Chapter 18

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"This is boring. I'll die here" says Aiden bored while shopping with Genelia in the huge baby store.
"You promised to be by my side through thick and thin," says Genelia.
"Yes, I did. And I am with you while you are blowing up like a thick whale" says Aiden and all the women in the store gasp aloud.
"Dudeee," says a guy shaking his head no.

"Everyone is giving me the death stare. I am going to come back after you are done" says Aiden.
"You are not going to apologize?" asks Genelia.
"You know what you married and as promised, I am with you in thick and thin, my thick mama," says Aiden and spanks her butt and leaves the store.

Genelia was picking things for the baby with a smile but her smile vanishes when she spots a man staring at her. She tries to ignore him and soon sees him walking toward her.

"I apologize for staring but you look so radiant," says the very charming handsome man.
"Oh, thank you," says Genelia.
"My wife is missing for two months now and before she went missing, we were trying for a baby. I can't stop thinking she may be pregnant already" says the man with a sad face.
"That's so sad. I hope she is ok and will get back to you soon" says Genelia.
"I am trying my best to find her. By the way, how rude of me. Let me introduce myself. I am Raffaele" introduces Raffaele to Genelia.

"You look exhausted. Here let me help you" says Raffaele and takes the shopping cart from Genelia.
"That's ok," says Genelia but Raffaele insists.
"Don't mind me asking, how far are you?" Asks Raffaele.
"8 months," says Genelia with a smile.
"Do we know the gender?" Asks Raffaele.
"I want it to be a surprise," says Genelia.
"Cute. Here, take a seat" says Raffaele and with all the care helps Genelia take a seat in the food court section of the huge baby store. He even offers her some food and a cold milkshake.

"Your wife is a lucky girl to have a husband like you. You are so caring" says Genelia.
"Yes, I am wonderful. Do you know what I want? I want a baby girl and if she is anything like my wife. I will be surrounded by angels" says Raffaele making Genelia go aww.
"Girls are the best. I have been taking care of a little girl, Penny and I am in love with her" says Genelia taking a bite from a hotdog.
"So aren't you worried about who will take care of her when you are busy with your own?" Asks Raffaele.
"Honestly, I was but then Daisy came into Penny's life and I can't be any happier. She is god sent" says Genelia concentrating on her hotdog which made her miss the change in Raffaele's face.

With only one name, Raffaele's persona completely changed. He could feel his blood boil in anger and all he wanted to do is kill.

"Are you ok?" Asks Genelia placing her hand on Raffaele's hand.
"I am great. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back" says Raffaele and walks away to the toys section. He picks up a big teddy bear and screams in it by pressing it to his face. He then rips the teddy bear in half and was panting with anger.
"Are you ok?" Asks one of the employees.
"Of course. I was just checking if it's soundproof. I cry and scream a lot in the night" says Raffaele and throws 100$ on her and says "pay for this"
He looks back at the other toys and says "wait, takes another 100$. I want this too"

Genelia was just done with her milkshake when she spots Raffaele returning with a toy.
"This is for the girl you mentioned," says Raffaele.
"Aww... You are the nicest man I have ever met" says Genelia.
"Yeah, I am great," says Raffaele and sees Aiden walk into the store.
"It was nice meeting you," says Raffaele and stands up to leave.
"I will pray for your wife," says Genelia.
"Oh, she needs all the prayers she can get," says Raffaele and walks away.
Raffaele had a hard expression and whispered "god better be real to save you Daisy cause I, the devil will burn you in my hell"

Aiden spots Genelia and after paying for the items she bought, they left the store while Aiden complained about kids behind expensive.
"One broken condom is costing me a fortune. And legally I have to pay for it till it's 18" says Aiden driving them back home.
"I had started to believe all men are like you but today I met a gentleman," says Genelia.
"Go with him if he is paying child support," says Aiden.
"Aww... You look so cute when jealous" says Aiden.

Genelia comes back home and spots Daisy and Penny playing with dolls in the living room.
Penny had Daisy seated on the floor with her dolls beside her. She was pretending to be a teacher and teaching the dolls and Daisy alphabets.
"What comes after D? Raise your hand if you know the answer," says Penny.
Daisy looks at the dolls and then raises her hand.
"E" answers Daisy and gets a star sticker on her already sticker-covered hand.
"Dumb girl talks" comments Aiden and takes a seat in the living room. Daisy slides closer to Penny and sits close to her.

"Penny, this is for you," says Genelia and gives the doll Raffaele gave to Daisy.
"It's so pretty," says Penny and hugs the doll and then Genelia.
"It seems like the doll has a voice recorder inside it," says Genelia reading the box in which the doll came.
"Where?" Asks Penny and Genelia to help her find it.
"If you press this hard, you can hear any recording it has," says Genelia and presses the small box for it to speak. The voice that came out of the doll crept everyone.

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
I am coming for you Daisy baby. I know where you are hiding" sings Raffaele in the recording and laughs.

Daisy went into a panic attack and Aiden had to hold her tight for her to relax. Daisy faints in Aiden's arms and he carries her to her room.

In the evening, Daisy opens her eyes and sees Magnus caressing her cheek. She sits up and looks around.
"Penny?" Asks Daisy.
"She is sleeping. It's night now, you slept the day away, sleeping beauty" says Magnus.
Daisy climbs over Magnus, straddling him. She hugs him tight and says "he will take me back to him. Please. I don't want to go back" cries, Daisy.
"No one will take you away from me. You are mine now" says Magnus.
"I love you and Penny. Please don't let him take me away from you. I'll be a good slave and do anything you want" says Daisy.
"I know you will. Don't worry about anything" says Magnus and kisses her lips to relax her.

Magnus left Daisy in her room to rest and went into his study to work. It was past 12 when he heard a small knock on the door. He says come in and Daisy walks into the room.
"I want you to do something," says Daisy fisting something in her hand.
Magnus leans back in his chair and to entertain her request, he asks "what?"

Daisy hands Magnus a stick. He takes the stick and stands up while inspecting it. He watches as she bends down on the desk. Magnus looks at the stick and then at Daisy. He stands behind her and says "you want me to hit you?"
"Yes, please," says Daisy fisting her hands and closing her eyes.

Magnus contemplated what he should do and then came to a decision. He lifts her dress to her waist and pulls down her panties. He slaps her butt once to see her reaction. She was startled but composed herself. She watches as he breaks the stick in half.
"I have my stick. Go fetch it"
Daisy stands up and was about to pull her panty up but Magnus stops her.
"Leave your panties at her knees," says Magnus.
Daisy thinks for a while and then crawls out of the room. This way her panties were still at her knees.
Magnus was impressed and smiles at her.

Magnus had returned to his work and smirked when he sees Daisy return holding a riding crop between her teeth. She kneels in front of him and gives him the riding crop.
"Why do you want me to hit you?" Asks Magnus.
"I want to feel pain," says Daisy.
"Does pain excite you?" Asks Magnus placing the tip of the riding crop under her chin.
"It reminds me," says Daisy with tears filling in her eyes.
"Remind you of what?" Asks Magnus.
"That I am still alive," says Daisy.
"I can make you feel alive," says Magnus and continues "stand up and bend over the table"

Magnus lifts her dress to her waist and smacks her butt with the riding crop.
"You feel pain?" Asks Magnus.
"Not yet," says Daisy.
"I won't stop till you beg me to stop," says Magnus and hits her multiple times.

Magnus was panting from exhausting himself but still didn't hear a stop. He fists her hair and pulls her up and asks "feel alive yet?"
"No" whispers Daisy.
Magnus lets her hair go and she falls back on the table.
Magnus looks at her butt which was red and blue with blood spots. Even though she was severely wounded, she still refuse to say stop.
Magnus drops the riding crop on the floor and unzips his pants.

Mature content*

Magnus and Daisy were panting heavily trying hard to catch their breath.
"Felt alive?" Asks Magnus.
"Yes" whispers Daisy.
"Good but I am not done yet," says Magnus and wears his pants.

Magnus carries Daisy's bridal style to his room and then to his bathroom. He gives her a quick shower and then makes her stand in front of the sink. He applies numbing cream on her butt and takes her to bed.

Magnus holds her close and she places her head on his chest.
"Do you hear my heartbeat?" Asks Magnus.
"Yes" whispers Daisy.
"You don't need to feel pain to feel alive. You just need to hear a heartbeat which beats for you" says Magnus and kisses her forehead.
"I love you. Please save me. I want to be with you and Penny" says Daisy.
"I want you to and Penny with me. No one will take you away from us" says Magnus and holds her close with a promise.

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