The Wedding

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Think I picked the right song?

Enzo knocks on the door the the bridal's suite and Caroline is the one to open it. He is left awestruck as he looks at her.

"Hi." She giggles.

"...You look gorgeous, my love."

"Aww, well aren't you two cute?"

Enzo looks past Caroline to see a smirking Clarissa. 

"My goodness... Look at you."

"Strucken by my beauty, huh?"

"Well, I never expected to see a devil's child in a wedding dress." Clarissa glares at him. "But yes, you look beautiful, angel."

"Thank you." Clarissa giggles.

"She should. This is by far my best work."

"I'm sure that it is but let's wait until you're in a wedding dress."

"You won't have to wait too much longer." Caroline says leaning in to kiss him.

"Hey, hey! You both know that I'm co-captain of this ship but save your smooching for later!"

"You're just cranky that you can't kiss Kai right now."

"You threatened to ban me from corndogs and chocolate cake if I tried to go see him!"

Enzo chuckles. "Speaking of Kai... Love, could you come with me?"

"Is everything alright?" Clarissa asks.

"Of course, angel. There's nothing for you to worry about that." He tells her before leaving the room with Caroline.

"Is something going on?"

"...Kai and your uncle are panicking."

Enzo leads Caroline to the groom's suite and they stand by the door to listen.

"How are you more nervous than I am?! You're the actual devil! How can you be nervous?!"

"How? How?! I'll tell you bloody how! I'm giving my daughter away! My child! You'll understand how I feel the day you walk your daughters down the aisle!"

"Ha! That won't be for a long time old man! None of them are allowed to get married until they're forty!"

"...I changed my mind. We're putting the wedding on hold."

"No we're not!"

"Yes we are!"



"For how long?!"

"We'll try again in a billion years."


Caroline places her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing and Enzo gives her an amused look.

"Are you finding this amusing?"

"Honestly? Uncle Luci did tell Clary that he wouldn't let her get married till she was a billion. But after meeting Kai, he had a change of heart."

"Oh, so this is nothing new?"

"Nope, it's not surprising. When Kai proposed to Clary, Uncle Luci was more nervous than him. By the way, have you seen Ariel and Bonnie?"


"...Enzo, where is she?"

"I haven't seen her."


"Bonnie brought Ariel cotton candy and they went somewhere to eat it."

"Enzo, how could you?!"

"Who I am to separate her from what gives her life?"

"...I swear you and Bonnie spoil her. Now I'm going to talk to my uncle. You go find my sister and best friend."

"Yes, love." He gives her a quick peck and vamp speeds away.

She sighs. "That man... How did I get so lucky?"

"When are you going to get married?"

"Cuz, you know that Markus and I will never get married. Neither of us are the marrying type."

"Yeah, we'll see about that when you catch the bouquet."

"Please, I won't even be joining the women for that!"

"Caroline will make you!"

"You know fully well that I am not scared of her... So how do you feel?"

"...I'm happy."

"Good." Kendra pulls her into a hug. "I'm proud of you, cuz. I know that Aunt Elle would be too."

"Who would have thought that my big brother would tie the knot?"

"I didn't even think I would ever go to another wedding, let alone have my own."

Luke chuckles. "Yeah, the last one we went to was a disaster... You got yourself a good one. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't had even been this close... Kinda making me wish that Liv and Jo were here."

"Pretty sure that they are. I know they must be threatening me to hold on to my woman and never let her go. Otherwise, they'll haunt me in my dreams."

"I agree. Clarissa, you're not going to find anyone like her. She's a keeper, don't ever let her go."

Kai pats Luke's shoulder. "Thanks, brother."

When the wedding finally begins, the flower girls and ring bearers proceed to walk down the aisle. Everyone coos and awws over how cute the children are. When the kids finally reaches their father, Kai crouches down.

"Kids, where's Mattie?"

"Up there!" Lottie points up.

Everyone looks up to see a flying Mattie and she begins throwing flower petals everywhere, which fall on top of them.

Enzo smirks. "Of course she would do that. Come down here, mini devil!"

A giggling Mattie looks to Enzo and flies over to him. She puts her wings back in once she is in his arms.

"I can't even be mad about that, it was so adorable!" Caroline tickles Mattie.

"See? Favorite uncle." Enzo taunts Kol.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that but we all know who the children's favorite uncle are!"

"Enough already!" Caroline takes Mattie from Enzo's arms. "Luke, let's go."

Caroline and Luke are the first ones to walk down the aisle. After them, the bridesmaids and groomsmen proceed to follow them. After everyone is in place, Enzo goes to pick up Charles and soon notices Kaleb gone.

