Your Guardian Angel

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Sorry that this took so long! Would have gotten it done last week but it turned out to be longer than I originally thought!

Clarissa's outfit above and I hope I picked the right song for this!

And like I said in the previous chapter, this will continued to be based on Lucifer's Season 4 Finale!

Now get some tissues for this... You're going to need them.

Lucifer, currently in his devil face, grabs Klaus' neck and lifts him off the ground, slamming him against the wall of the alleyway of Mystic Grill.


"I know that I've made mistakes with Clarissa and that's on me. I've should have respected her decisions. So if you want to punish me to make yourself, go on ahead." Klaus breathes out.

Lucifer throws Klaus to the ground and goes to leave but stops for a moment. He turns back to Klaus. "Enjoy what time you have left with your daughter. Because whenever that day comes, there will be special section waiting just for you in Hell... It was made just for you."

Lucifer now stands with Chloe balcony of his penthouse at Lux.

"Lucifer...what are you saying? If you've settled the situation with the demons, isn't it over?"

"I'd say yes, Chloe, but I'd be lying. And... we both know I don't do that. Tonight we won, but we just plugged one hole in a very flimsy boat. In order to keep our grandchildren safe, I've already told the demons that I plan to return to my throne. If I don't, it's only a matter of time before they come back to Earth."

"So for how long? Like a couple... a couple of weeks or a month or-"

"Do you remember the original prophecy? When the devil walks the earth and finds his first love, evil shall be released... It was wrong. It always was. Eve was never my first love... It was Eleanor. If it hadn't been for that amazing woman, I never would have known what love felt like..." He takes a step forward and gently places a hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears with his thumb. "But you Chloe Decker-Morningstar? Are my last love. You made me a better person and for that I thank you."

"Lucifer... Please don't go." She cries.

He gives her a sad smile before kissing her. "Goodbye... I love you." He whispers before flying away.

Kai groans as he rubs the back of his neck. Once he opens his eyes, he sees Clarissa sitting on their bed next to him.

"What happened?! Are you and Delly okay?!" He asks, sitting up.

"We're back home. Mattie and Delly had found you on a bench and dad was the one to carry you back here. By the way, the person who snapped your neck was an old acquaintance of mine. I told you about her. Lulu?"

He immediately sits up and stares at her in panic. "The one you met at Lux after we got back from our honeymoon? The one who makes googly eyes at you too just like me and Nicolai? The one who was mesmerized by your beauty and complimented your personality? The same one who sent you your favorite cocktail? The same one who flirted with you and called you a freaking goddess? She even knew you are the devil's child! That Lulu?!"

She cups his face in her hands and smushes his cheeks.

"Yes, that Lulu. But it doesn't matter because you're the only one for me, remember?" She smiles at him but instead he returns the gesture with a frown. "What's wrong?"

He removes her hands from his face and continues holding them in his. "Are you okay?"

"Yes... I already told you that I was."

"You... Your hands don't feel warm like they always do."

"Really? Didn't notice... It is kinda cold outside."

"But you never feel cold to me though!" He snaps.

"Honey..." She says softly, shocked from his outburst.

"I... I'm sorry... I don't know what's gotten into me." He apologizes and pulls her into a hug. "I just felt scared all of a sudden. I'm sorry."

"It's okay... I'm okay. We're okay." She gives him a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm still here but... Dad is going back to rule Hell...and I'm going with him."

He places a hand on the back of her head. "...Okay."

"...Just "okay"?" Her eyes begin to glisten with tears. "You're not even going to fight me on this? I thought you at least throw one of your temper tantrums."

"We've never fought unless it's me catching you cheating on me with chocolate cake. And why bother throwing a fit when I understand. Losing him is the thing you're most terrified of after losing your mom, I know... But the old man shouldn't be alone and he's going to need someone there with him. 

"But losing you or the kids? That would become my very own hell. Dromos threatened going after our children, so I need to help my dad keep the demons in check."

"...They're so going to regret making an enemy of their princess." He chuckles. "Damn, it'll be a shame to miss you in action. I know you're going to be so hot in command mode." He smirks after hearing her giggle. "There's that laugh... When are you leaving?"


He sighs before pulling away. "Then I guess you should go see everyone in L.A. first before telling the kids. Where's the old man?"

