First Request

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A/N: Class 1-C's First Request...

Mikoto walked out of the classroom all the way up to the quest board that's outside. It's been a whole day since Present Mic has introduced Class 1-C to it. It made him wonder what will ever be the ever first request they'll get...

Mikoto: Someone had probably send something by now...

As Class Rep, it was his duty to make sure he or someone else check up on the requests everyday and assign whomever will be going on it to fullfil it.

He looked up at the quests board and sure enough. There was a request there.

Mikoto: Well that was fast. Now. Let's see...

He pulled the request sheet off the board and begin to read.

Request: Clean Up Yoyogi Park

"Hello. This is Class 1-C right? I need your help. An annoying villain used his quirk to trash up my park. I don't have specific details on who this villain is...There's just too much trash everywhere and I don't have enough workers to help me get all this up! Please send a few helping hands down here. I'll send you guys a payment if you do!"

Client - Park Ranger Evans

Location - Yoyogi Park

Rank - 1

Mikoto:....Yoyogi Park... That's one of the most largest parks in Tokyo. A villain trashed it? But why? What do they hope to gain from that? Oh well...I asked for the info later. I'D better get some help and head over there first.

Mikoto headed back into the classroom. A few students were inside while others were out.

Mikoto: Now, who will be offering to help clean up a park?

Mikoto looked on over and saw Maria and Zoe. Then an idea struck him. Parks have plants and animals right? Like birds and squirrels. Nature as well for flowers. They could help out.

Mikoto: Hey! Maria-chan! Zoe-chan!

Zoe: Hmm? Class Rep?

Maria: Do you need something, nya?

Mikoto: Yes. I'm looking for a few helping hands. It's about the request from this morning.


Mikoto and his group headed on over to Yoyogi Park. His team consists of Him, Zoe, Maria, Samuel, and Jack.

Jack: Remind me again why I had to come?

Samuel: Oh come on Jack! It's not going to be that hard. We're just going to help clean up a park.

Jack: I hate cleaning! It's boring!

Zoe: I see no problem with it. If it involves plants that are in need of help. Then I'm willing to lend a helping hand.

Maria: Innocent animals that won't be able to have fun at a park...I won't stand for it! So yep! I'm helping too!

Samuel: As Class 1-C's Big Brother. I will help out as well.

Jack: It still feels lame. It feels like we're doing community service.

Mikoto: Jack. Being a hero doesn't mean we're always going to be fighting villains. It also means being a helping hand to the community.

Samuel: Yeah. Like volunteering to help others who are need of a hero.

Mikoto: This won't take long. With our help along with your quirk. This should take like an hour or two.

Jack: Hmph. Fine. (I wish I was in the dorms listening to music.)

Zoe: Now that he's been quiet. We better meet up with the Park Ranger.

Maria: Is that him, nya?

They turned their heads to see a man dressed in what seem to be a green park ranger outfit complete with hat and badge as well.

Mikoto: That must be him.

They walked up to the man. He looked frantic and scared. The Class stopped in their tracks when they noticed trash, paper, waste, junk, debris, dregs, litter, and material all over benches, swing sets, slides, picnic tables, etc.

Jack: Dear God...

Zoe: This is terrible...Look at the poor plants... They're ruined...

Maria: That's what you're worried about, nya?

Zoe: You would be the same if it was animals...


Samuel: I can't believe a villain would do this.

Zoe: They must be getting bored. What a bunch of juvenile delinquents.

Jack: Seriously though. Trashing up a park? What do they hope to gain from that?

Mikoto: (My thoughts exactly...)

Samuel just shrugged as their Class Rep went up to the man

Mikoto: Hello? Park Ranger Evans, I presume?

Park Ranger: Hm? Oh?! Yes that's me! Are you kids from Class 1-C?!

Samuel: Yes. That be us sir. I take your the one who send us the request.

Park Ranger: Yes. That's me.

Mikoto: Could you please tell us what happend?

Park Ranger: Yes. As you could see, the park is in total ruins! It was never like this before! Until yesterday, a bunch of teenage villains came and wrecked havoc all over the place! I'm not sure why they did it!

Mikoto: Really? You're not?

Park Ranger: Yes! I'm really sure! Those little heathens just came out of nowhere and trashed up the park! The place is so messy. It's taking us a while to get a cleaning clew to help us out here! At this rate, if the manager see this. I could lose my job! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I can't believe I'm going to get fired for this!

Samuel: S-Sir! Calm down!

Maria: We'll help you with your trash problem, nya!

The Park Ranger lit up with happiness.

Park Ranger: Really? You would?

Mikoto: Yes. We're young heroes, of course. Helping people is part of our job.

Jack: Just don't let us overdo it.

Samuel: Jack!

Jack: What???

Park Ranger: *Sobs* T-Thank you...Thank you so much.

Samuel: So what do we do, Class Rep?

Mikoto: Well. We can't leave him like this. We have no choice but to help him.

Zoe: Yes. We have too. Better to nip on the bud while we're at it. Plus, the park ranger here could lose his job if we don't do something about it.

Maria: Alright then! Let's start cleaning up!

Mikoto: First! Change of plans. Let's get the whole class to pitch in. That way, things will get done faster! Jack! Time to make some phone calls.

Jack: *Groans* Ugh. Fiiiiiine. The sooner we're done here the better.

Samuel: Wow...You really hate cleaning, don't you?


After Jack made some calls, the whole Class 1-C showed up a hour later and Operation: Clean Up Yoyogi Park was now in section.

Zoe and Yin had tended to the plants.

Kenji, Hein, and Oka were on watch duty just in case the villains came back.

Eitosquad was on trash duty.

Akira, Mio, and Lilac brought the brought cleaning tools and equipment.

Mikoto, Sylvia, and Haru went to do the bathrooms.

Maria, begrudgingly, had to make sure no raccoons or other vermin tried to sneak into the park to take some food or anything they could get their paws on.

Kieran used his psychic powers to pick up heavy waste and debris in order get rid of them.

Kelly and Chassy fixed up the picnic tables.

As usual, Jack tried to get out of cleaning but Souta caught him and made the music lover do the heaviest cleaning jobs, much to his dismay.

After at least two hours or so, Class 1-C were done cleaning up Yoyogi Park.

Park Ranger: Thank you! Thank you so much Class 1-C! You really saved my butt there!

Mikoto: No problem Sir! We're just happy to help~! Riku...Were you able to get an analysis of who could've done this.

Riku: My only leads are these villains must have a trash related quirk. I'm still analyzing but the results shouldn't take too long.

Jack: Of course, it'll be someone with a trash related quirk. Way to make someone's life more harder.

Souta: Like how you're trashy quirk is being an nuisance?

Jack: Hey?! Whose quirk is trashy! And it's not a nuisance!!! You looking for a fight?!!!!

Mikoto: Knock it off you two! Anyway. Mr. Park Ranger. Looks like we're finished here.

Park Ranger: Yes. Again. Thank you all for helping.

Mikoto: If this happens again, you know who to call...


Eitosquad: Shut up Jack!

Yin: *Glares at Jack*....

Jack: *Nervous* S-Sorry.

Park Ranger: Right....Yeah. I'll call you guys again if this happens once more. This time security will make sure to keep an eye out for any other suspicious activity. I'll send you guys your payment. Once again, thank you Class 1-C. You are my heroes today.

Class 1-C: *Praised*

Sylvia: We're just doing our job~!

Luna: Because we are heroes~~~!


Request: -Clean Up Yoyogi Park-

Status: Finished

Payment: 10,000 Yen.

Class Reputation: F } E

Present Mic: Good Job! Continue to train hard, Little Listeners~~~~!

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