Chapter 13

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There comes a time in every man's life where he is too stunned to move a muscle. And for a criminal lawyer with a decade of experience, you would think Magnus would have heard it all. But listening to Daisy's story, Magnus's felt something which he didn't think he wasn't capable of, he felt sympathy towards her.

Magnus was seated in the same chair the whole night. Yes, last night. A new day had shone and the bright lights hit his tired eyes. He looks at the morning light and thinks of all the poets who saw a new hope in the new light of the morning, after a dark night. He wondered if they too stayed up all night waiting to see if their sorrows and pains were left behind them and vanished in the dark.

Magnus looks down at his lap and sees Daisy had her cheek on his thigh and was fast asleep. She was seated between his legs and and he had his fingers playing with her hair. What was he to do? Fight for her? Who is she to him? Why would he care? He had cared Olivia enough to marry her and yet all she saw in him was moster who used her for warming his bed. Was it all he was? He believed he was after he killed her and didn't even own it.

Magnus caresses Daisy's cheek and she stirs a little and opened her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes.
He looks away from her at the watch hanging in his room. Daisy too looks at the clock and together both look back at eachother.
Daisy wets her lips and lifts her hands up to hold his belt. She removes his belt, undoes his pants. She was about to move his boxers but Magnus holds her wrist and asks "you are a married woman"
"I am a slave" says Daisy.
"I am not your master. Go to your room and get some sleep. It's still too early" says Magnus and Daisy sat in her place for a few seconds admiring Magnus. She smiles a weak smile, stands up from her place and walks out taking small steps.

Magnus closed his eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. He sat there for a few minutes and cursed for not letting her have him. He gets out of the chair and walks out of his room to find Daisy. He walks into her room and doesn't find her. He thinks for a second and looks for Daisy in Penny's room. Yet she was not there. He looks for her around the house like a desperate thirst he had to put off. He finds her in the kitchen and launches at her. He picks her up and places her at the center table and says "I am not a good man myself. I don't know why i want you even though I know you don't belong to me. I want you and till you are under my roof, you belong to me"

Magnus splits her legs and stands between them. He looks into her eyes seeing mercy and hope. So, he turned her away from him and layed her flat on the stomach on the table, with half her body dangling out of the table.

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"I'll feed you, cloth you and give you a roof over your head. In return you warm my dick when i want" says Magnus

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He didn't care she was not his.
He didn't care she was married.
He didn't care she had scars which went beyond her skin.
All he knew was he wanted her and had the power to keep her with him.

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Magnus  removes himself and says "eat what you want, dress how you want, stay in any room you want. Just be on your knees when I want you" and leaves the kitchen fixing his pants.

Daisy kneels on the kitchen floor thinking of what went by since last night. She then decides to meet the one wise person she knew to consult.

Daisy enters Penny's room and sees her choosing a dress for the day.
"I am pretty as papa says. I look pretty anyway" says Penny and Daisy nods.
"No one is here. You can talk" says Penny picking a dress.
"I spoke to your father" says Daisy holding her dress till she chose the accessories to go with the dress. 
"What did he say? Did you tell him about the moster?" Asks Penny picking diamond studs and matching shoes with socks.
"I did. He said I can stay here, eat, dress as I want and kneel in front of him when he wants" says Daisy.
"He wears shiny shoes maybe he wants you to polish his shoes by kneeling in from of him. You are always kneeling anyway" says Penny and Daisy helps her dress. She even fixes her hair and Penny looks at herself and says "papa is wise. He said I am pretty. See?"
"You are beautiful" says Daisy.
"Same" says Penny.

Daisy comes into the dining area with Penny and kneels on the floor beside her chair waiting for Penny to give her breakfast.
"You should sit on the chair" says Penny but Daisy shakes her head no and looks down. Penny gives her a bread toast with jam from her plate.
"You eat, Penny. She can eat with the other maids" says Genelia.
"She is not a maid. She is my friend" says Penny.
"Oh sorry" laughs Genelia seeing how cute Penny looked angry.

Magnus walks in the dining area and sees Daisy eating a toast.
He takes his place and says "fix her a plate" to Genelia.
Magnus gives a plate filled with breakfast to Daisy. At first, Daisy was confused but then accepts the plate. She holds it for a while and looks at all the food in it.
"You are welcome to sit on the table with us" says Magnus and Daisy looks up at Magnus with teary eyes.
Since she came into live with him, she had been eating what Penny handed her. Before that, she ate out of the dog bowl Raffaele thew in it. After god knows how long, she held a plate of food which she was given to eat from.

Magnus and Penny leave together with Penny instructing Daisy of her chores.
"Stay in my room. Sleep if you want and don't disturb mama bear. She is hibiscusnating" says Penny.
"Hibernating" corrects Magnus.
"Same. Also I have kept a juice box for you. Drink when thirsty and don't cry. Also finish your homework till I come back" says Penny.
"Wow. That's a lot of work" says Magnus picking Penny in his arms and tickling her stomach.
"Daddy I am the boss and she is my working for me person" says Penny.
"Employee" says Magnus.
"Same" says Penny and drives away with Magnus, continuing her talks.

"They are cute and enough. They don't need someone who may ruin their happy life" says Aiden standing in a distance from Daisy.
Daisy looks at him and tries to walk away.
"I remember you now. I had seen you in one of Esposito's parties, the drug lord. A masquerade party in a strip club. Wasn't it 'fuck whoever you want. No ask, no tell?'. You were being pulled by a masked man. You bumped into me and your mask fell off. Were you a stripper escorting men in the party?" Asks Aiden and Daisy shakes her head no. She tries to walk away from him but he had reached her to hold her arm and stop her from going anywhere.
"Who are you and what were you doing in Esposito's party. I promise you will witness your end by me if i find any link between you and Esposito. Same Esposito family who tried to hurt Penny" says Aiden and lets her go.
Daisy runs to Penny's room and hides under her bed.

Daisy recalls that horrible night and sheds tears. It was one of the most embarrassing nights of her life which she can never forget.


Yes, there will be few more flashbacks. Please bear with me.

Chapter 28 updated only at patreon.

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