Miss Mystic Falls

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At the school, Ella is helping Leon with his tie while in one of the empty dressing rooms.

"My sweet boy, you look so handsome."

"Thanks, mom."

"So how did she react when you gave it to her?"

"...I didn't give it to her." He answers, looking away from her gaze.

"Wh..." She frowns. "What do you mean you didn't give it to her? Do you know what today is?! You were suppose to give it to her last night!" She smacks his arms repeatedly.

"I-I panicked, mom! Please calm down!" He pleads and grabs her hands.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Leo! Did I raise you to be a man or be a wimp?"

"...A man." He answers while looking down.

"Right." She gets out of his grip and starts pushing him out the room "So give her your gift and get it over with! Do you want her to be your future wife or not?!"

In another one of the dressing rooms, Charlotte is getting ready for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant with sister and cousin's help. Anastasia is doing her hair while Mattie does her makeup.

"Be still, sis! Don't want your eye-shadow to smudge do you?"

"I'm sorry! I'm just really nervous!" Charlotte says, fidgeting with her fingers.

"How? Are you forgetting that you were trained by your mom and aunts, all who won Miss Mystic Falls during their time?"

"Ana is right. And you have a good dance partner. I threatened to burn his tail with hellfire if he even makes one misstep."

"...Must you torture my boyfriend?"

"As your little sister and his best friend, it's my job."

A knock on the door, interrupts the three. Mattie places the brush down on the table and goes to open the door, revealing Leon.

"Hi. Sorry to interrupt but I have something for my girl."

"How dare you! Get out! Get the hell out!"

"I'm not even inside, you're blocking the way."

"Leon! You can't see your partner till the event begins! It's bad luck to see her in the dress!"

"It's not like it's our wedding, Mattie."

"Consider it practice!"

"Mattie, enough already." Charlotte says getting up. "You know I have a robe on not my dress." She walks over to the two and stands in front of Mattie. "Hi." She greets with a warm smile.

"Hi... You look beautiful."

She giggles. "But I'm not even in my dress yet."

"Doesn't matter.

"No kissing!" The couple rolls their eyes at Mattie's demand.

"What is it you wanted to give me?"

He pulls out a ring box, causing girls in the room to gasps.

"You didn't give ask me for my blessing yet! Leon!"

"It's not what you think it is. Mattie, I know you would feed me to Aunt Clary's hellhound if I didn't talk to you first. This is something else..." He takes Charlotte's hand and places the box in it. "You'll understand once you look at it."

She nods and just as she is about to open it, he panics.

"Wait! Don't open it until I leave!"

He immediately leaves and the girls can hear him running down the stairs. Charlotte giggles while Anastasia and Mattie laugh.

"Cuz, seems your boyfriend was really nervous to give that to you."

Charlotte opens the ring box and sees...

"Ooh, good taste! He even got it in your favorite color. And it will go with the dress!"

"Of course he has good taste. Why do you think I allow him to be with my big sister?" Mattie notices Charlotte's quietness and sees that she's about to cry. " Hey, hey! No crying! I won't allow you to ruin my masterpiece!"

Charlotte lets out a small laugh as Mattie lightly daps her sister's tears away with a tissue.

"You're worried about me crying? You should be more worried about mom, especially with her hormones."

"Caroline will kill us for this."

"Why do you think we're hiding, Clary? Don't worry, we have a lookout. Enjoy your corndog. I haven't had one of these bad boys in days!" Ariel takes a bite of her burger.

The cousins sit in Clarissa's car that is parked a distance from the school.

"Fine." Clarissa starts eating her corndog. "I can barely eat one of these things without Kai freaking out. If I even hold one corndog, Kai will act like I carrying the most heaviest thing in the world and tries to tell me to put it down."

"Pick any baby names yet?"

"We're letting the kids decide. I swear they're more excited than they're rest of us, especially Kailee. She's happy that she finally gets to be a big sister."

