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"I am married and I dont even know my husband! What is going on Krishna?!!!!! I am your sakhi and I want answers!!!" Meghna shouted in the bathroom.
"Sakhi you have to find these answers yourself! Hey mahadev stop shouting now! Girls in this era dont really act like hulks" krishna joked.
Meghna couldn't see krishna but atleast his voice was audible.
"Krishna what is happening? Am I married to virat?" Meghna asked frustrated.
"Well I hope not!" Krishna said.
"I kow you know! Who is my husband krishna?" Meghna again shouted.
"Oh mahadev!!!! Stop shouting sakhi! Karn and his family are already worried about your sudden emergence from the fire and if you shout like this it would not not be fair to them." Krishna said.
Meghna stopped shouting.
"Am I married to Karn?" Meghna asked a little nervous.
"I cant say anything sakhi.  But I am sure you are wise enough to find the answer yourself. All the best sakhiiiii" krishna said and the bathroom was filled with silence again.

"I should go and check on that girl. Where is she ? " Radha asked the handmaid.
"She is in Maharaj Karn's chamber." The handmaid said.
"Ohh okay. I will go to see her then." Radha said.
"I will accompany you radhama" Vrushali said.
Both of them set out to meet Meghna.

"Thank god ! Krishna has brought all my stuff from Kaliyug. This suitcase is pretty huge. I have to hide it somewhere." Meghna spoke to herself.
She first changed into her comfy shorts and crop top. The lehenga was so heavy. She sighed relief.

Her phone too had network. Thank god! But no contacts! Only Krishna's number. So krishna has a mobile. Ofcourse he has a phone! He is god. But why does he need a phone?
Suddenly a message popped in Meghna's phone.
'Because I like learning new technology! I am more advanced than your generation and mobile is quite a good distraction from stress! And I love the new apps . My insta profile is quite popular in heaven. I and mahadev have the highest number of followers.😜'

Seriously! Krishna! It's interesting though. Gods have instagrams too! Woow! They are quite like us. Meghna smiled to herself. She found her earphones in the suitcase. Yes!!!
All her favourite  tracks were present there in spotify. Krishna is the best.
She put on her earphones and her ears blasted with soulful music. The music brought peace to her heart. She was roaming around the room dancing and singing to herself when she felt a pat on her shoulder.
She turned around to see two women standing in front of her. She was a little embarrased. They have seen her awful dance moves. She took off her earphones.

"What were you doing Putri?" Radha asked a little amused by the little girl's dance.
Vrushali too was smiling.
Meghna sighed relief. They were not angry with her.
"I am so sorry. I was enjoying music ...um...sangeet" meghna replied a little stammering.
"Oh no need to apologise sweetheart. Such a pretty girl you are! You are an angel sent from heaven ." Radha exclaimed with joy and caressed her her cheek lovingly.
Meghna was taken aback. Only her mother cared for her like this. She had no one in her past life who acred for her and lived her and this unknown lady seemed so loving. There was a homelike aura in her touch which moved Meghna to tears. She couldn't control her tears and burst out crying.
Radha and Vrushali were taken aback. Radha slowly wiped her tears and hugged her lovingly.
"Are you okay Putri?" Radha asked.
Meghna felt so happy hugging Radhama. She didnt know why but there was a motherly affection in her touch.
"You are Meghna right?" Vrushali asked.
"Yes yes but how do you know my name?" Meghna asked .
"Actually the pandit said so. "
Wow here the pandits really know things. They actually are connected to gods.
"Where are you from? Are you sent from heaven?" Radha asked.
"No Rajmaata.  I have come from the future. I lived in kaliyug." Meghna answered.
Radha looked at her confused. Is that possible.
'Help me krishna', meghna thought.
Suddenly there was an akaashvaani.
I am Mahadev. Radha you are a very good human being and that is the reason you have got the opportunity to take care of my sakhi Meghna. She is indeed from the future and she has a special task to perform in this era. Hope you will take good care of my dear sakhi.
And everything was quiet again. Radha couldn't believe her ears. She was surprised beyond wits.
She quickly folded her hands towards the sky as a sigh of respect towards the akaashvaani. Vrushali however was ignorant. She had not heard any voice.
"What do you mean you did not hear any voice. There was a clear voice. It was  Mahadev " Radha exclaimed with joy.
She quickly embraced Meghna.
"We are honoured to have you my child. You will stay with us from now on. You are a very special girl. Lord Mahadev has told me to take good care of you and I cant offend my prabhu. Moreover you are the sweetest girl ever. Come her my child." Radha said.
Meghna hugged her back.
"Vrushali can you please tell the servants yo bring some food for Meghna?" Radha asked.
"Ofcourse mata" saying so Vrushali left.
"Sit down my child. I am so happy to have you here. You are like my little daughter. What is your age?" Radha asked in the most affectionate manner possible.
"I am 25 rajmata." Meghna answered.
"Never call me Rajmaata again. Call me Radhama . So you were dancing but there was no music. To what were you dancing?"Radha asked.
"Ohh my mobile. It is a gadget from the future . It has all kinds of music." Meghna cried.
Radha was still confused.
So Megbna played her favorite playlist in spotify. The phone boomed with music. Radha was stunned. She had never seen something like this. The music was really catchy. Radha seemed to enjoy it.
Meghna started dancing to the music. She was jumping up and down and Radha couldn't control her laughter. She was amused to see her dance so badly. Meghna was extremely happy to see Radhama laugh. She continued jumping when she felt a shove from the back as if she had clashed with something. But there was no wall. She quickly turned around. Her face bumped into a rock hard chest. It was a strong chest and the body was brilliant. Meghna had never seen a more perfect body. It was not extremely muscular nor completely lean. It was a mixture and it was the perfect combination. Meghna was impressed. She looked up to see a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking at her. She for a second was lost in those eyes.

