An Unlikely Ally...

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Request: Unlikely Ally...

Description: Hello Class 1-C.  From a friend, I've heard you're all still looking for information about the former 1-C students. If you want the information, I need one of you to meet me behind the school. Please don't tell anyone of what you find. Remember, someone could be watching.

Client - Anonymous...

Payment - ???

Rank: ???



After reading the note on the request board, Mikoto showed it to Hein and Riku who were with him.

Hein: So this must be the reliable source that the hooded person is talking about...?

Mikoto: Yeah...Who would've thought we be meeting them sooner than later.

Riku: I'll notify everyone else about this matter. Right now. Take caution Class Rep.

Mikoto: I will.

Hein: If I sense something is wrong, I give you the warning.

Mikoto: Right...(Okay. Let's meet up with this person.)

Riku gave him to a wireless headset and earpiece as Mikoto ventured outside into U.A's garden.

Since Zoe wasn't there like she usually would be if she's tending to the plants, he would have to face the person by himself.

Mikoto: (Okay. Hein. Riku. I'm here. But I don't see no one yet.)

Hein: (Be patient, Mikoto. They have to be around here somewhere.)

Riku: (For now. If you see someone else that's familiar. Just act natural.)

Mikoto: (Right.)

???: There you are.

Mikoto quickly turned his heels to see a boy about at least year older than him. He had spikey jet black hair and brown skin. He had two large scars between his eyes. From the photo he remembers earlier, the snow user's  eyes went wide at who he was now speaking with.

Yuiga Sakti Nijiro - Male - Quirkless

Mikoto: You're...a member of the original Class 1-C.

Yuiga: It's nice to meet you. Mikoto-kun.

Mikoto: You...know my name?

Yuiga made a pleasant smile.

Yuiga: Of course I do. I saw you at the Sports Festival and other places on television. You and the other kids of Class 1-C...I'm amazed at how you all managed so far. As your senpai, I'm pretty proud of ya.

Mikoto: Oh...

Yuiga: Oh. Where are my manners. I should introduce myself. My name is Yuiga Sakti Nijiro. A former member of the first Class 1-C from last year. My quirk...well...You should know already by now that I don't have one.

Mikoto: That's right...Because you're quirkless...

Yuiga: Yeah...and you can tell from the scars I've suffered, life before now wasn't easy for me...or for anyone else.

Mikoto: Yeah...Yuiga-Senpai.

Yuiga: Now Now! No need to be so uptight and formal. As far as you can tell, I' longer a student and heck. I don't even deserve to be called a senpai anymore, kid. In fact, I'm not even supposed to be here at U.A...but welp. Here I am.

Mikoto: (The way he talks make him sound so calm and mature. For some reason, it scares me...)

Yuiga: Now. I know you got questions so...

The older boy looked around as if to make sure no one was watching them. Even if U.A didn't had any hidden camera in their garden, he still wanted to make sure.

Yuiga: I believe I can trust you and your classmates with this information.

Mikoto:...Why do you guys trust us? You obviously know I have the others listening in this conversation.

Yuiga: Yes. But I know you guys wouldn't have the guts to rely the information to other people. Not even the teachers...because you know what exactly happened to us...

Mikoto: How many...? How many of you guys are gone...?

Yuiga:... Unfortunately...Eight of us had bite the dust. Only twelve remain. The Hero Public Safety Commission had turned us all against society.

Mikoto: (OMG...)

Yuiga: During the Paranormal Liberation Front. The Commission had hatched decided to invite Re-Destro make a deal with him, while in fact they planning to arrest him. The Commission wants to do things their way and let the heroes take the falling for them.

Mikoto then remembered a certain sponsor whose works for them?

Mikoto: Is...Mera-san involved...?

Yuiga: Maybe. Maybe not. But that's up to them, kid. I wouldn't look too happy though. Hawks could be involved. A number of people could be involved. The Hero Public Safety likes to use people as puppets on a very thin lines while being their enforcers.

Mikoto: Lady Nagant...

Yuiga: So you heard of her, huh? Poor Woman. Thought she was doing things for greater good for society but in the end. She was nothing more but a puppet.

Mikoto: I heard from your friend that the previous president had died. What is the new President like?

Yuiga: Well...let me think. The President once served as the Vice President of the Public Safety Commission under the rule of the previous Public Safety Commission President. She was present when Lady Nagant was first hired by the Hero Public Safety Commission. After the previous president was killed, it can be presumed that she took over as president and oversaw the arrest of Lady Nagant and the subsequent cover-up. She may not look like it but she is indeed a corrupted woman putting up a facade for status and the hero society.


Yuiga: But let me tell you something...The New President. When Class 1-C dissolved last year...she was involved in that scenario.

That made Mikoto's eyes went wide. The other class 1-C members who were listening were also alarmed.

Mio: (Oh My God...)

Souta: (How Horrible...)

Luna: (I can't believe this...)

Haru: (This is just sick...)


Yuiga: It's also possible that she was the one who made Lady Nagant killed the previous president.

Mikoto:...You mentioned Hawks earlier. Just like the others...Is it true? That the commission views Hawks as a tool?

Yuiga: Yes. It was stated that the commission drilled interpersonal skills into him from a young age, so he could master the art of deception and infiltration. The commission forced him to abandon his real name and made him undergo years of hard training, which he accepted in order to be a hero like his idol, Endeavor.

