Chapter 5

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Salvador, Raffaele's father walks
into Raffaele's lavish home where his men panic seeing him. This meant only one thing, Raffaele was having one of his episodes.

Salvador spots Raffaele seated crossed-legged on the floor, holding a gun to his head. He was talking to himself and swaying to and fro. But what stood out from his bizarre behavior was the cotton sundress he had on. It was torn from behind as it was obvious Raffaele forced himself into it and tore it. One of the spaghetti straps was broken and the short dress came to his hip just above his boxers.

Salvador stands in front of Raffaele which made him stop talking to himself. Raffaele looks up at his father and could see the disappointment in his eyes which he was accustomed to by now.

Salvador sits on the chair in front of Raffaele and says "the dress didn't come in your size?"
"It's Daisy's. I wanted to feel her presence so I wore one of her dresses" says Raffaele feeling the dress.
"Where is she?" Asks Salvatore.
"Someone took her. It's the only explanation. I mean, she loves me. Why would she leave me? She is obsessed with me. She cannot live without me, fucking her. She is crazy obsessed with my dick" says Raffaele.
"Someone is crazy for sure," says Salvador.

Raffaele slides close to Salvador and kneels in front of him.
"Daddy, get me my Daisy, or else I'll shoot myself," says Raffaele and holds the gun to his head.
Salvador takes the gun from him and inspects it. The men around were shocked when Salvador held the gun at Raffaele's forehead.
"You have been nothing but trouble since the day you were born. Your death may reduce a little stress for me" says Salvador and pulls the trigger. 

"What if the gun was loaded?" Asks Raffaele.
"Problem solved," says Salvador and slams the back of the gun on Raffaele's face.
Salvador stands up and slams the foot of his shoe on his shoulder.
"Your whore of a mother could only give me a son like you. Bitch died before I could kill her. I swear I would have loved to torture her to death" says Salvador and kicks Raffaele a few times.

Salvador sits back on the chair, panting.
"You sent men to kidnap the lawyer's daughter, why?" Asks Salvador.
"I sent them to scare him to agree to work for us," says Raffaele wiping the blood off his lip.
"Did it work? You and your men, all are incompetent. I have set a meeting with that lawyer. As you will have to work with him, you will attend the meeting with me" says Salvador.
"I first need to find who took my Daisy. She must be scared without me" says Raffaele.
"If you had treated her well. She would have not left you" says Salvador and stands up to leave.
"Someone took her. No way she could have left me. She was too well trained" says Raffaele.
"No one would have wanted her. She was nothing but a dead body waiting to be buried" says Salvador and continues "she left you. Face it. She. Left. You"

Raffaele watches Salvador leave and says "if she left me. I will bring her back and punish her cause no way I can kill my Daisy" and busts out laughing.
"I'll bring you back Daisy. I'll bring you back to my hell" says Raffaele wiping the blood off his cheek from a cut his father left him with.

Magnus couldn't believe Salvador, the big drug lord wanted to meet him after his son, Raffaele tried to kidnap Penny.

Right now, he was seated in the board room with all the board members including the head of the board, and his mother Christine Ashford.

Magnus had left Penny with Genelia and his father, Asher to meet the pediatrician. The board set an urgent meeting regarding Magnus's meeting with Salvador and Penny being attacked.

"We all at one point have been threatened or asked to join the powerful people in their legal and mostly cover their illegal work," says one of the board members.
"But we have a choice," says the other.
"It's hard to choose not to join them when they threatened to hurt our family. Magnus's daughter was attacked and his bodyguard is severely injured from the attack" says one of the old members.
"They wanted to scare Magnus but he is a brave boy," says Christine.
"No one is brave enough to see their child die," says one lawyer, Joseph hinting at Magnus to consider taking Salvador's offer to join him.
"I will do what is good for my family and the firm" is all Magnus says.

"Join us in your plan," says Joseph as the board members start to leave.
"You will see my plan," says Magnus and leaves to meet Salvador.

Salvador and Raffaele sit in front of Magnus with three men standing behind them. Magnus sat alone but dare he feel an ounce of threat from the men who killed for fun.

