My Little Angel

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So this originally was not the next chapter. This idea just came to me while I was looking back at one of my favorite shows. So I was kinda inspired(: I made a few references and parallels so maybe you all can figure out which show it is... This is sorta a flashback chapter but is really a special chapter focusing on Clarissa and Eleanor and this will take place during the pilot episode of TVD. I hope you all enjoy this(:

Special Chapter

(Gif made by me, do not steal! And imagine Eleanor with dirty blonde hair!)

Clarissa walks downstairs and heads into the kitchen to see her mother putting a plate on pancakes covered in chocolate syrup, bananas and whipped cream on the table.

"Blueberry pancakes!" Clarissa squeals and goes to sit. "Thanks, mom!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. Looks like you feel a bit better now." Eleanor says before drinking her coffee. "After that nightmare you had, I decided to whip up special nightmare cure pancakes. Anything to put a smile on that face."

"You're the best, mom."

"I'll make sure not to tell your dad that I'm your favorite." Clarissa giggles. "...Do you want to talk about it?"

"...Not really... I just have a bad feeling."

"Bad feeling?"

"Like something bad is going to happen..."

"Ready for your first day of school? Eleanor asks deciding to change the subject after seeing her daughter becoming uncomfortable. "You're a junior now."

"Yeah but I'm really ready to get school over with. Just want time to go faster so I can graduate."

"Do you really hate school that much?"

"Mom... That place is literally a prison. Not to mention the fact that Caroline forces Ariel and me to join the cheerleading team every year. If we don't, she threatens to take away what we love most until after we graduate."

"Me, your dad and aunt Liz?"

"...Okay, second thing we love most."

"I know for a fact that for Ariel, that would be burgers and cotton candy. For you that would be corndogs and chocolate cake... What me to say something to her?"

"Nah... I'm the devil's daughter but somehow the one who frightens me the most is my own cousin."

"...Well, it is Caroline. But in some ways, you are similar to her. You are a Forbes after all."

"I fight her if I could." Clarissa pouts.

"And technically, I think you're more scarier than Caroline when you get angry."

"Hey! I'm not that bad!"

"...Come here. You've got some whipped cream on your forehead." Clarissa gives her a confused look and leans forward. "My mistake. It's the sign of the devil."

Clarissa rolls her eyes playfully and goes back to eating her pancakes. "Not my fault I got my temper from dad... When do you think we'll see him again?"

"I'm sure it will be soon, sweetie. You know he won't be able to stay away too long after his last visit."

"...Mom, is something burning?"

"Huh?" Eleanor looks at the oven and quickly gets up. "Oh no, the raspberry pie!"

As Eleanor hurries to the oven, Clarissa complains. "Mom! Wasn't there an agreement to leave the raspberry pie making to dad? You always burn it!"

"I never mean to! It just happens!" Eleanor whines after putting the burnt raspberry pie on the counter. "I don't get it! I follow the recipe and it still comes out burnt!"

"Well, let's be grateful that is the only dessert that you burn." They hear a honking sound from outside. "That's Care and Ari. Gotta go!" She says before kissing her mother's cheek.

"Have a good day today, my little angel!"

"You too!" She says while heading out the front door before coming back. "We're still meeting up at the grill after school, right?"

"Of course! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Eleanor heads to the police station to talk with her former sister-in-law. The two go into Liz's office.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

"'re calling me by my full name, so what did I do?"

"What's going on with you and your daughters?"

Liz is silent for a moment before responding. "What do you mean?"

"Liz, I love you but you can't be pushing them away. There's a scowl on Caroline's face and Ariel just looks sad any time you're even mentioned."

"Of course not! I have work-"

"My work doesn't stop me from spending time with my daughter. Is your job more important to you than those girls?"


"Then prove it. I know what it's like to be a single parent-"

"You still have a husband, you don't get to see him often but he is still there for you both. But mine is a different story.  My husband left and I had to raise them on my own."

"I can't excuse the things my brother has done weren't alone. Because I was here for you, helping you raise them. Didn't I? Liz...I don't like seeing my nieces being upset about their mother not being there for them... Now I have to get to work. Think about what I said."

Eleanor leaves the office, leaving Liz deep in thought.

After arriving at the school, the three get out of the car and Caroline already begins walking ahead. "Come on! We're juniors now so let's show them who owns this school!"