"He's downstairs with the kids. He didn't want to leave without saying goodbye... I'll get going now." She gives him a smile as he wipes away her tears and kisses the back of her hand. "I'll be back in an hour or two... I love you."

"Pretty sure that I love you more."

They both laugh softly before she gets up from the bed and heads to the balcony.

"Son...we need to talk." Kai hears and turns around, noticing Lucifer standing in the doorway.

"Issa!" Trixie squeals and hugs her older sister. "As happy as I am to see you what are you doing here? Our cake date is for another week... Did you finally get tired of Kai?"

"Of course not." Clarissa chuckles. "But is there any chance we could move up on cake date up to now? Something has come up and I don't know when we'll get another opportunity for next cake date."

"Sure, why not? Besides, it's a good thing that you're here. Mom is kinda mad at me and I'm hoping that you can talk to her..."

"What did you do now?" Clarissa asks as Trixie lets her inside the house.

"...I may have handcuffed a guy's no-no-touch square to a fire hydrant." Trixie giggles.

"...You've been around me too much." Clarissa replies with a smirk. "Don't worry, I'll talk to mom."

"Thank you!"

"Clarissa!" Chloe walks up to give her eldest daughter a hug.

"I'll go get the chocolate cake! Make yourself comfortable in the living room!"

After Trixie heads into the kitchen, Chloe pulls Clarissa towards the living and sits both of them down.

"Your dad explained everything that happened... I haven't told Trixie yet."

"I'm sorry to leave that responsibility on you. How about the next time something happens, I'll be the one to tell her?" Clarissa offers.

"Deal." She agrees and they both laugh.

"...Thank you... I know that it wasn't easy finding out about my dad and me but after I lost my mom and Aunt Carol, I didn't think that I ever feel the love of a mother again. Thank you for being my third mother and helping me deal with my dad's ridiculous antics." She lightly chuckles and gives her a hug. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Clary."

As soon as Clarissa walks into the LAPD's lab, she is tackled in a hug. 


"Cuddly." Clarissa giggles.

"How are the newest additions to the nest? Told you it was going to be a boy but I wasn't expecting twins. I'm planning to visit in a couple of weeks. I brought a lot of baby stuff. You know those personalized chairs? Two each. Both in devil style. One with Legacy's name and the other with Royal's name."

"Of course you did, I expected no less." Clarissa smiles.

"Oh and I even got Leo and Lottie matching couple shirts." Ella pulls out two t-shirts from a box. One says "Her Guardian" and the other says "His Angel". "What do you-"

Clarissa suddenly pulls Ella into a hug and squeezes tightly. 

"...Why does this feel like a goodbye hug?"

"It's not, it's... More like a see you later hug. I came here because I knew you would be angry with me if I didn't at least see you before I left. I don't know when I'll be back so I just wanted one last hug from you."

"No. This is a goodbye hug, you're not fooling me." Clarissa holds back her tears and attempts to take a step back but Ella refuses to let go. "I'm not letting you go. What's going on?"


"No! Tell me what's going on!" Ella yells, tightening her grip on her best friend. "Do Kai and the kids know?"

 "Never thought the day would come but Clarissa is finally going to Hell." The two look next to them to see Kendra standing nearby. "The case where nearly a hundred people had gotten murdered all of a sudden? The demons took possession of the bodies and led an attack in Mystic Falls. Now to make sure something like this doesn't happen again, she's going to rule the underworld with Uncle Lucifer for the time being. My mom and I will be joining them as well."

"You can't be serious... The both of you are leaving?! What about me?! We're the three amigos! Why can't someone else take over?!" Ella yells as she is on the verge of tears.

"Ella... I've been selfish for a long time. After I lost my mom, my dad never left my side. He abandoned his duty because of me."

"He's your dad, Clarissa! He wasn't in your life as much as you two wanted him to be in so of course you get to be selfish! But you two are my best friends! What about our hangouts? Our special hugs? You even said it yourself that time passes by fast there! So how will you know that you won't miss all the important things?! Birthdays? Hammer time?" Kendra and Clarissa chuckle softly. "The kids graduation? Leo and Lottie's wedding?" She whimpers looking back and forth between Clarissa and Kendra.

"Yeah but for nearly eighteen years, he avoided that responsibility because of me... So now I have to repay the favor. It won't be forever, Ella. We'll be back." Clarissa says with a sad smile as she wipes away Ella's tears. "I'll miss your hugs, cuddly... You have to let me go now."

Ella suddenly passes out in Clarissa's arms and Kendra takes her, gently lying her down on the couch.

"Jeez, I didn't think Ellen would get this emotional about us leaving."

"Please, you know how much she loves us." Clarissa turns to their helper. "Thanks, Markus. Or should I say Kendra's future hubby?" She teases.

"Knock it off already. You know that Kendra and I are never getting married." Markus walks up to Clarissa and pokes her forehead.

"Alright, alright! Did you take care of Maze?" Clarissa asks Markus, receiving a nod.

"What do you mean about my mom?" Kendra asks, confused.

Clarissa sighs, refusing to look her cousin's way. "I mean is that you two aren't coming with us. You're needed "

Kendra laughs. "You're joking right? Doesn't the King and Princess of Hell need their right-hands?"

"We don't need the four of us going. It'll be just fine with me and my dad. I know everything I need to. You told me how things work in the underworld so I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me anymore, Ken."

"But we're Baby Luci and Baby Mazie!" Kendra gives her a look of disbelief.

"It's because of that reason that I'm letting you go!" Clarissa voice cracks at the end. "Stay here with the rest of our family. Your daughter will be graduating in a few months and you can't miss that... Make sure to take a bunch of photos for me. Don't forget to invite Kenzi and Hale. Pretty sure that they'll give her butter tarts. Oh and my graduation gift for Ana is in my private safe. Give my love to her... I love you, my cousin. My best friend. My sister. And my right-hand." Clarissa says giving Kendra a tearful smile. "...Markus, do it."

"No, you' can't-" Kendra passes out and Markus catches her in his arms, holding her bridal style.

"Clary, are you sure about this? Even if you do go, whose to say Kendra and Maze won't still try to go after you two."

"That's why I'll have three very powerful witches place a spell around the gate so that no one can get in." She wipes away her tears and sniffles. "I'm sorry that you had to do this."

"No need. I'm sorry that you have to go... Do you really have to?"

"Are you going to miss me that much? As a parting gift, why don't you and Kendra get married already? I still saved the wedding plans." She teases, making him playfully roll his eyes.

"We gave you a niece, isn't that enough?"


Outside Caroline and Enzo's home, Clarissa watches both her cousins arguing over Ariel's burgers. 

"Sis, give me back my burger!" Ariel whines.

"This is insane! You've eaten five burgers behind my back! How do you never care for the calories?!"

Clarissa tearfully smiles. "I'm sorry for not coming to face you both but I just can't... I'm barely managing to say my goodbyes to Kai and the kids... But just know that I love you both."

Giving them one last smile, she wipes away her tears and flies back home. 

While looking for Kai, Clarissa finds him sitting on a chair on their balcony.

"Kai, I'm back."

When he doesn't look at her and continues looking down at the floor, she sees the sad look on his face and she eventually notices a white feather on the floor...

"...Where's my dad?" He doesn't answer her. "Where's my dad, Kai?"

"...He already left for Hell."

"What? Why? How could he just leave without-"

"He didn't want you coming with him. It's a fate he never wanted you to share with him... He wanted me to make sure that I keep you here. He risked everything to give you a better life and wants it to stay that way... But I'm pretty sure that won't stop you and you already know the way there." He gets up from his seat and walks over to her, taking her hands in his. "So you do what you have to do. I'll support you either way."

"...How did I get such a understanding man like you?"

"Hmm... I'll tell you about it another time." He answers, making her giggle.

Clarissa walks into the babies room and leans over the crib.

"My beautiful babies." Clarissa mumbles reaching her hands out to the twin babies for them to grab her fingers. "Mommy has to go away for a while but I wanted to talk you both before I left... Royal, you've got the sign of the devil on that forehead so you're gonna be a troublemaker. You've already attempted to rip off some of your dad and brothers hair. Look, if you grew some hair on that head, you there wouldn't be any need for you to be jealous."

Royal gurgles as a response and his eyes flash red for a second.