"Then there's the possibility that she may be the new devil's baby favorite sibling. But we know who the favorite aunt will be! Isn't that right?" Ariel coos after rubbing Clarissa's stomach.

"May I ask what you two think you are doing?"

Clarissa and Ariel turn around and see Caroline sitting in the backseat, looking at them with a smile but they can see the anger in her eyes...

"Hi, sis..." Ariel says nervously.

"What happened to our lookout?!"

"Enzo, that snitch! Where's the loyalty?!" Ariel mutters.

"Neither of you answered my question."

"Look sis, about that favorite aunt-"

"Not that! Are you seriously eating burgers and corndogs right now?!"

"I'm pregnant and Ari hasn't had a burger in days because you've working us to death!"

"Clarissa. Lottie has to win Miss Mystic Falls! Our grandmother won. Our moms won it. The three of us won it. Anastasia won it. So now it's Lottie's turn! After her, it will be Mattie!"

"Mattie would rather burn in the fires of Hell than wear that damn tiara. Annie will be the next to win and Mattie will be her escort."

Lucifer sits at the bar at Mystic Grill, enjoying his drink until he hears someone yelling for him.

"Lucifer! Lucifer!"

Lucifer turns around to see Father Kinley running towards him and becomes confused. He is surprised when he is suddenly pulled into a hug by the man. Becoming uncomfortable, he pulls the man off of him.

"Forgive me... My king." Dromos gets down on one knee and takes Lucifer's hand in his. "It's just so great to see you."

"...Dromos." Lucifer gives a shocked expression.

"You see, Squee!" Dromos looks back at his brother. "I told you he'd recognize us!"

"What are you doing here and in Father Kinley's body?"

"He recently passed and informed us of you needing our help to get back home. He kept spouting about this prophecy-"

"No need to listen to his nonsense, the prophecy has already been taken care of. And there's no way in hell that I would ever return to... You know."

"Lucifer, you've been on vacation forever... You didn't write. You didn't call. You didn't even send a burnt offering. The demons of Hell? They need a king."

"Very well...Dromos of the Lilim, by the power of Grayskull, blah-de-blah-de-blah-de-blah, I hereby name you King of Hell." Lucifer says while doing a knighting gesture. "There you go. Throne's all yours."

Dromos lightly chuckles. "That's real funny... But we all know that the king must be an angel."

"...Fair point."

"Lucifer. Hell has been really bad since you left."

"Oh, well that's a shame because it was a real vacation destination before."

"What's so great about Earth anyway?"

"Well no offense but the company is far greater. The work, more interesting. And the liquor far more superior." Lucifer take a sip on his drink. "Mmm, and-"


Lucifer quickly turns around and stands up. Clarissa notices the look of fear on her father's face.


"Dad, is something wrong?" She is surprised when she sees Father Kinley and glares at him. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you still be in prison?"

"Your majesty... You had a child? An heir?"

Clarissa's eyes widened in realization and Lucifer quickly goes to stand in front of her to block her from Dromos' view.

"Dromos, I appreciate the concern but all is well. You all need to go back to Hell and stay there."

Dromos stands up. "...No. I think I'll stay for a bit... All of your subjects should get to know their next ruler... Our queen. She is quite the beauty, she must have gotten her mother's looks but... I can see the devil in her eyes."

Lucifer's eyes glow red and he shoves Dromos' back down to his seat.

"You will not come near my daughter! You're lucky I haven't incinerated you already for disobeying my orders! Time for all good demons to go home. Now." Lucifer says angrily.

"...Yes...my lord."

Lucifer calms down and pats Dromos' shoulder. He turns back to his daughter. "It's alright, sweetheart. Let's get going." He says before leading them outside.

After the two have left, Squee goes to stand next to Dromos.

"What do we do now?"

"...Our king had a child that he never told us about... We need a ruler and it either's him or her."

Charles and Hope are taking a walk together outside the school.

"...So how did you find out?"

"I overheard my family talking... So it's really true?"

