Helping Out Nabu Island

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Now that the Pro Hero who used to protect the Island retired and now the U.A. Agency of both classes now had takes requests and calls from all the civilians.

Jack: 🎶OOOOOH YEAH! Lifting me up! Filling My Cup! Up On Your Shoulders! Let's Go!🎶 ~~~ 🎶Lifting Me Up! Filling My Cup! Pumping Us Into Heroes!🎶

Jack was now performing a small concert for the Nabu Island to give them a boost of confidence. So far, it was working as Class 1-A and 1-C all were working together to help out the people on the island.

Jack: 🎶Lifting me up! Filling My Cup! