Chapter 10

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The moon lit the dark room in which Daisy woke up on a bed. She panicks instantly and climbs down
from it.
"Daisy" calls a voice from behind her. She turns to see someone seated in the dark corner of the room.
"Come here," says the voice ,and Daisy crawls to the person. She kneels in front of him, waiting to see who this person was. 
A table lamp beside his chair lights up and now Daisy could see Magnus looking at her.

"I am a very reputed lawyer and the reason I am good at my job is that I can see through a person. I can easily tell if the person is lying. One thing you need to know about me is that I don't like lies. Now, I can see you are not a liar, so start telling me the truth about you and why you are in my house" says Magnus.
"Penny" whispers Daisy.
Magnus leans forward, moves his hand behind her neck, and pulls her closer.
"Why Penny? What could a 4yr old give you?" Asks Magnus.
"Reason to live," says Daisy with tears in her eyes.
"Tell me everything," says Magnus and wipes a tear off her cheek.


Daisy was an orphan who jumped from one foster home to another. When she turned 18, she started working for her living. She rented a small apartment for herself and worked as a fashion consultant at a large fashion house.

Like every other day, Daisy was in the store when she happened to look outside the huge glass door. She was confused about what was happening. She stood in her place looking at a handsome man who was staring at her from the other side of the glass door. He was not moving his gaze from her or walking away. Daisy's heartbeat raised seeing the man. She didn't know why but she was scared.

To her horror, the man finally walked, but he walked towards her. He stood right in front of her and says "it's rude to stare at someone so intensely"
"Huh?" Says Daisy.
"Stop staring at me. I feel violated" says the man.
Daisy was confused. Wasn't he staring at me? She thought.

"What's going on?" Asks the store manager.
"None of your business. I was buying some stuff she was selling. Fuck off" says the man.
"Sir, I am the manager here. If you are buying something, you are welcome here. If not, I request you to leave" says the manager.
"Fine. What do you sell here?" Says the man and walks away and picks up a blouse.
"I don't think this will fit me," says the man and hears a melodious laugh. Daisy's laughed.
"That's not for men," says Daisy.
"Then?" Asks the man.
"You can buy that for your mom, sister, girlfriend, or wife" suggests Daisy.
"I don't think my wife will like it if I buy this for my girlfriend. Oh wait, I have neither" laughs the man.

Daisy was laughing out loud but stops when he looks at her and says "how about this. I'll buy anything that touches your body"
"What?" Asks the manager.
"You dumb or deaf. I said I'll buy everything that she wears. I can buy every piece of cloth in this store that she wears and shows it to me" says the man.
"The dresses here are very expensive," says Daisy.
"They will be priceless if you wear them," says the man and rubs his thumb on her name tag over her boob, and asks "what's your name, Daisy?"
"Daisy," says Daisy looking into his eyes.
"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do
I'm half crazy all for the love of you" sings the man and introduces himself as "I am Raf. You should call me Raffy. It's cute"
Daisy blushes from the man's words.

Raffaele or Raf as he introduced himself sits down in front of a changing room and whistles, howls, and even claps every time Daisy wore a dress and showed him. Daisy even noticed him adjusting his pants when she wore something sexy.
Daisy looks around the store and was feeling awkward from all the stares from the other customers. She wanted to stop after a few dresses but the manager insisted she wears the most expensive ones for her own commission.

"Now, don't you have any lingerie? I want to buy all of them" smirks Raf looking at Daisy wearing a white bodycon dress.
Daisy was embarrassed and sheds tears looking everywhere but at Raf. He creases his eyebrows and comes close to her.
"Please stop. I don't want to do this anymore" says Daisy shedding tears and looking down on the floor.
Raf places a finger under her chin and lifts her face to look into her eyes. He was mesmerized by her beautiful green eyes which were glassy from her tears.
"Damn it, I just fell in love," says Raf and smiles. He moves his finger away and says "I can wait to see you in lingerie. I guess we just need to get to know each other first"
Daisy wipes her tears away and looks back at him and whispers "thank you"
"You are certainly welcome," says Raf making Daisy smile.

"Pack all the dresses my sweet Daisy wore except this white one. I want to see her in a different white dress" smirks Raf and winks at Daisy. Daisy blushes and Raf sings his way out of the store. Singing the Daisy song.

In the evening, while returning home, Daisy notices a car following her. She presumed she was being paranoid and ignores her instincts.

Daisy returned home, took a shower, and wore a silk night suit which was a spaghetti strap top and shorts. She poured herself some red wine and started on dinner. She had cut all her vegetables, made the sauce, and was waiting for the water to boil so that she would add the pasta. Just then she heard the doorbell and went to open it. She was not expecting anyone and definitely not  the handsome man from the store.