He nods. "Yeah... Me and Lottie are your older half-siblings."

"...Yet you two don't want anything to do with my dad...but what about me?"

"Look, Hope..." He lets out a small sigh and places his hand on her shoulder. "It's nothing against you but it's just how Lottie and me feel. We don't know if we could ever accept you as a sibling or even a friend. Right now, we're happy with the way our lives have been."

"...So why were you both nice to me then?"

"Because we're willing to be civil with you, we're mature enough to do that... We chose to help you feel settled in and help you make some friends because we knew you didn't have an easy life. We're sorry for what you had to go through while you were growing up but it's another reason why I'm thankful towards my mom. You've seen your father's enemies and instead of learning from his mistakes, he kept making new enemies over and over again. He destroyed lives or hurt someone's loved ones. Because of that, you became a target for revenge. That could have been me and my sister. My mom didn't want that for us, she didn't want us to suffer from his mistakes. Our lives never would have been peaceful."

"I know that but he's your dad too. Can't you give him a chance?"

"Hope... I'm only going to say this once to you so listen to me. Kai Parker is my father... And some people are lucky to have more than one dad but I wouldn't trade mine for anyone else... He's the only dad that I need."


"We should get back, the event will be starting soon." He says before leaving her behind.

Clarissa gets out of her car and walks quickly to the entrance of the school.

"Sweetheart. Sweetheart, slow down!" Lucifer rushes up to Clarissa and gently grabs her arm, turning her to face him.

"Demons are here."

"Clary, you need to calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down?! This has to be part of the prophecy! They've come to take you from me! Or I might the one that they want since they now know I exist! So how the hell am I suppose to calm down, dad?!"

"CLARY!" He roars while also revealing his true face.

She immediately falls silent and he reverts back to his normal face. He sighs and pulls her into a hug.

"Just take deep breaths, alright? Everything will be fine." He tells her while rubbing her back. "Did you forget the promise that I made to you? I'm staying for good. I'm not going anywhere... I'm a devil of my word, remember?"

She tearfully smiles and nods, feeling him kissing the top of her head and she hugs him even tighter.

While everyone is waiting for the event to begin, Klaus is admiring a portrait of Clarissa and Alaric. Kaleb comes up and stands next to him.

"Kaleb, correct?"

"Yep... Should I call you Klaus or pup?"

Klaus lightly chuckles. "This is a remarkable piece... Most likely either Charles or Charlotte created this... Looks like they inherited my artistic ability." Klaus says with a smug smile.

"Look I really don't want to waste a lot of energy so let me tell you not to stir up any trouble. And by that I mean, do not bother my mother or my siblings. Just continue living your life with Hope and my family will live our lives, like we were before you all showed up."

"You do realize that the twins are-"

"Otherwise, my siblings and I can pull another prank on you but this time...only with the knives. You get me?"

"...You're wearing a thank u, next t-shirt under your suit jacket. You're not even dressed appropriately for this event, I'm suppose to take you seriously?"

"And you're suppose to be the big bad puppy, am I suppose to be intimidated? Now don't forget my warning." Kaleb turns away from him and walks down the hall but stops once he is at the end of it. He turns back to look at Klaus. "By the way... I rock this shirt, bitch."

Freya grabs a drink and when she turns, she accidently bumps into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She apologizes. "Did I get any on you?" She asks looking at his suit.

"No, I'm fine. It's quite alright."

When she looks up, she becomes quite shocked. "Finn?" 


She smiles and the two siblings hug.

"You were alive this entire time? I thought you were-"

"Dead? I wouldn't blame you for thinking that. Good news? I finally got rid of our Aunt Dahlia some years ago. And I've been with our siblings since then."


"Dad!' Carina skips happily over to her father and Freya. "The event is about to start. We should head outside now."

"You have a daughter?"

"Little One, why don't you go back to your mother? I'll join you in a bit."

"Okay, dad." Carina agrees before kissing his cheek and taking her leave.