"Charlie, where's your brother?"

"He flew to the cake!"

"Of course he did. I'll get him, I am his favorite uncle after all!"

Kol vamp speeds away and returns with a giggling Kaleb in his arms.

Ariel holds onto Charlotte's hand, she bends down to whisper to her. "Those two never stop, do they?"

Charlotte giggles and shakes her head. She then looks at a certain boy giving her googly eyes and she gives him a shy smile. Kai notices this and glares at Leon, who pays no attention to him.

"Why is Leon making googly eyes at my Lottie?!" Kai whispers to Luke.

Luke looks the two children and smirks. "Looks like someone is smitten. Who knows? Leon might be your future son-in-law."

"...Oh hell no."

The father and daughter duo link their arms together.

"...You won't let me fall, right?" Clarissa looks at her father, slightly scared.

Lucifer smiles at her and then looks forward as the doors open. "...I'm a devil of my word."

Clarissa smiles once she sees everyone that's seated. Maze, Anastasia, Jeremy, Josie, Lizzie, Finn, Sage, Chloe, Trixie, Ella, Leon and many others.

When they reach the altar, Lucifer kisses Clarissa's cheek and places her hand in Kai's.

"I trust you will take good care of my little girl."

Kai nods and Lucifer goes to sit next to Chloe.

"Dearly beloved, we are here today in the presence of..."

"Say it!" Lucifer yells.


"Say it, brother! You promised that you would!"


"Lucifer, shut up." Chloe whispers.

"Say it! Say it! Say it! Say it!" Lucifer chants.

"Uncle Amy, would you dare break your word?"

"...The devil..." Amenadiel groans and Lucifer winks at him, making everyone else laugh.

"Thank you, brother!"

"Shut up. Allow me to start over... "Dearly beloved, we are here today in the presence of the devil, and this company to join Clarissa Forbes-Morningstar and Kai Parker in the holy bonds of matrimony. Now have you two written vows?"

"Couldn't we just skip the part and get to the kiss? I haven't kissed her since yesterday afternoon! Caroline threaten to sew my mouth shut if I tried to see her before the wedding!"

"Kai, keep talking and you'll be losing those lips! And since you said that, you're reading your vows!"

"Oh, come on!"

"Where's Maze?"

"Right here!" Maze waves her arm, sitting in the row behind Lucifer.

"Can I borrow a knife?"

"Sure!" Maze smirks. "You're learning, Cheery!"

"Clarissa." Caroline smirks in victory. "Before I met you I was nothing. I never knew understood love or joy... I felt nothing. I was just an abomination who knew nothing on how to hurt and kill... But when you and the twins came into my life, that's when for the first time I knew what happiness felt like... I fell in love with you when I couldn't love myself. You, our mischievous children, Ari, dear old dad and everyone else all made me into a better person...So thank you. Now I give you this ring as a symbol for my everlasting love for you." Kai slides the ring on her finger.

"Okay, I can't cry otherwise Caroline will kill me for ruining her masterpiece." She says making the audience laugh. "Kai... When I first met you, I thought you were cute. You talked too much but you were cute. But honestly? You got on my nerves? Two reasons. My grandfather sent me to you. And you were the second person to not look at me look at me like I was a piece of meat. But the way you looked at me? It was like I was everything to you... You healed my broken heart. You made me so happy that I fell in love and didn't realize it... I'm truly happy that you are my soulmate. So I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond." Clarissa slides the ring on Kai's finger.

"Do you Kai Parker, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Kai winks at her.

"Do you Clarissa Forbes-Morningstar, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Hmm... Let me think..." Clarissa says while tapping her chin.


"Sweetheart, it's alright to change your mind! We can wait a billion years!"

"Dad! You already gave me your blessing so shut it!" Kai yells at Lucifer.

"...Okay, I do."

Amenadiel chuckles. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kai immediately pulls her close and kisses her passionately.

"Ew!" All the children say while covering their eyes.

The bride and groom walk down the aisle with the audience cheering. Lucifer slowly stops clapping when he sees familiar figures. He sees Eleanor, Liz, Jo and Liv watching the bride and groom with proud smiles. Eleanor looks at Lucifer and winks before vanishing with the others.

"Glad you didn't miss it." Lucifer whispers.

Yes, I kinda had to mentioned Klaus for a bit. Just like Kai, Klaus did look at Clarissa differently than men or women would usually look at her. Let me put if this way. Klaus looked at her with adoration while Kai looks at her like she is his everything... If that makes sense!

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