"Don't the seniors own the school?!" Ariel asks which makes Caroline stop and walks back to them.

"Who are we?"

Clarissa and Ariel give each other confused glances, so Clarissa is the first to speak.

"Umm... You two are sisters and I'm your cousin?"

"No! What's our last name?"

"Forbes." Ariel answers.

"Exactly. We're Forbes women and we always come out on the top. So when I say let's show them who owns this school..." She stands in-between the two and loops her arms through theirs. "I mean that. Queen B? Doesn't exist here. Why? Because all three of us are queens."

Clarissa and Ariel share amused looks.

"Well, Clary here really is a princess so..." Caroline narrows her eyes at Ariel. "Okay, I'll shut up now."

"Let's do this."

The sisters and cousin walk in the school with their arms linked and catching the attention of the other students. They see Elena who is with Bonnie at their lockers and approach them. Caroline lets go of Ariel and Clarissa to hug Elena.

"How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you. Hey, Ari. Clary."


"Yes. Much better."

"Oh, you poor thing." She says hugging her.

"Ari." Bonnie whispers and passes her a bag of cotton candy.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Ari whispers back and quickly hides the cotton candy in her bag.

"Okay, Caroline." Elena says pulling Caroline away from her.

"Oh! Okay, see you guys later?"

Caroline pulls Ariel and Clarissa along with her to their lockers.

"Ari. Clary. Get ready for cheerleading tryouts, the dance committee and -"

"Clary, she's trying to kill us." Ariel whispers to her.

"What was that, sis?"

"Nothing, gotta go! Love you both!" Ariel says running away.

"Come back here!" Caroline chases after her.

Clarissa laughs and becomes confused when she sees Elena going into the boy's bathroom, and goes to follow her. Once inside, she sees the Gilbert siblings arguing.

"You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy! I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself. No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz every time, you got it? Jeremy, I know who you are. And it's not this person. So don't be this person."


Elena turns around to see Clarissa, who shows no emotion but they're able to see the anger in her eyes.

"Jeremy, go to class. I need to talk to your sister."

After Jeremy leaves, Clarissa goes to stand in front of Elena with her arms crossed.

"Mind explaining what you're doing?"

"He's high, Clary!"

"And? You should be thankful all he's doing is drugs. At least he's not going around killing people or worse."

"He's throwing his life away-"

"He's grieving, he won't do drugs forever! You're still grieving too just like he is!" Elena has a shocked look on her face. "Yeah. Writing in your diary in the cemetery? Jeremy told me about that. So let him do what he has to do so that he can move on! Now get off his back!" Clarissa goes to leave but turns back to face Elena once more. "You're lucky Ariel isn't here right now because she would have been way more harsher on you. This is your first and last warning."

After she leaves, she sees Jeremy standing there.

"Didn't I tell you to- Oh!" Jeremy hugs her.

"Thanks, Clary."

"You're welcome, kid. Things would have gotten a lot uglier if it had been Ariel. You know she's super protective of you." She says ruffling his hair, causing him to laugh and smack her hand away. "Ha! Got you to laugh!"

He shakes his head and leaves then she heads to her own class. During history class, she receives a text from Bonnie that the new guy is looking at her and Elena. She looks next to her to see the new student looking at Elena then switches his focus to Clarissa. She immediately looks away after feeling chills go down her spine.

After school, Clarissa walks into the grill and looks around but does not see her mother. However, she sees Vicki and smiles. The two wave at each other before Vicki continues working.

"Might as well wait for mom to get here."

"But I'm already here."

Clarissa screams causing everyone in the grill to look at her. She turns around to see her mother laughing.


"I'm sorry! The opportunity was there!" Eleanor still laughs trying to dodge her daughter's poking attacks.

"What is it with you being sneaky?!"

"Blame your grandfather, I'm inherited it from him."

Eleanor wraps her arm around Clarissa's shoulders and leads them to their table. Vicki comes over while trying not to laugh.

"Vicki! You knew she was behind me, didn't you?!"


"You lie!" Clarissa attempts to poke her but Vicki moves away.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Can I take your order please!"

"...Go ahead."

"So between your three usuals, what would you guys like to order?"

"The main usual please!"

