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Meghna had very well noticed Karn's face filled with guilt. She didnt react a bit. She was irritated. Karn had left her alone at the temple at night. He had insulted her without any reason. And after mistake he commits he apologises and expects Meghna to forgive him.
Not happening this time!
"Holi is approaching Putri!!! We have to make so many preparations. Anga is famous for holi festival. All theborinces and kings from different kingdoms visit Anga's holi festival. We have so much to do!!" Radha said already tired thinking about all the work.
Vrushali and Meghna convinced her that they would handle everything together.
"Have you invited Hastinapur?" Vrushali asked.
"Yes ofcourse" karn said surprised that Vrishali would even ask such a question.
Vrushali left angrily.
Meghna followed Vrushali.
"What's wrong?" Meghna asked as she saw Vrushali on the verge of tears.
"I am so scared about Karn. Meghna prince Duryodhan is a horrible human being. He had killed his own brothers and Karn thinks he will be a true friend . I don't believe him at all. I told Karn several times to break his friendship with that Duryodhan but Karn is so stubborn. I dont understand" Vrushali explained her dilemma.
Meghna very well knew her worry was justifiable and Karn'd friendship with Duryodhan  would lead to  his destruction.

Meghna patted Vrushali's shoulders and consoled her when a dasi came and informed everyone that Radhama had called for them.
"Putri Meghna you friend Krishna has called for you to spend some days in Dwarka but after I told him about the grandiose festival of holi on Anga he promised to join us by today noon to help us in the preparations for the festival. He along with his complete family are on their way to Anga. It's such a privilege for us!" Radhama said and smiled gleefully.
Meghna was do happy. Finally her sakha was here. She would meet him face to face after so long.
"Karn take Meghna along with you to select the flower arrangements. She has a very good taste in these things!" Rafha ordered.
Meghna wanted to refuse but Radhama left without giving her any chance to refuse.
Meghna didn't speak to Karn on their way to the market. Karn on the other hand was too embarrassed to speak. 
He had to apologise to her.
"The weather...the weather is really fine.  " karn commented.
What's wrong with you Karn!!! Weather talks?!!!
Meghna was quiet.
"And the sky is looking so beautiful.  Right?" Karn tried desperately to get an answer.
"The sky seems blue and void and normal amd the weather is horrible. There is 65 percent chance of heavy downpour. So no none of what you said made any sense" Meghna replied.
Slap! This was the ultimate insult ever. Karn could feel his face turn red with embarrassment but it was his fault afterall.
Meghna could stop herself from smiling as she saw Karn's face. Entertaining!
Karn noticed her smile and spoke again to be furthur insulted by Meghna .
After three attempts Meghna bluntly cried," Haven't you had enough? Every time you try to speak to me I insult you and you are embarrassed . Yet you keep trying to get insulted again"
"Well after you insult me and I get embarrassed a smile appears on your face. And I want to witness that smile again and again." Karn said honestly and immediately regretted speaking too much.
Meghna looked at him with a strange expression. She had not expected such a smooth answer.
"Meghna I know I dont deserve your forgiveness but please let me apologise. You dont need to forgive me but I will feel better if I can apologise" Karn said looking downwards.
Meghna didnt answer. She looked at him and nodded her head slightly.
"Meghna I can never imagine the condition you were in when I left you alone that night. I have never been abandoned before" karn said.
Meghna's heart skipped a beat. Karn didnt know that he was abandoned by his own mother. She felt pity for the guy even though all she wanted to feel was hatred for him.
"I was out of my senses but my action cannot be justified and I have no excuses.  I accept my sin of leaving you alone at night in an unknown city." Karn said his sight still facing downwards.

Meghna could feel the genuineness in his voice amd even though she wanted to never forgive him she couldnt help but rethink her decision when she felt someone pulling her . The next moment she was dragged inside a chariot and she could see Karn running after the chariot flustered and shouting. Meghna closed her eyes as she smelt a dreamy scent of a herb. This herb is used to make chloroform in the  kaliyug. Meghan fainted .

Meghna's eyes opened to witness the most horrifying scene she had ever witnessed. A man was being executed fight in front of her eyes. She shrieked with fear . She then looked up and found herself in a grand palace court. A very huge man was seated in the throne who looked at her his eyes filled with lust. Meghna looked around her . She was handcuffed with iron chains and the men in the court looked at her excitedly.
What was happening? Where was she?!!
The king got up from his throne and walked towards Meghna . Meghna wanted go rin the iron chains were stopping her. Moreover the entire court was filled with horny men ready to tear out her clothes with the first opportunity offered go them. Meghna could identify such people from their eyes and expressions. Her father was one of them.
The king leaned closer to Meghna amd sniffed the air around her. Meghna felt so un comfortable. She wanted to kick his balls but she was chained.
" Meghna : the  new born girl from the Kaliyug. Your beauty and intelligence is known to the entire Aryavrat. News have spread faster than usual. You are the guest of my enemy Angraj Karn." The king said touching Meghna hair tresses
"Dont you dare touch me. I will chop off your hands along with your balls. Dont you dare touch me!" Meghna spatter angrily trung her best to free herself from the iron chain.
The kind looked amused.
"Really?!! I love badass women. They fight me when I sleep with them which increases the excitement so much more. " The king declared.
"Dont you dare utter another word. Krishna will save me! And Karn will kill you as soon as he gets to know about this!" Meghna shouted.
"That I will so anyway!" A voice was heard echoing ik the palace.
Meghna turned around to see Karn standing at the door his eyes filled with fire.

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