"Hey, I can do that too." She smirks and her eyes also flash red. "...I also know that you've inherited the corndog obsession. I saw you eyeing my corndog a few days ago. Grandma Elle would be proud... Try not to cause too much mayhem, okay? Take it easy on your poor old dad." Royal squeezes her finger. "I'll take that as an okay... Now Legacy, my sweet boy. You're just like me when I was a baby. You only drink chocolate milk and won't accept anything less. We can't even blame Grandma Elle for that one, that's all on me." She tickles his tummy resulting in a smile from him. "I already know that you're going to be the responsible one between you and your twin so you keep him in check for me. Oh and make sure that your favorite big sister Kailee doesn't eat too much candy... I have to go talk to your older siblings now, okay? I love you both and do me a favor? Don't grow up too fast while I'm gone."

(Last gif made by me!)

Clarissa heads downstairs and sees the kids gathered in the living room.

"You're going after grandpa, aren't you?" Charlotte asks, the first one coming forward.

Clarissa nods. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, mom." Charlotte walks up to her mother, taking her hands in hers. "If you don't, he'll be all alone. It's not like we'll never see you two again. We know that you'll come back. Just make sure to be back in time for Charlie's and mine graduation...or a little sooner." She says, making them both laugh. "At least we had our chocolate cake day a couple days ago."

"Yeah... Yeah, it's a good thing we did... Keep doing what you love, okay? Keep baking even when I'm not here. Even though I've always had the honor of being the first to taste your cakes and pastries, let someone else take the spot. But the day you open your own bakery-"

"You'll still be my first customer." Charlotte says shakily and sniffles.

"Thanks, Mini Elle... I love you."

Charlotte goes in for a hug and sheds a tear. "I love you too, mom."

After Charlotte lets go of her mother and takes a step to the side, Clarissa walks over to Mattie whom she sees standing by herself.

"Matilda... I haven't seen you cry since you were a baby." Clarissa gasps as she wipes away Mattie's tears.

"Mom, can you and grandpa please not go through with this?"

Clarissa sighs and pulls her daughter into a hug. "You saw what happened at the ball and Dromos threatened to have you or your siblings brought to the underworld instead. So you know why we have to go through with this. Your grandfather threw away everything for me and now I'm doing the same for you kids... So Mini Devil, how about you have a new song written for me and your grandpa when we get back, huh?"

"...Okay." Mattie whimpers.

"Good girl... Try not to have too much fun asking people about their desires and don't scare your godmother too much." Clarissa says before kissing the top of Mattie's head and letting her go. 

"We'll be fine here, mom. We won't go too overboard with the pranks. We'll also try not to make too much of a mess in the kitchen if we have one of our food fights. Oh and I won't try to eat only cupcakes for dinner..." Kaleb feels his mother wiping away his tears, not realizing himself that he was crying. "Am I seriously leaking? Damn it, why do feelings have to be so hard? Shoot, I said a swear in front of Lee and Ellie."


"This dysfunctional family isn't going to be the same without you guys. What about our family days? Our usual tug of war when it's the boys vs girls! Dad always complains about Lottie and you getting a power boost off of chocolate cake! What about our anime marathons? We were suppose to start Fullmetal Alchemist! Or who is going to talk some sense into Mattie if she handcuffs someone on the side of a building? And we won't be able to whine about yours and dad's pda if you're not here!"

"Hey..." Clarissa lightly rubs her thumbs alongside his cheeks. "This dysfunctional family is going to be just fine. I know it's hard right now but you guys will get through each day without us being here. You all will figure it out... It amazes me how much you took after your father but you were always such a mommy's boy." She teases him with the last part.

"Well, dad is always such a simp for you so it makes sense doesn't it?" Kaleb asks, his voice breaking.

"Yeah... Yeah, I guess it does... Well as emotional as you get, this gives you more time to prepare yourself before we start that series. So prepare all the tissues you can, alright?" He nods and she then kisses his cheek before walking over to Kailee and Amoriel, crouching down in front of them.

"Mommy, you and grandpa won't be gone for too long, right?" Kailee asks.

"We'll be back as soon as we can, I promise." She pulls them both into a hug. "You two are my most well behaved children, so I'm not too worried either of you. But for my sake, don't grow up too fast."

"We'll try but we can't control our growth. It's part of life."

"I know... I told your grandpa the same thing when I was growing up."

"...Valhalla will come for you." Amoriel whispers in Clarissa's ear.