"After I broke ties to our siblings, I got married to the first person I turned into a vampire. Her name is Sage... And the girl you just met is our adoptive daughter. Her name is Carina."

She nods. "...Are you happy?"

"I am."

"Good." She smiles.

"Ready to win Miss Mystic Falls, cuz?" Anastasia asks.

Charlotte's Miss Mystic Falls Gown

Charlotte completes her look with the ring that Leon got for her.

"I'm ready."

The three girls smile and go for a group hug.

"Doesn't this remind you of something?" Caroline asks, walking into the room with Clarissa and Ariel.

"It's like looking at the three of us back then." Clarissa answers. "You look beautiful, sweetie."

"Thanks, mom."

"Ana, Mattie. Nice work. You both did such an amazing job."

"What can we say? We learned from the best." Mattie smirks.

"Now Charlotte, do you remember the steps?"

"What do you take me for, Aunt Care? Leon and I have been training for weeks! We got this!"

Kai knocks on the door, gaining everyone's attention.

"I don't know, Leon may pass out at the sight of you. I would know... Just looking at your mother always takes my breath away." Kai says while walking over to Clarissa.

"You're not looking so bad yourself." Clarissa compliments him, leading to a kiss.

Everyone in the room rolls their eyes as the Parker sisters cover each other's eyes.

"Mom. Dad. We know that you love each other but please stop with the PDA."

"Sorry can't do that, Lottie. You know that I will torture you and your siblings with our PDA for the rest of your lives. Now may I escort my beautiful little girl to where the other competitors are waiting?" He asks as he offers his arm.

Charlotte does a little curtsy, making everyone chuckle. "You may."

She takes his arm and the father-daughter duo leave the room with the others following behind them.

"...So he gave you the ring, huh?"

"You knew?"

"He asked for my opinion and I approved. Be thankful that I allow you two to be together."

"Whatever you say, dad."

"...You're still not allowed to get married until you're forty."

"Okay." She giggles.

"I mean it." He says trying to sound stern.

Clarissa walks behind the others with a smile on her face but is suddenly pulled away by Kendra.

"Sorry, I need to talk to my cousin for a moment. We'll join you all in a bit." She tells them, leading Clarissa to one of the rooms.

"Talk." Kendra takes a sip of her drink she was holding onto.

"Talk about what?" She asks nervously.

"I overheard you and Uncle Luci when you guys arrived at the school, and you were a freak-out. What's going on?"


"Talk to me, Clary."

"...Keke. If I were to go to Hell and take over-"

Kendra slams her drink on a table, startling Clarissa. "I would kill you myself so don't even think about trying that shit."

"But it would dad get to stay here and-"

"Did something happen today for you to be acting like this? You were fine this morning."

"...A couple of demons showed up today. One of them was named Dromos and now they know about me."


"Dad handled it and they left...but I'm not so sure."

Kendra sighs and wraps her around Clarissa's shoulders, pulling her closer. "Look, I'll keep a look out. I'll let my parents know too. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Uncle Luci."

"I don't want anything to happen to you, Aunt Maze or Uncle Amenadiel either." Clarissa 

"Hey, no one is getting hurt on my watch. Those demons can get a taste of my knives."

Clarissa laughs. "How did you become a doctor, again?"

"Great question, I still don't have the answer."

"...Say if you didn't kill me?"

"...Then I guess I would follow you. We're Baby Luci and Baby Mazie after all. I've always got your back, like you've got mine."

Mattie and Annie walk around with their arms linked.

"You know that it will our turn next year, right?"

"You will be the one in a dress and I'll wear the suit."

"Ooh, I think you'll look pretty hot in a suit."

"Anything for you, my love." Mattie kisses Annie's cheek.

Enzo smirks as he watches Jolie speaking calmly to the workers.

"You all are lucky that I'm a bit more nicer than my mom. Just please do your jobs correctly, that's all I ask." She then heads over to the orchestra. "Guys for your sake, pick up the tempo. Let's not turn this pageant into your funeral."