Mikoto felt sick to his stomach. How could the Hero Public Safety Commission do this?

Yuiga: You still want to know more don't you?


Yuiga: I gotta warn you...what happened to the other Class 1-C members. You're not going to like...what me and the others had found out. This information will shake the society to the ground. What I'm about to tell you...There's no going back...

Mikoto: (Hein...Riku...Are you hearing this?)

Riku: (Yes. I already told the others. Some of them have mixed opinions about this. Like Souta, Yin, Oka, Kenji, Sylvia, Mio...they don't want to find out due to trauma...but however Jack, Luna, Destiny, Eito, Samuel, Maria, and others are curious...)

Hein: (It's up to you to lay the verdict Class Rep...)

Mikoto nodded as he looked up to his senpai.

Mikoto: Please. I made it this far. I want to know...the full truth.

Yuiga closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking back at Mikoto.

Yuiga: I would like to also help you guys.

Mikoto: Help?

Yuiga: I could help show off some of my skills. But we must keep this a secret. BTW...I know.

Mikoto: Huh?

Yuiga: I know about your friend having One For All...and You with Engage.

Mikoto: ?!!!

Riku: (Nani?!)

Jack: (Say what?!)

Haru: (H-How did he...?!)

Yuiga: Don't worry. I know that may be a bit suspecious of how I now. But like I said before. I am your ally.

Sylvia:.....(Can we really trust this guy...?)

Souta: (Yeah. I don't know about this. This seems pretty fishy.)

Mikoto:....And how are you going to help us?

Yuiga: I see the potential in you. Because....I was told by a past wielder zero above zero.

Mikoto: Eh? (Zero above zero?)

Maria: (What kind of ability is that?)

Kenji: (Is that a quirk?)

Riku: (No. Last time I checked. He's quirkless.)

Mikoto looked at Yuiga a bit suspecious.

Yuiga: It's a little hard to explain but...I keep it short because this is what I know.

Yuiga begin to explain as Mikoto listened through. Riku, Hein, and the other students who were listening from the headsets ventured through as well.

Yuiga: From my knowledge. A long time ago. A past Wielder Zero helped an One For All User defeat All For One once and had him managed to be sealed. Overtime, the sword/katana grew stronger. One of past zero above zero is a quirk person that can enhance, destroy the quirk, and many more. Most zero above zero sword/katana wielders are quirkless people.

Jack: (Wow...Oh Great...A History Lesson.)

Eito: (Something we didn't sign up for.)


Jack: (OW!)

Eito: (HEY!)

Kenji: (Urusai. Both Of You.)

Destiny: (Exactly...Let the man finish.)

Mikoto: And which one are you...?

Yuiga hits his chest with pride.

Yuiga: I'm the 7th wielder of zero above zero and 4th user of purple calamity. An futuristic nano armor gun. Just so you know. You and your classmates must keep this a secret to yourself as well.

Souta: (Sounds like someone is full of himself.)

Jack: (Ya got no room to talk.)

Luna: (Please do not start.)

Hein: (Yes. Please Don't.)

Oka: (Bimbo-!)

Hein: (That goes for you too, Oka.)

Oka: *Pouts*


Yuiga: Great...My time here is up. I'll be back to give the new information on a later day. Oh...and one more thing....

"Do Not Trust Geysis..."

Mikoto: Eh?

Class 1-C: (EHHHHHH?!)

Like he had appeared earlier, Yuiga Sakti Nijiro had vanished into thin air like he had never existed at all. Mikoto looked around but couldn't find him.

Jack: (W-What does he mean by that?)

Akira: (Do not trust...Geysis-Sensei?)

Luna: (Something aren't right here...)

Samuel: (Yeah...and I don't like it...)

Maria: (Me neither, nya...)

Souta: (Something perculiar is going on...)

Yin: (What does he mean by that...? Do not trust Geysis...?)


Hein: (It's obvious those two have some history going could be related to what happened to the fallen students. Next time he shows up, ask him Mikoto.)

The Class Rep nodded.

Mikoto: (It seems like things are getting more tense as we're looking for answers. This will put us all in danger than we already are...)

Mikoto was about to walk away when he stopped to notice a envelope poking out from the bushes.

The initial on it was already enough to make Mikoto's eyes go wide with saucers.

Mr. V.

Mikoto:....Not you again. You were watching us. How long...?

Mikoto grabbed the envelope and opened it up.

"You made a very huge mistake. For now on, people's eyes will be watching you...continue further and you'll jeopardize everything."


He'll...jeopardize everything...? Is Mr. V...involved with the Hero Public Safety Commission...if he wasn't he wouldn't have sent him this message.

Just how much does Mr. V now?

How is he involved. But the question he still wanted to know...

Who is Mr. V...?

Mikoto:....(I ain't going to stand around for this. The truth will come out sooner or later. When it does. I will unmasked Mr. V and find out who he is and how is he involved with Class 1-C's disappearance...)

Determined, Mikoto walked back inside unaware that a certain gym teacher was watching him with a non-expressive look.

Geysis: You're stepping on a landmine, Yukimura Mikoto. You better get off the stage before you get carried off...

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