Meghna's first love

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"I am glad you all are alive my sons!" Mamashree said with wickedness.
Duryodhan looked at him weirdly. He can really act. It was his plan to burn the Pandavas in the varnavrat. He wasn't really happy with the plan. He wanted the kingdom but he didn't want to kill the Pandavas. They could've left Hastinapur or something like that but killing them was never his first option. He was not a murderer after all.
"We are very much alive mamashree. Thanks to our jyesth Bhrata" Arjun said smiling ironically. Karn smiled knowingly. Today they were going to reveal that Angraj Karn was their jyesth Bhrata. Karn didn't want to reveal his identity as it would defame Kunti but Kunti did not want to disown her son again. Radhama too was present there. So the time has finally come when Karn would be called a kaunteya and not Radheye.
"Hey are Karn's mother and no one can change that fact. Its true that you are not Karn's biological mother but you are his mother who raised him."Krishna said to himself as Radhama's thoughts reached his ears.
"Yudhisthir? " Shakuni asked viewing Yudhisthir with suspicion.
"Arjun is talking about our jyesth Bhrata mamashree" Yudhisthir said confusing Duryodhan,Shakuni and Bheesm.
"I didn't quite get you putra. You are the jyesth Bhrata. If Arjun is not talking about you then who is he talking about?" Bheesm asked .
"I was referring to our jyesth Bhrata Pitamah. Your eldest grandchild. The jyesth kaunteya! Angraj Karn!" Arjun said shocking Bheesm.
Kunti nodded smiling and the other Pandavas agreed reassuringly. Karn didn't speak much. He just observed Duryodhan. He didn't seem disturbed but a little relieved. He had never seen Duryodhan so neutral before.
He had to talk to Duryodhan and explain to him how his wicked uncle was manipulating him. He knew Duryodhan was not the most righteous person but he also knew that Duryodhan was not completely rotten like his mamasree.
"What!? How is that possible? Angraj Karn is the son of my charioteer Adhirath! How can he ba a Kaunteya!"Bheesm said shocked.
The entire story of Karn's birth was narrated by Kunti herself. Bheesm was teary eyed by the end of the story. He felt sorry for Karn. He had been denied his rights since his childhood. He had always sympathised with Radheye but now when he came to know that he was his grandchild his sympathy was converted to love and empathy for Radheye. He wanted to spend some momemts with his grandchild who he had always considered as a friend of Duryodhan and nothing more.
"Illegitimate! Mahamahim Bheesm! He is an illegitimate child! Kunti is a sinner and this is his sinful child!" Shakuni said.
Bheesm tried to control himself from beheading Shakuni. The Pandavas gritted their teeth. Meghna could feel her blood boil with rage. Kunti was too upset to say anything. Arjun wanted to kill Shakuni right there. Krishna's smile had vanished and he looked at  Shakuni with a certain seriousness. Karn was really hurt. He was filled with rage as Shakuni insulted his mother.
"Mamashree! Not a word more about my mitr! He is my friend. It doesn't matter of he is a Kaunteya or not. Moreover Maharishi Vedvyas too was not the son of a married woman . His mother was my great grand mother Satyavati. That doesn't make maharishi bed vyas illegimate. No child is illegitimate! He is  precious for his mother and the society doesn't have the right to defame a child based on his birth!" Duryodhan said.
Everyone were shocked. Karn looked at him with pride. Today his mitr jad showed he is not an evil person. He is just misguided. He was always misguided by his dear uncle. When he spoke against Draupadi in the swayamvar, when he planned the varnavrat incident it was always his mamasree controlling Duryodhan as his mere puppet.
The Pandavas were shocked. Did Duryodhan actually support Karn? Kunti was happy. Duryodhan was not wicked like his uncle and today he has proved it. He was virtuous like his mother and generous like his father. Krishna smiled knowingly. Duryodhan had given him a reason to stop this war. Meghna smiled knowingly. She was the reason behind Duryodhan's sudden evolution but no one knew about it. No one knew about her friendship with Duryodhan. Meghna always felt Duryodhan was wronged. She had been planning this since she got married. No one knew about Meghna and Duryodhan's friendship. Not even Karn.
"And now Karn is not my mitr any more" Duryodhan said.
The Pandavas looked away knowingly. How could they even think that Duryodhan was being kind. He was evil.
"He is my brother. My jyesth Bhrata now!" Duryodhan declared.
Everyone were spellbound. Bheesm was proud of his grandson. Kunti was relieved to see Duryodhan finally evolving into a better person. The Pandavas were so confused. Was it the same Duryodhan who had planned to kill them in the varnavrat?
"The dinner was very well prepared bhabhisree Draupadi, bhabhisree Meghna. I need some rest in my room. And mamasree I prefer staying alone for some time" Duryodhan announced and left the dining hall.
Everyone threw nasty glances towards Shakuni.

"The food was really well prepared" Meghna heard Karn's voice behind her. She was about to turn around when Karn closed her eyes from the back.eghna couldn't help but smile.
"Arya..."  Meghna blushed.
Karn was taken aback.
"What did you call me?" Karn asked jumping with joy.
Meghna blushed even more.
"You look like a tomato" Karn said .
"Haww!!! "Meghna exclaimed angrily and punched him in his arm. It was a mere touch for Karn.
He laughed heartily.
"Meghna...I have to confess something to you" Karn said looking at Meghna.
"Yes Arya" Meghna said expectantly waiting for the confession. But destiny won't allow them to have such an amazing day and such a smooth path so easily.
"Meghna. You are here?" A male voice was heard.
"Adi? What are you doing here?!" Meghna was shocked to see her childhood friend over here. Wait how is it possible? Was she not the only one to time travel from kaliyug to dwapar yug. What was Adi doing here?
"Well even I am shocked. What are you doing here? I am the prince of Magadh. The cousin of Krishna. I came here 10 years ago. When Krishna came to Kaliyug to take me from there. I was destined to be in this yug!" Aditya said .
Now it made sense. That's why he suddenly went missing ten years ago. Meghna had searched for him everywhere.
"Adi even I was brought here by Krishna. He said I have some major roleplay in this tale. That's why I am here. "Meghna said.
Aditya nodded knowingly. They themselves were shocked at how easily they belived these stuff. If someone had told them about this in the kaliyug they would personally send them to an assylum but now as they had met Krishna they knew absolutely anything was possible.
"Karn this is my childhood friend Aditya" Meghna said introducing Aditya.
"Childhood friend haa? Please everyone knew I was your first love!" Aditya joked. He didn't know Karn was Meghna's husband.
Meghna was a little worried. The smile had faded from Karn's face. He vaguely smiled and nodded.
"I have some work" he excused himself. Meghna was worried. She had to talk to Karn.
"Hey niyati! How many more complications have you added in their love story?!" Mahadev sighed.
"Oh god Niyati! Don't trouble these lovers so much now!" Krishna added.
"Its called cementing a relationship by putting hurdles in the way mahadev, Narayan!" Niyati (destiny) said and smiled ironically.

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