"Let's go our table, Jo! It's about to start!"

"Okay, dad!"

Clarissa walks over to the microphone to announce the contestants.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Clarissa Forbes. You all know me as headmistress of the school but I am also one of the previous Miss Mystic Falls. And it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court!"

Everyone claps for the contestants as each girl's name is announced. Charlotte begins to walk down the stairs when her name is called. As she walks down, she sees Leon waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. His jaw nearly drops at her beauty and he doesn't even hear his own name called as due to his thumping heart. Once she reaches him, she slips her arm through his and the couple smile at each other. He then leads her outside to the dance floor and the other couples.

Once the music starts, the ladies and their escorts bow to each other. When the music starts, they step forward and begin the dance. Lucifer smiles and begins to reminisce...


"Excuse me, I'm looking for my wife. She is by far the most radiant woman here."

Eleanor turns around to see a grinning Lucifer.

"You came!" She squeals.

"Hello, love." The couple hug and he eventually pulls back for a kiss. "How's our little girl doing?"

"Well, she's not so little anymore. You know that. Looks like your agreement of her not growing up too fast isn't working out so well for you."

"How dare she break her end of the deal."

She giggles. "She's beautiful. Now see the last time you were here, you left a necklace which she loved by the way. But you didn't mention you were also leaving a gown for her."

"Oh, I didn't?" He grins. "By the way, who is our daughter's escort?"


"Miss Caroline Forbes with her escort Jeffery Lockwood Hamilton." Carol announces.

Caroline walks down the stairs and smiles at the audience. When she joins her escort, her smile becomes even wider seeing her mother, sister, aunt and uncle.

"Miss Clarissa Forbes with her escort Tyler Lockwood."

"Tyler bloody Lockwood?! He's a bloody douche!" He mutters to his wife and she pats his arm.

"Well not to Clarissa. He's doing better, dear."

Clarissa's Miss Mystic Falls Gown

Clarissa takes a deep breath and walks down the stairs. Her and Tyler smile at each and once she takes his offered hand, she stops when she sees her father. She slowly gives him a tearful smile.

"Hi, daddy." She mouths.

"Hi, my little devil." He mouths back.

End of Flashback

Once the dance is over, the ladies and their escorts bow to each other once more. Leon offers his hand which Charlotte gladly takes.

"Guess the ring means you're giving me your heart?"

"...Too cheesy?"

"I love it." She kisses his cheek.

When the couple arrives at the table, they are attacked with numerous hugs.

"My sweet boy, you were so good!"

"Thanks, mom."

"And Lottie, look at you! You're so stunning! He gave you the ring, finally."

"Yes and I love it." Charlotte smiles.

"Jo, you'll be on that stage as well. What do you think? Ah, I can see you now in your pretty green gown and wearing that tiara." Caroline asks.

Jolie looks to her father for help. "Dad."

"Love, why don't you slow down? The event isn't going anywhere and she has time to decide whether or not she wants to compete."

"Of course she's competing. It's tradition for a Forbes to enter. Why wouldn't she enter?"

"All I'm saying is that-"

"Why are you so against it?"

"What are you thinking about, Uncle Luci?" Ariel asks and Enzo gives her a grateful nod.

Lucifer sighs. "I was just remembering how Caroline and my little devil became Co-Miss Mystic Falls... You both became women after that."

"Who gave my little girl permission to become a woman?" Kai cries as Kailee hands him a tissue. "Thank you, sweetie."

"I know the feeling, son." Lucifer pats Kai's shoulder and gives Clarissa a playful glare as she joins them at their table. "My little devil swore to me that she wouldn't grow up too fast and look at her now."

"Dad, we had this discussion already. I couldn't control my growth."

"Dad, those people over there are staring." Carina whispers to Finn.

Finn looks over to his right and sees Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. He frowns and looks back at his daughter.

"It's alright, dear. Just ignore them."

"Are you two seriously eating cotton candy right now?!" Caroline asks.

Everyone sees Ariel and Veronica eating cotton candy.

"What? We can't let it go to waste!" Ariel says after swallowing.

"Yeah, it was calling our names!" Veronica takes a bite of her cotton candy.

"Who got that for you? Was it you, Enzo?!"

"Love, I assure you that it was not me this time."

"Yeah, it was me." Kai says with his hand raised. "It's my job to spoil my cousin slash mother figure. And not to forget, I have to stay on top of being Ronnie's favorite uncle."

"What about me?" Alexander asks.

"Don't worry... I got you a new baseball bat, it's in the car."

"Hey, you're cheating!" Enzo complains.

"So Finn married Sage? Why?" Rebekah asks with a disapproving tone.

"They love each other, you should be happy for him. Same goes for you Klaus, I know how you both treated Sage so horribly. Neither of you will bother them or their daughter. If they want to speak, they will come to you. Do you understand me?" Freya tells them in a stern tone.

Klaus rolls his eyes. "Sweetheart, would you like to meet your uncles and aunts?"


"We already know each other. Come give me a hug, Hope." Ariel says approaching their table.

Hope smiles and hugs her aunt while the Mikaelson siblings glance at each other confused.

"How do you know each other, if you don't mind me asking?" Klaus asks.

"Through letters. When I was seven years old, Marcel gave me a letter that was from Aunt Ari and Uncle Kol. So we've been writing to each other ever since then. I've even gotten to know my cousins."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Hope, why don't you go talk with Ronnie and Xander?" Ariel suggests.

"Is that okay, dad?"

"Go on, sweetheart."

After they watch Hope go join Alexander and Veronica, the couple face Klaus.

"Because we asked her not to. We didn't want you to know about our kids or where we lived. We didn't want you showing up on our doorstep, expecting us to clean up one of your messes and put my family in danger." Kol tells him.

"We knew because of your mistakes, Hope was not going to have a great childhood. So we thought we should be able to interact with people like her and her own age, cue our kids."

"Attention! Attention!"

Everyone looks to see Lucifer standing at the microphone.

"What is grandpa doing, mommy?" Kailee asks.


"Hello. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves during this splendid event. "My name is Lucifer Morningstar. You all should know me. Of course you do. If you didn't, your life must have been such a bore. Anyway back to what I really want to talk about!" He sighed. "This event brings back such great memories...that it's making want to reveal my daughter's most embarrassing stories."

"What?! Dad, are you serious?!"

"Sweetheart, I'm your father. It's my job to embarrass you."

"Hey, Mattie. Do we need to move the tables or anything? Because I feel this is about to get ugly." Kaleb whispers.

"Now let me tell you all about the time when she was three years old and she knocked the living daylight out of someone insulted me."


"There are no corndogs lying around, are there?" Lizzie asks Josie.

"Okay, okay! I'm joking! I'm joking! Allow me to play a song for you all!"

Lucifer heads over to the piano and begins to play. Kailee smiles and runs over to join her grandfather.

"I wanna play too!"

Lucifer smiles as his granddaughter sits beside him and begins playing as well. Kai takes this opportunity to grab Clarissa's hand and leads her to the dance floor.

"Dance with me."

"I don't get a say?"

"Nope." Kai answers with a grin before twirling her around.

Most of the audience watches the couple with a smile whereas a certain hybrid watches them with jealously. Leon and Charlotte, Mattie and Annie, Ariel and Kol, Enzo and Caroline, Finn and Sage join them on the dance floor as well.

"Lizzie, let's go sing." Josie says while pulling Lizzie with her over to the microphone.

"Kendra, dance with me." Ella says trying to pull Kendra up from her seat.

"What?! Hell no!"

Later as everyone is getting ready to leave, Clarissa sits on the stone bench by the pond and Klaus comes over to sit next to her.

"I remember sitting out here with you when Ariel won this pageant many years ago."

"...What do you want, Niklaus?" 