"Okay, so that would be mac and cheese, fries and last but not least corndogs... You two and your obsession with corndogs. Coming right up."

"Thank you, Vicki! You sweet girl!"

"No problem, Mrs. Forbes." She says walking away.

"So tell me what happened at school today."

While waiting on their order, Carol arrives.

"What a day!"

"Hey, aunt Carol."

"Clary... Did you get more prettier?" Carol asks making Clarissa giggle.

"She got my looks after all."

"But I did get dad's eyes."

"True. Carol, done with your meetings?"

"I have just one more. I wanted to see Clarissa before I went."

"What about me?"

"I saw you this morning when you snuck up on me."

"I know how you feel, aunt Carol."

"Being sneaky is one of my charms, you both know this."

Vicki brings the food and Carol shakes her head by seeing all of it.

"Mom, how about I make homemade pizza and we can watch A Walk to Remember after I get home from the party?"

"And I can make chocolate cake for dessert!"


"How much more are you two going to eat?! What are you eating right now?!"

"Carol, this is our lifestyle. And everything we're eating right now is a snack."

"Mom is right. It takes years of training to eat the way we do."

"You know... I'm sorry that you inherited my love for corndogs and chocolate cake."

"I'm not."

"Clarissa, please put the corndog down. You do not want to become obsessed with them like your mother."

Clarissa looks at her mother and smirks. "...Too late. It's proof that I'm truly her daughter and I wouldn't have it any other way." She giggles.

Carol smiles and shakes her head. "I have to go. Be good, alright?"

"Aren't I always?"

Carol chuckles and kisses the top of Clarissa's head before leaving.

"Mom... If dad was able to be around more, would you had more kids?"

"Hmm... I don't know. Just having you was a handle. That's why I'm counting on you to give me lots of grandchildren. Then you know how much I suffered having to raise a devil baby."

"How much longer are you going to continue to hold the things I did as a baby against me?"

"For the rest of your life."

"... Fine, how many do you want?"


Clarissa nearly chokes while drinking her water. "Mom!"

"Too much?" Eleanor asks her while passing her a napkin. "Okay... I settle for sixteen, but that's as far as I'm going!"

"What about when my kids have kids? That gives you more grandkids."

"Okay... Then I want ten grandkids, deal?"

Clarissa puts on her thinking face for a moment. "...Deal. And as a bonus, I'll name my first daughter after you."

"Hehe. This confirms I'm her favorite. In your face, Luci!" Eleanor mumbles to herself.

"Did you say something, mom?"

"Nothing!" Eleanor smiles and lovingly pats her daughter's head. "It is truly an honor to be your mother... I can't believe how fast you've grown up."

"Sure it hasn't been slow?"

"Nope, it's fast... Wasn't there an agreement between you and your dad for you not to grow up too fast?"

"Hey, I did my best but I can't control my growth. It's part of life."

Eleanor sighs. "It felt not that long ago when you still just a baby... Whenever a man would try to flirt me with, you would do your cute little angry face and hold up your fist, threatening to punch them."

"They shouldn't had been trying to flirt with a married woman... It's almost time for the party. Better go meet up with Ariel to pick out what to wear before Caroline forces us to get more gossip on the new guy." 

"Tell Ariel that I'll make her a cotton candy cake."

"Will do." Clarissa says before kissing her mother's cheek and heads towards the entrance. "Love you!"

"Love you too!"

When the Forbes women arrive at the party, they go to get drinks and Caroline notices her sister and cousin avoiding Elena's gaze.

"What's going on with you two and Elena?"

"What do you think? She told Matt she needed time but what is she doing? She's flirting with the new student whose been eyeing her all day! She breaks Matt's heart and I'm the one picking up the pieces!" 

"...I honestly don't know if I should say..." Clarissa says avoiding Ariel's gaze.


"...Because it involves Jeremy."

"...What did she do?"

"I caught her going into the boys bathroom and she was pretty much interrogating Jeremy. She was being harsh on him about how he was grieving and I told her off. I still don't trust her but try to keep an eye on those two."

"I will, thanks cousin."

"No problem."

"...Ariel... Why was there an empty bag of cotton candy in your bag?" Caroline asks holding the empty bag up.

"Umm.... see... I love you, sis!"

"What is with you and this obsession with cotton candy?!"