Clarissa stays silent and tightens the hug.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Kailee asks.

"Mhmm... I'm fine, sweetie." Clarissa replies before kissing the sides of her daughters heads. "Delly, whatever happened? It's not your fault." She whispers back before making her way over to her eldest son.


"My little boy grew into a fine young man... I'm so proud of you." Clarissa says Charles, cupping his face in her hands and wiping away his tears. "There's a chance that I may not be here for our mother-son corndog day but...carry on the tradition for me, okay? And hopefully get yourself a girlfriend." He sniffles and nods. "It is truly an honor to be your mother."

She kisses his forehead and makes her way to the front door. She turns back around and gives her children a tearful smile.

"I love you... All of you."

After she leaves, the kids break down...

Clarissa lands in the middle of the parking lot of the grocery store, meeting up with Kai.

"Hmm, this is where we first met. I knocked you out and then threatened you with a fire poker." She smiles, walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yeah but I was so distracted by your beauty, I would have gladly let you stab me with that thing as many times as you wanted." He smirks as she rolls her eyes. "...Do you know when I realized when I was in love with you? It was that huge party that dad and you threw for me at Lux, and you serenaded me with a corndog." They both laugh. "I was so happy for knowing in the first time in my life what love felt like."

"...I don't deserve you." She finally bursts into tears.

"Hey!" He gently places his hands on both her cheeks. "You know that if I could change one thing anything in my past, it would stopping myself from killing my siblings... But you? Never... Me being in that prison world brought me to you. And guess what? It was worth it. I would happily go back to that prison world over and over again if it gave me back the siblings' lives that I took away and gave me you every single time."

"...I love you, Kai Parker."

"And I-I... I love you, Clarissa...Morningstar-Parker." He says with his voice cracking and closing his eyes.

She gives him a tearful smile, wipes away his tears and gives him one last kiss.

"...I'll come back to you." She whispers but he keeps his eyes closed.

Knowing that he won't look at her once more, she unleashes her wings and flies away. After hearing her leaving, he opens his eyes and looks up at the night sky.

"Out of all things, Nik! How could you do something like this?! Working with demons to kill Clarissa's father and husband?! Did you ever consider Clarissa's feelings?! What about Charlotte and Charles?! You've ruined any chance of them potentially letting you in!" Rebekah yells at her brother.

"I know! Hope made me realize that! And that's why I called off the attack and I gave the dagger to Clarissa! The deal with Dromos was that he only wanted Lucifer back as their ruler, I didn't know that Clarissa was the demons target as well!"

Before they can continue their argument, the front doors burst open and they see a fuming Charlotte walking towards them.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" She screams at Klaus, raising her had to inflict an aneurysm on him. "Why couldn't you just stay away?! Why couldn't you leave us and my mother alone, huh?! Now because of you, she and my grandfather had to leave us! They just went to Hell to protect me and my family!"

"Charlotte, wait! I get that you are angry but this is not the answer. Your mother wouldn't want you doing this-"

"Freya? It's better for you that you keep your mouth shut. Your brother wants to rip my family apart? I'll rip him apart!" Charlotte snaps and uses her other hand to throw the others back against the wall.

"I'm sorry!" Klaus screams in pain.

"You're sorry? What does apologizing do? Does it give me back my mother? Huh?! Can you give me back my mother?!"

She continues her torture on Klaus, his pain and screams worsen. Hope and the Mikaelson siblings shout at Charlotte to stop.

"Charlotte, please stop!" Hope begs.

"We can solve this another way!" Elijah shouts.


The windows shatter and someone gently grabs Charlotte's wrist, making her lower it. She looks next to her to see her father. The Mikaelson family drops to the floor and Hope rushes over to her father.

"Here I thought it would be Mattie coming to torture this guy but instead I find you." He says with a smirk.

"Dad." She whimpers and he gives her a hug.

"I know, sweetie. I know." He kisses the top of her head. "Go wait in the car for me. I have a few things to settle with him."

Charlotte nods and after watching her leave, Kai turns to Klaus with the most livid expression. He snaps his fingers, causing the Mikaelsons expect Klaus to go unconscious. 