"Karn?" Radha said.
Meghna immediately moved back. She was taken aback. This was Angraj Karn. She had never imagined him to be soo hot.
What are you thinking Meghna? You just met Vrushali, Karn's wife.
"Maata the pandit has fixed the date after three months for the marriage." Karn said without even looking at Meghna.
He is rude. Completely ignoring me!
"Whose marriage?" Meghna asked.
Karn seemed disturbed as if she had no right to question him. Well did she actually have the right to question him? But he is rude. Meghna was happy she was team Arjun.
"Karn and Vrushali's marriage putri" Radhama answered.
"Ohh . They are not married yet?" Meghna asked.
"How do you know they were getting married?" Radha asked.
"Maata who is she? And is she so important right now? Vrushali and my marriage..." karn was speaking.
"Oh right! You are here from the future so you know everything that is going to happen.  Right?" Radha asked.
"Yes Radhama but I don't know if the story has changed due to my present so I am not really sure about anything." Meghna answered.
"She is from the future?" Karn asked shocked by the revelation.
"Maata I have to meet Vasudev Krishna soon." Meghna cried.
"Oh you know Vasudev. Ofvourse you know him. He is a great man. Many assume him yo be an avatar of god." Radha said.
"Is that so?" Megbna asked.
"Seriously are you both ignoring me? Maata? And why is she calling you Radhama? " Karn expressed his displeasure.
"Karn she is a part of our family now." Radha said.
'Did Radhama come to know that I have applied sindoor on her forehead? Why then is She referring this girl as family? ' karn thought.
He felt guilty but the sight of Meghna disturbed him. She reminded him what a blunder he had done. Was it his fault?
"I heard Mahadev's akaashvani. She is a special soul and we have to take good care of her putr." Radha explained.
Karn was confused . What was happening?
"Whatever. Vrushali's parents are calling you " Karn said.
"You too come dear"  Radha ma suggested Meghna.
Meghna nodded happily. But Karn interrupted.
" She cant go out in these clothes. What are you wearing anyway?" Karn asked.
Karn himself didnt know why he was being so rude to Meghna. He was never so rude to anyone. Was it because of the sindoor thing? Did the sindoor mean anything? He didnt know.
"But all the people there are our close ones " Radha said defending Meghna.
"No maata. She can come ily when she's properly dressed. " Karn declared as a final statement.
Saying so Karn left. Meghna didnt get any opportunity to oppose his statement or to explain him. Radha gave her a churidaar to wear and caressed her cheek lovingly. Meghna smiled gratefully. Radha left to meet Vrushali's parents.
'I HATE ANGRAJ KARN! HE IS AN ARROGANT PIECE OF BRAT! HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!'  Were Meghna's exact thoughts.
'Calm down sakhi' she heard Krishna's voice.
'No krishna. How dare he ?! What does he think of himself? He is so rude.  His mother is so sweet!' Meghna thought.
'Its okay Sakhi.  Calm down . Wear your churidaar. It will suit you' Meghna heard Krishna's voice.
"Whatever it is I loath Angraj Karn!" meghna declared.

Its too soon to hate someone sakhi. Hatred already?, krishna thought to himself.

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