"It gives me life!"

Clarissa tries not to laugh as the sisters bicker.

Later, Clarissa and Ariel are talking when they see Caroline walk up to the new student, Stefan Salvatore. When Clarissa sees him, she immediately gets chills down her spine again.

"Hey! There you are. Have you been down to the falls yet? Because they are really cool at night. And I can show you...if you want."

"I think you've had too much to drink."

"Well, of course I have. So-"

"Caroline. You and me, it's not gonna happen. Sorry."

The girls walk over, Ariel pulls Caroline away while Clarissa speaks to Stefan.

"Stefan Salvatore. We haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet. I'm Clarissa Forbes. Caroline and Ariel's cousin."

"I'm s-"

"Now I know that my cousin just dodged a bullet because you're another guy who chooses Elena but I can see that your also interested in me. I know you were checking me out in history class. So who do you really want?"


"You and me? Never gonna happen. Why? You see, there's three problems. First, you were also eyeing Elena. Second, you just humiliated my cousin. And third... You eyeing me was only because of your carnal fascination towards me. I mean it happens a lot but... I want a man who looks at me like I'm his everything and that's clearly not you... So go ahead and pursue Elena. But you not giving Caroline a chance, that's your loss."

As she walks away from him, she cannot understand why she gets a bad feeling from around him. He lets out a frustrated sigh and rubs a hand over his face.

"Please tell me you told him off?" Ariel whispers to Clarissa when she comes over to them.

"Of course I did." She whispers back.

"...Why do the guys always choose her?" Caroline mutters to herself.

Ariel notices Caroline's sad expression and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"New guy doesn't know what he's missing, sis." Ariel whispers to her, making her smile.

"Come on, cuz. Let's get out of here. I'm sure we'll find cuter guys somewhere else."

At the Mystic Grill, Clarissa, Ariel, Caroline and Bonnie are seated at a table. The three girls work together to get Caroline sober.

"Are you sober yet?"

"She's obviously not when she keeps pulling my hair! Caroline, stop it!" Ariel whines.

Clarissa places her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing as Bonnie amused by Ariel's predicament, gives Caroline more water. "Keep drinking. We gotta get home."


"Sis, you must have a death wish if you don't stop pulling my hair!"

"Care, be nice and let go of your sister's hair."

"Shut up, you damn devil!"

"Uh oh..." Ariel mutters.

"...Did you just swear at me?"

"Yeah, what of it?! Damn spawn of Satan! You eat too many corndogs, do you not care for the calories?!"

Just when Clarissa is about to lunge across the table, Bonnie wraps her arms around Clarissa.

"Clary, please calm down!"

"Ooh, Care! You're lucky Bonnie is hold me back!" Clarissa struggles in Bonnie's grip.

"Peaceful! Let's be peaceful, okay?! And Care, let go of my hair already!"

"Why didn't he choose me?! Why is it always Elena?!"


"Everyone always picks her, I'm so sick of it! It's never me!"

"It's not a competition, Care."

"Yeah, it is! Even some guys look at Clary like she's a piece of meat!"

"Are you sure about that? Because that guy over there is checking you out." Bonnie says.

They all look over to the bar to see a handsome man with black hair and dark eyes, sitting next to a man with raven hair. When his and Caroline's eyes lock, she becomes entranced.

"Damn, he's gorgeous!"

"...Are... Are you guys sure he's looking at me?"

"Do you see the eye contact? Caroline, I need you to sober up quickly. Ariel, please go get her some more water while Bonnie and me fix her up."

"I would gladly do so. But one issue... She won't stop pulling my hair!"

"Care, work with us here! This is your opportunity!" Clarissa reaches over, trying to pull Caroline's hands out of Ariel's hair.

Bonnie chuckles. "I never understood why she does that to you guys every time she's drunk. She pulls Ariel's hair and cusses at Clarissa."

"You and me both, help us out here!" The three girls struggle for a bit getting Caroline to let go of Ariel's hair but manage to succeed. "I'll go get some more water. Sis, stay here. I'll be right back."


"Cuz, you look terrible." Caroline glares at Clarissa as Bonnie tries not to laugh.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence!"

"Come here, let me fix your hair. Bonnie, check her makeup. Caroline, drink more water!"