"...If Kai never came into your life, would you and I have a chance?"

"...No." He becomes crestfallen by her answer. "A part of me is thankful for the love that you did give me. You were my first love, Niklaus Mikaelson... But a part of me regretted being with you because of the pain that you caused me. However, I could never regret my kids."

"Then if I hadn't hurt you... Would we still be together?"

"Honest answer?"


"You and me probably still would have been together, who knows but... I wouldn't have had the kids."

"...What? How could you say something like that?"

"Because you're Niklaus Mikaelson. I knew what I was getting involved with before you and I even happened. You know why? The Salvatores were an example of what happens when you get mixed up with vampire business... I fell for the kind, sweet side of the big bad wolf... But I also know of the cruel, ruthless and evil side of you. The enemies that you made, the lives that you destroyed... I would deal with it myself but I could never let my children go through that."

"I could have protected them. I could have protected you." He snarls. 

"I'm tired of having this conversation with you... Maybe you could have protected them but you can't deny I gave them a better life than what you gave Hope." Her eyes flash red. "And I don't need your protection. I'm the devil's daughter, remember?"

"Indeed you are, my little devil." Lucifer grins as he comes up next to Clarissa and Klaus immediately gets up from the bench, taking a step back. "Oh, still afraid of me are you? That's good. You should be because you know exactly what I can do to you and where you could end up... Come along, sweetheart."

As Klaus watches them leave, he hears someone behind him and turns around.

"Who are you?"

"I've overheard some very interesting things today and there were many things that I was not expecting... You're Klaus, correct? My name is Dromos. I believe we can be of great help to each other." He says before revealing his black eyes.

Back home, Clarissa hears laughing coming from the kitchen and she sees Leon and Charlotte having a flour fight.

"We're suppose to be making cookies, not throwing flour!"

"You started it, Lottie!"

When she attempts to run he grabs from behind and spins her around, making her squeal. Caroline and Ariel stand behind Clarissa and place their heads on her shoulders. She smiles and pats their cheeks.

"They're such a cute couple." Caroline says.

"Yeah. Ella and me already started the wedding planning... You two are leaving tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah... We'll be back for Christmas though."

"I can't thank you both enough..." Clarissa eyes glisten with tears. "For everything."

"How are the hormones, Clary?" Ariel asks.

"All over the place!" Clarissa cries.

Lucifer and Clarissa sit on the couch outside on the front porch.

"Dad, are you sure that they left?"

"Yes. Everything will be fine, sweetheart..." Lucifer notices Jolie standing nearby, staring at them. "Jolie? Is something wrong?"

When Jolie doesn't say anything, Clarissa gives a concerned look.


Jolie sheds a tear and lets out a blood-curling scream...

Just want to remind you all that voting for the TVD Universe Awards by klaroline-4ever ends on December 30th, so don't forget to vote for any of your favorite stories or writers! Clarissa Forbes has been nominated for in the Kai/OC category!

Now this was a long chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it! Think of this as an early Christmas present.

Ooh! So for those who don't know, I did go back and edit Jolie's info and made her a banshee. I was trying to figure out what species to make Enzo and Care's adoptive daughter and I felt that was the best one mainly because of the direction I'm going in with the storyline. So she screamed in front of Lucifer and Clarissa... What do you think that means? Now if you've seen Teen Wolf or any show that has banshees, you know what the scream means... But only I have the true answer and you all have to wait for it!

Yes, Klaus will continue to be annoying and will be working with Dromos. An ever bigger issue is the rest of the demons will find out about Clarissa now.

Also to explain Kai's relationship with Ariel. For those of you that have read Ariel Forbes - TVD, Kai is Ariel's maternal cousin. Now I have yet to write their relationship because it's being saved for The Originals, think of her as not just his cousin but also mother figure. She was one of the first people to treat him like a human being and a family member. She has a motherly instinct towards him because she knows how he was treated by his family.

So what was your favorite part? What did you think about the characters? What about the couples?

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