"I've thought about the things that I should do to you as payback... My best idea was sending you to a prison world of my own creation." Kai smugly smirks at Klaus' frightened reaction. "I also could have made you seen Mikael but I don't want to be that cruel because I know what it's like to have an abusive father... So know what I'm going to do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing... You like to be in control. To have the attention on you. For everyone to bow to your will. So the best revenge against a to ignore them. Why am I choosing to do only this? Because of your daughter... And besides, my dad already has your hell loop all planned out. So we'll just wait for that day."

When Kai makes his way to the front door and stops to look back at Klaus.

"It's a shame... I could have seen us becoming friends. We were born different from our families, always treated as freaks of nature. We both had daddy issues and didn't always have the best relationships with our siblings... But because of your self ego and your desire to take Clarissa back for yourself?" Kai lightly chuckles and vamp speeds straight towards Klaus, standing directly in front of him and leans in to whisper something in his ear.

Klaus takes a step back and stares at Kai with a shocked expression. "You're lying... That... It can't be..."

"I wanted you to know so you can suffer a bit more. What happened to Clarissa because of you... I guess this is how Elijah feels when he has to clean up your messes. Don't even think about helping me or getting any further involved, you've done enough... Hope can continue going to the school. She shouldn't have to be punished for your actions. Also, maybe you should get out of this town? Because once the students find out the news about their headmistress, they're not going to be happy. Every supernatural creature in this town will hate your guts... If you do leave, don't come back for any reason unless it's Hope's graduation... You might want to get that injury checked out."

Once Kai exits the mansion, Klaus looks confused until he feels pain coming from his stomach. He looks down to see that he's been stabbed with a white oak stake by Clarissa...

"What did you do?" Charlotte asks her father when he enters the car.

"I may have left him a little something... One of his greatest nightmares."

Lucifer is staring at his throne with a forlorn expression and just as he is about to make his way towards it, he stops upon feeling a familiar presence behind him. He quickly turns around to see a smiling Clarissa.

"Clary, what are you doing here?"

"Really thought you would do this without me?" She asks as she goes to stand next to him.


"You promised that you would never leave me. With me being here, you're not breaking that promise. So I'm making you a promise as well... I won't ever leave you either." She tells him while looking at her throne next to his. "Because of your sacrifices, you gave me a good life. So since you have to be here in the underworld, I think that me being here will make things a little better for you."

His eyes glisten with tears. "...Sweetheart..."

"You're not the only devil to keep their word." She says, now looking at him with a tearful smile.


"She hasn't opened her eyes yet... My little angel. Won't you let mommy see whose eyes you got?" Eleanor coos. "I've waited so long to meet you."

"Let the child sleep."

"She slept in my stomach for nine months, I say she got enough sleep... Don't you want to hold your daughter?"

"Eleanor, I don't know if that is such a good idea-"

"I carried her for nine months and I had to eat for two! All that while she was kicking me so much! And I spent almost a whole day trying to birth your child, so help me out here!" She whines.

Lucifer sighs. "...Give her to me."

Eleanor passes the baby over to Lucifer and then does she finally open her eyes. "Oh, I guess you were just waiting on your dear old dad to hold you, huh?"

"Wow, guessing she's a daddy's girl... She's even got your eyes."

"She looks like her gorgeous mother but has got the devil in her eyes."

Eleanor notices the look of awe on Lucifer's face as he looks at the baby, making her smile. They hear a knock on the door and see Bill standing in the doorway.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Come meet your niece."

Bill comes into the room, walks over to Lucifer who passes the baby over to him.

"...She's perfect. Look just like your mother, don't you? Hopefully, you got her personality as well."

"Pretty sure she got half and half." She giggles. "How is Liz doing?"

"Good but since it's close to the due date, she's gotten even more crankier. I'll be glad when she finally has the baby."

"Just bear with her for now. Give her whatever she wants and agree with whatever she says."

"Fine. Now mind telling me what my precious niece's name is?"

"Clarissa Adelaide Forbes. I picked her first name, Luci decided her middle name." Eleanor smiles at her daughter.

"It's perfect for a princess. Our little devil needed the best name."  Lucifer says proudly.

"Yeah, thanks to me! For first names, you came up with something like Onyxia or Pandora!"

"What's so wrong with those?!"

"They're ancient like you!"

As Lucifer and Eleanor bicker with one another, Bill laughs and looks down at his newborn niece.