After they all do their assigned tasks, they notice the man getting up from his stool and begins walking over to them.

"Oh my god! He's coming over here!" Caroline panics.

"Why are you bringing him up?!"

"Clary, I'm sorry! But now is not the time!"

"Hello, ladies. Hope I'm not intruding." He says as he comes up to their table.

"And he has an accent!" Clarissa mouths to Bonnie who holds back her laughter.

"No, no! We were just talking! Not much going on. Are you new to town?"

"Ah, it must have been my accent." Caroline giggles as the other girls roll their eyes playfully. "But yes, I am new here. My friend used to live here and I'm visiting here with him. But I did not expect by coming here that I would meet you all of people..." He says making Caroline blush. "Lorenzo St. John. But my friends call me Enzo."

"Caroline Forbes."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He takes her hand and kisses the back of it. "And you two are?"

"I'm Clarissa, her cousin."

"Bonnie Bennett."

"Lovely names."

"Thank you and I'm letting you know this in advance. If you hurt my cousin, I'll take one of those stools up at the bar and shove it so far up your ass that you'll-" Bonnie cuts off Clarissa by covering her mouth.


"Sorry about her. She's very protective of her family and friends." Bonnie gives an awkward laugh.

"It's fine. She has that her fierce loyalty, I like it."

"I'll take her over there."

Bonnie gets Clarissa up out of her seat and pulls her over to a farther table. Then Enzo sits across from Caroline.

"I actually came over here because I wanted to talk to you about something... When me and my friend got here, we walked past you all and happen to overhear how upset you were. I had the pleasure of talking to your sister up there and she believes that you'll right guy someday. So let me tell you, I agree with her. So what if your friend gets all the attention? You're a beautiful young woman and have your whole life ahead of you. You shouldn't be worrying about stuff like that right now because one day, there will be a guy who won't even have your friend's attention. Why? Because he will be looking at you and only you."

He wipes away a tear, making her realize that she was crying. "Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize, love. Everything will be okay. You just have to wait for that special day. You've got time." He looks to see his friend standing at the entrance, waiting for him. "I have to get going now.... Who knows? Maybe I'll see you around."

"...Maybe." Caroline says trying to fight back a smile.

"Until then, love." He winks at her.

As Enzo walks over to the entrance to meet with his friend, the others return to the table. Before Enzo walks outside with his friend, he turns back around to smile at Caroline once more. After he leaves, Ariel is the first to speak.

" do realize that is your future husband, right?"

"Oh shut up!"

The three girls squeal as Caroline giggles.

"You definitely got the hotter guy than Elena did for once." Clarissa winks at Caroline.

During the night while Clarissa is asleep, Lucifer is sitting on her bed, gently stroking her hair.

"You're growing up so fast..." He gently kisses her forehead. "I love you, my little devil."

When stands up, he sees Eleanor standing in the doorway.

"Want me to wake her?" She whispers.

"No. She'll realize I was here once she wakes up... I have to get going now. I'll come back again soon. Can't miss her potentially become the next miss mystic falls, can I?"

Eleanor smiles. "...I love you."

"And I love you."

The two kiss passionately until they slowly part. Lucifer looks back at his daughter once more before leaving. The next morning, Clarissa wakes up and the first thing she sees is a jewelry box on her nightstand. She picks it up and opens it to see a black and white heart necklace with a red jewel in the middle.

She takes out the necklace and smiles. "Love you too, daddy."

So... What did you all think of this special chapter? Did you figure out what show I was inspired by?

Do you all love Eleanor? She's such a sweetheart!

Another plot twist!😂Yes, I know Enzo was held hostage by the Augustine but in this version, Damon managed to get him out and they both escaped. So this is where Carenzo's love story first began and yes, I took this scene from Ariel Forbes and kinda mixed it together and changed it up a bit. The guys were always choosing Elena, so I felt like I had to do this for my baby Caroline. Girl deserves love too and wanted there to be a guy who would look at her and not Elena. Think I did well?

What about the necklace? The black side represents Lucifer, the white side represents Eleanor and the red jewel represents Clarissa. Like it?

But did you all enjoy this chapter? If you did, what did you all love most about it?

Also, at first I didn't realize that the series had surpassed 50K. Now it's almost to 60K? What did I do to deserve you all?😭

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