Magnus was watching Raffaele. More specifically, the cut on his cheek.
Raffaele notices Magnus watching him and winks at him and pouts his lip, sending him a flying kiss.
Magnus makes a disgusting face and looks away from Raffaele.

"We want you to represent us in any upcoming trials. We have one coming for the murder of the governor of Honolulu. We want you to get us out of it" says Salvador.
"I am unable to leave the country. My work is on hold. Get me out of this shit" says Raffaele.
"Give me one reason why I should accept working for you?" Asks Magnus.
"Your daughter is still alive and with you. Isn't that a good reason?" Smirks Raffaele.

Magnus wanted to rip the tongue which mentioned his daughter but he was very good at his work to let anger control him. 
"My daughter is well and good and with me cause I have good security. Your 8 men were no match for my one-man" says Magnus.
"I don't care if I kill," says Raffaele.
"Me neither and I can get away with it too. I didn't care what you did as far as you didn't cross my path. But you dared cross it by even considering harming my child. You will witness your ruins. I promise" says Magnus and continues "I can acquire a lot of evidence which will put you behind bars for good. How about we keep our distance from each other so that neither of us crosses paths. Cause I have the skills to wipe the person out from the face of the earth"

Salvador was impressed and says "I would have loved to work with at least one competent person before I die but be it. Nice meeting you. We can find many lawyers like you," says Salvador and stood up to leave.
Raffaele on the other hand was still seated.
"I don't like your attitude. You threaten to wipe me off when I can just remove the gun I have and put a bullet in you? Brave. That's hot. You said you will make me watch my ruins. How about we play a game? You try ruining me and in return, I will present you with a beautiful box. Fully decorated with wooden carvings and a small angel with a flower on it" Raffaele says and stands up and with a serious expression says "you fill your dead daughter in it" and busts out laughing.
"Let the games begin. Oh goody, I love games" claps Raffaele and walks away singing.

"Was that necessary?" Asks Salvador getting in the elevator.
"Yes. I am going to make him my bitch" says Raffaele.
"God I am fed up with you. I hope I die before I see you fall from your pathetic glory" says Salvador.
Raffaele smirks and looks at Salvador.
"Amen" whispers Raffaele but Salvador hears him.

Magnus knew fighting with a maniac will never be a fair fight. He had to do something to keep Raffaele away from him and his family. He calls Genelia to check on Penny and was outraged to know Penny was still in the hospital.
"Sir, Penny insisted to stay with that girl. Mr. Asher has two guards standing in alert outside the ward" says Genelia trying to defend herself.

Magnus storms into the hospital and enters the room in which the mute girl was. He spots Penny on the bed and the girl seated on the floor watching Penny. She looks at Magnus for a second, bows her head, and slides to the corner of the room.
Magnus caresses Penny's cheek to wake her. Penny wakes up and calls "daddy"
"Let's go home," says Magnus and picks Penny in his arms. He watched the girl stand up looking at Penny. Magnus removes some cash from his pocket and hands it to the girl.
"Here, this is for all your troubles," says Magnus and without another word starts walking out of the hospital ward.

"Daddy, I want her," says Penny.
"No," says Magnus and walks out of the hospital. He waits for his car and senses someone behind him. It was that girl.
"Please daddy. Let's take her home" begs Penny.
Magnus turns to the girl and with all the anger says "get away from my child"
The girl gets scared and slowly walks away still peeking at Penny.
"Daddy, please" begs Penny but Magnus takes a seat in his car and drives away with Penny crying.

To Magnus's disapproval, he had pick the girl from where he left her for Penny. Penny wouldn't eat or stop crying asking for the girl.
"Just keep the girl in your house till someone comes looking for her," says Asher. Magnus agrees and Penny was aesthetic to see the girl.
Magnus was not happy.

"He is the master of the house. We have to do what he says and try to keep him happy" says Genelia showing the girl her room just next to Penny.

Magnus had a long day and after dinner and work in his study, he returns to his room for a well-deserved sleep. He walks into his room rubbing his eyes and stops in his track when he spots someone in the room. Kneeling in the middle of the room was the girl he picked up a few hours ago. She was in his room, naked.

Chapter 8 updated only at patreon.
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