe that the big bad hybrid hasn't made a move yet."

"Not like he has a chance anyway."

"Like that would stop him... You're not wearing it. "

"I'll put it back on after."

"...Is that what you're planning? Damn, you're so evil!"

"I am my father's daughter."

Kendra laughs. "I have to be there for the event! You are not letting me miss this!"

Clarissa joins the laughter but their moment is ruined when Rebekah enters the shop.

"Clarissa, it's nice to see you again." She looks at Kendra. "Who are you?"

"Isn't it proper to introduce yourself first?"

"...Rebekah Mikaelson."

"...So you're his sister... Kendra. Clarissa's best friend and sister."

"Sister?" Rebekah begins to feel hurt that she's been replaced.

"Like a sister. We've known each other our whole lives."

"She's never mentioned you."

"She wasn't suppose to at the time. It was for her own protection."


"Do you and your siblings have to be so nosy about my life? Now if you'll excuse us, we're leaving."

Clarissa tries to leave but Rebekah steps in the way. "Clarissa, I was hoping that we could talk."

"We have nothing to talk about."


She is quiet for a moment and looks back at Kendra. "Can you wait outside?"

"You sure?"

She nods and Kendra glares at Rebekah before leaving.

"Clarissa, why are you being like this towards me and Elijah? I can understand Niklaus but-"

"You just don't get it do you? Rebekah. What did you do after what had happened?"

"What are you talking about?"

"...You both just walked out of my life without a word."

"I... I didn't know how to face you after-"

"I understand he is your brother but you two just took his side and left me behind. I haven't seen or heard from either of you in seventeen years. You weren't there for me like Kol and Finn were. I never wanted to break your family apart but that was Kol and Finn's choice to cut their ties with him after what he did to me. They apologized when they didn't have to. They were there for me and didn't turn their back on me like you two did. You were one of my best friends and my sister. Elijah was my big brother. Like I said, you two just walked out of my life without a word and left me behind. How could you say we were family if you were just going to do that? ...Now, we're done talking."

Clarissa walks past Rebekah, shoving her shoulder into hers.

Shortly after, Rebekah returns home. Elijah is sitting in the living room and notices his sister coming in and crying. He quickly gets up and walks towards her. "Rebekah, what's wrong?"

"She hates us, Elijah. We abandoned her when she needed us. We just walked out of her life without a word!"

He holds his sister, trying to calm her down.

Hope and Klaus are walking outside at the school and notice Clarissa, Kendra, Alaric and the twins at the entrance. "Let's go say hi, dad."

"...Why not?"

The two walk over to them, Clarissa smiles at Hope but is not pleased to see Klaus.

"Hi, Ms-"


"Clarissa. Are you all going somewhere?"

"We're meeting up with some people."

"May we ask who?"

Clarissa glares at Klaus for his question but Lizzie steps in. "Why's it any of your business?"

Alaric puts his hand over Lizzie's mouth. "Excuse her, someone's  just a little cranky that they had to get up early."

"Or more like she doesn't like a certain someone." Kendra mutters under her breath but she knows Klaus heard her. Clarissa smacks her arm.

"So Hope, liking school?"

"Thanks again for letting me join."

"No need to thank us, sweetheart. We're happy that you're a part of this school and-"

They are interrupted when a Subaru Ascent and a man in a 1962 Chevrolet Corvette drive up and park nearby them. Many children get out of the cars and tackle Clarissa into a hug, making her laugh.

"Mommy, we're home!" A little girl saids. "We missed you!"

"I missed you all too my babies! I thought we were meeting at the airport!"

"We wanted to surprise you. We've missed you too much." The dark-haired teenage boy tells her and kisses her cheek. He then goes to hug Alaric. "Hey, Uncle Ric."

"Hey, kiddo... Did you get taller?"

"What about us?!" Lizzie informing them of their presence.

"We could never forget you two." The blonde-hair teenage boy tells her as he hugs her and Josie is hugged by the blonde-haired teenage girl.

A black-haired teenage girl goes up to Clarissa and hugs her. "Welcome home, sweetie."

"It's good to be home." She pulls away and hands her a ring. "Want this back now? Dad got it upgraded."

"Yes, I do. Thanks, sweetie. I'll have to thank your dad later."

"If you plan on making another one, I want a baby brother."

"Mattie! Your little sister is right here!"

"Am I getting a baby sibling?!"

Hope and Klaus look at each other, astonished by who all these children are. They notice two men smiling at Clarissa and the kids. Just then Klaus notices Clarissa sliding on a diamond ring on her finger and waves at the two men. Kendra tries to contain her laughter which Alaric notices and playfully rolls his eyes.

"Hey, babe!"

"Hi, sweetheart!"

Who is it?

Her husband, Kai Parker. And her father, Lucifer Morningstar.

Just now adding this beautiful banner to this chapter for the first time. I will add this banner in the other chapters as well! Remember that credit goes to vintagewanda for making this!

Didn't see that coming did ya'll?! 😂😂😂😂

You all have no idea how hard it was to keep quiet about it! I've been wanting to announce that I was writing a Kai story! But I thought it be more interesting as a plot twist and I've never seen a Kai story where the OC is Klaus' ex. So I thought why not do Legacies?

Enzo is married! Hmm... But to who? Do you think Clarissa is wrong to be angry with Elijah and Rebekah? Was it evil to deceive Klaus like that?

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