Daisy felt naked from his gaze which searched for something all around her body. He finally looks at her and says "stop making me look at you"
"Huh?" Asks Daisy.
"Huh. Is that all you can say Daisy baby" says Raf and walks into the kitchen.
"May I help you?" Asks Daisy standing at the threshold with the door open.
Raf looks at her and approaches her standing too close. He holds the door behind her and walks forward making Daisy walk back. He closes the door and Daisy stops walking backwards when her back hit the door.
"You can do a lot of things for me and to me. But for now, serve dinner. I am hungry. And during dinner, we can know each other enough so that I get to see you in  lingerie" says Raf and walks into the house looking around the place.

Daisy held her phone close to her and got back to cooking. She had some ready-to-fry chicken tenders to go with the pasta and 911 on speed dial. She serves them dinner on the small table for two in her living room and Raf sits down to eat.

"I knew you were perfect the second I saw you. Look at this place, spotless. The food is delicious. You, perfect. I can't wait for our future" says Raf eating his dinner.
"Hope you know this is not conventional. We just met and ...." Starts Daisy but he cuts her off and adds "and feels like we were meant to be together. Yes, I feel that too"

After dinner, Raf asked for dessert.
"I have ice cream," says Daisy and went away to serve ice cream in a bowl. She was scooping ice cream when she felt Raf behind him, standing too close her.
"I don't want to eat ice cream in a bowl" he whispers in her ear.
"Cup?" Asks Daisy.
"I want to lick it off you," says Raf.
"Please don't say things like that and I am not a girl who would sleep around with anyone just cause he bought dresses from the store I work in," says Daisy.
"Then who will you sleep around with?" Asks Raf picking a spoon full of ice cream and eating.
"Someone I love and marry," says Daisy smiling at a dream she wished would come true.
"I love you already so that's enough and for marrying, be ready tomorrow. I'll send you a wedding dress. We marry tomorrow" says Raf and continues eating the ice cream.
"I don't love you. I don't even know you" says Daisy and Raf stop eating his ice cream. He was silent for some time and then just like he came, he left without another word.

Daisy couldn't sleep the whole night and when she had finally fallen asleep in the early morning, her alarm goes off screaming that a new day has begun.
Daisy woke up, did her morning routine, and was preparing her breakfast when the bell rang. She opened the door for Raf.
"I thought about what you said, so we are going to spend today together. You fall in love with me today and tomorrow we marry" says Raf.
"I have to go to work," says Daisy.
Raf makes a pouty face and says "please call in sick. Please. I'll beg on my knees if you want"
Daisy laughs and calls in sick.

"So what are we doing today?" Asks Daisy taking the passenger seat in Raf's car
"You are going to know me a little better," says Raf.
"I don't know you at all," says Daisy.
"You will have till your death to know me. I am a very complicated person" says Raf.
"My death?" Asks Daisy.
"Death do us apart baby," says Raf and starts his car.

Raffaele takes Daisy to cake tasting.
"I like strawberry cake. I love strawberries. See you know a little about me" says Raffaele and selects a strawberry cake for the reception tomorrow.
"Who's reception?" Asks Daisy.
"Our reception," says Raf and holds her hand, and takes her to a tuxedo fitting.
"I look so handsome. It's easy to fall in love with me by the end of the day" says Raf adoring himself.
Daisy was building up the courage to tell Raf all this is wrong.

Daisy found the courage when he dressed her in a wedding gown.
"So perfect. It fits too like it was meant for you to wear" says Raf.
"I can't do this. Please, this is too much" cries, Daisy.
"Yes, you are right. We need more cleavage. You has big tits. It's only fair you show them off" says Raf and picks another dress.
"This is your size but I want to see you in this tomorrow," says Raf and holds her hand, and takes her for lunch.

"Listen carefully. I want you to be super nice cause we are meeting my father" says Raf and pulls her out of the car.
"Please. I don't want to meet your father" says Daisy.
"I don't want to meet him either but he is my father, unlike you I have a family. I am not an orphan who has no one. You should be thankful I am even considering giving you a respectable life with a family. We will build one Daisy. You and I" say Raf while he drags her into the huge mansion.

Raf tells the maid to inform his father of his visit. The maid walks away and Raf turns to look at Daisy with a smile but stops smiling seeing her cry. He looks around and drags her to the nearby restroom.
"What's wrong?" Asks Raf.
"I am scared. You are rushing into this and I don't know. I am scared" cries, Daisy.
"Hey hey. Don't be scared. I haven't even started scarring you yet. Don't be scared. Baby, I love you and will keep you with me till your death do us apart" says Raf and continues "now clean up and dare you to embarrass me in front of my father"

Daisy cleans up and meets Salvador.
"Why are you marrying my son?" Asks Salvadore.
"I love her," says, Raf.
"I don't love you and I am supposed to as I am your father. I highly doubt anyone else will" says Salvador.
"She will," says Raf and hugs Daisy from behind and holds her close, and continues "if she doesn't. I'll make her"

Daisy looks at Salvador who was glaring at her with doubt and a hint of remorse.

Chapter 20 updated only at patreon.
Link in bio.

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