"Look at you, little one. You've already gotten everyone to fight over you already." He whispers to her.

End of Flashback

The tears escape Lucifer's eyes and chuckles. "...Your mother was right..."

"About what?"

"You know the thing that humans would say about having a guardian angel?"

"Yeah. Mom always said that you were mine." She answers with a sad smile.

"...Yes... Yes, she did."

"But what about it?"

"Lucifer, our little girl here...she's your guardian angel."

"...Just as I am your guardian are my mine."

"I love you, dad." She says while shedding a tear.

"I love you little devil."

Back in Mystic Falls, Kai is in his and Clarissa's room. He looks around until his eyes land on a photo the day he became a police officer.



"Yeah?" Clarissa turns around to see Kai wearing his police uniform. "Are you serious? We celebrated your first day as a cop so why did you put it back on?"

"You know why."

"...No way."

"Yes way, now come here."

"No, stay back! Don't you come near me!" Lucifer walks in and Clarissa immediately goes to stand behind him. "Dad, protect me!"

"What on earth is going on?"

"We made a deal with the kids about not touching each other for a week. And I can't take it anymore, I will gladly accept defeat!"

"I'm not losing this deal because of you, Kai! If I can hold out, so can you!"

"How long has it been?"

"Four hours."

Lucifer sighs. "Son. I understand your desire towards my little devil. I mean that's kinda of my fault because, she and I? We're like walking heroin. But you are stronger than most people! Think of this as a test to resisting your temptations! Which in your case would be an hour but you've lasted longer! Four hours? You should be proud!"

"But I can't hold out anymore!" Kai whines.

"We have four makeout sessions this morning! That should be enough!" Clarissa yells.

While the couple bicker with Lucifer attempting to mediate things between them, the younger Forbes-Parker twins giggle watching them.

End of Flashback

Suddenly he grabs the lamp from the nightstand and throws it at the wall. He then kicks over one of the chairs and picks up a flower vase, throwing it at the mirror. He continues breaking things while screaming. Once he's done trashing the room, he put his back against the wall and slides down. Unable to hold it back anymore, he bursts into tears.

He hears the door opening but pays no mind to it. 

"Kai." A familiar voice says and a hand is place on his shoulder. He looks up to see his brother Luke. "Clarissa called me earlier and told me what was going on. Glad she did, figured you would need me... I'm sorry, brother." He explains and pulls an emotional Kai into a hug. He then glances at the crying children standing in the doorway.

The loyal hellhound takes her place next to the king and princess who sit on their thrones...


"Stop wasting my time! I'm suppose to be ruling the underworld with my father. The faster we done with that, the faster we can get back to the rest of our loved ones! So how about you explain to me why I'm here and not there?"

Lulu sighs. "Of course you haven't realized it yet..."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Lulu steps out of the way and Clarissa is shocked by what is before her...

End of Flashforward


Gorgeous manip made by vintagewanda





So yeah, I did this. I took elements from season 4 and brought them into this story. The reasons for doing this was one, I wanted to tie this story into season 4 and possibly future seasons of Lucifer. Second, when I was planning "The Talk" chapter, I began running out of ideas on what to do with after that. The guess what happened? The season five trailer came out and solved everything. So I'm excited to start the next book!

Now things went a little differently from what I had originally planned but what did you think about Clary's goodbye scenes? Think I handled things well? I wasn't going to include Caroline and Ariel but I felt like I had to do a little something.

Now Kai knows something is wrong with Clarissa and he also revealed it to Klaus to make him feel even more guilty for his actions... What do you think it could be? And how do you all feel about Klaus' punishment?

Now I was going to reveal the mysterious woman's identity in this but it didn't work out the way that I wanted so I'll save it for the next book!

Added Note: I forgot to put this before posting the chapter but for those who don't know who Markus is, he was briefly shown in The Wedding oneshot. He's Kendra's lover and the father of Anastasia. But if you remember the Martins from TVD? He is an oc I created to be Luka's older brother. Because I did change Ana's last name to Martin and that's why she is part witch! The reason you barely saw him this book is because I haven't decided a faceclaim for him yet! But you'll be seeing a bit more of him in Book 2!

Now give me your thoughts! What were your favorite things about this book? Who was your favorite couple? Favorite character? Brotp? Favorite moment?

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