Radha Krishna

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Krishna ran towards the shriek. He had recognized the voices. He knew them and one of them was his Radha.
Rukmiki along with the kaunteyas followed Krishna.
"Radhe!" Krishna shouted.
The scene before him was too hard for him to witness. Ayaan was dragging Radha forcefully across the hall while Radha continued shrieking and shouting.
Tears dropped down Krishna's eyes. Rukmini had never seen Krishna cry like this.
"I had warned you to never visit Dwarka. I am your husband Radha yet all you care about is your Krishna! I wont tolerate this behaviour." Ayaan cried.
Radha was unable to bear the pain. Ayaan was grabbing her hand so harshly and pulling her. It was extremely painful.
"Ayaan...leave Radha's hand." Krsohna said firmly.
Ayaan was a bit taken aback. Krishna had never called him Ayaan. He always addressed him as his older brother.
Ayaan didnt leave Radha's hand though. He continued pressing it harder and tears flowed down Radha's eyes.
"Leave her hand!" Krishna shouted.
For the first had anyone seen Krishna so aggressive. He always was the calm sweet peaceful person in the room.
Rukmini knew how possessive Krishna was about Radha. She earlier had envied Radha but now...well now she knows the reality. The truth. Thus she can never envy Radha again.
"She is my wife! I can do whatever I want with her!" Ayaan spat.
"This is no way to treat your wife! I said leave her!" Krishna shouted.
Ayaan was a little scared . He knew Krishna's potential but arrogance and pride had blinded him . He cant lose to this Krishna.
Ayaan furthur pulled Radha. He pulled her so violently that she collided with the wall nearby and fainted. Blood was everywhere. Her head was bleeding.  She was unconscious.
Everyone gasped with shock. Rukmini quickly ran to Radha. She tended to her.
"Can you please take Radha inside the chamber Rukmini?" Krishna said softly.
Rukmini nodded. She carried Radha inside the chamber. The pandavas were shocked and angry at the same time.
Meghna and Draupadi were extremely angry .
"Ayaan Yadav!" Krishna shouted
Ayaan himself was shocked. He didnt mean to hurt Radha in that manner.
"Kanha trust me...I didnt mean to harm Radha! I love her!" Ayaan said trying to justify himself.
"Your hatred for me is your biggest enemy Ayaan. You are so blinded to my hate that your hatred for me surpasses your love for Radha. You didnt even think that it can hurt Radha. You consider Radha as your possession. As your toy who you own. Radha is a person Ayaan. I didnt marry Radha and supported you in your marriage with Radha because I felt you really loved Radha! But I was so wrong. You have never loved Radha. You always wanted to own Radha" krishna said angrily.
Ayaan was too angry now.
"She is my wife you dimwit! Who are you question my relationship with my wife? " Ayaan shouted.
"I am Radha's friend and I..." before Krishna could speak further he was interrupted by Ayaan.
"Friends! Please Krishna! The entire Vrindavan was aware of your friendship! Radha was an impure girl yet I agreed to marry her. She was with you before we got married and yet I was the own who agreed to marry her else she would have stayed unmarried her entire life. Who would marry an unchaste woman! " Ayaan shouted.
"Ayaan! How dare you! How dare you question Radha's chastity?! She is as pure as the Ganga! She is the epitome of selfless love. You were the luckiest being to have the privilege to marry her. But you never acknowledged her!" Krishna said.
"Meghna I want you to say who Radha is in the kaliyug!" Krishna said.
Everyone looked at Meghna.
Karn was looking at her  curiously. Everyone were waiting for Meghna to speak.
"In Kaliyug Radha is considered as the goddess of selfless love. Krishna is worshipped along with Radha. They are complete with each other." Meghna said.
Ayaan gasped. In the future everyone will remember Radha along with Krishna even though she is his wife.
"If that is the case then well why should I keep her with me! If she will be remembered along with Krishna then let her stay with Krishna! I disown Radha and hereby end our marriage!" Ayaan shouted.
Everyone were shocked except Krishna who seemed like he had been expecting this.
"Leave before I kill you for hurting Radha!" A voice echoed in the halls.
"Balaram" Ayaan trembled with fear.
Ayaan quickly left the palace leaving Radha behind.
Krishna along with the others rushed to see Radha.
"She is still unconscious arya. I am extremely worried. And that Ayaan. I will never ever forgive him!" Rukmini said angrily.
"He has disowned Radha" Krishna said softly.
"Whaat! He has disowned Radha! That disgusting man...I will say it's a good thing taht Radha doesnt have to stay with him now!" Rukmini said.
"But where will Radha stay? The entire society will insult her at every step" Arjun said concernedly.
"Is this even a question?! Ofcourse she will stay with us! She will be staying in Dwarka and I will protect her from this society"  Rukmini said.
"Yes Radha will stay with us" Krishna added.
"We should start our journey towards the forest. Maata is alone . We will bring her here. Hope Radha will also gain consciousness then." Yudhisthir said.
Rukmini nodded.
"Hope you have a plan" Krishna whispered to Meghna.
"Yes I do Krishna!" Meghna added and both of them smiled knowingly.

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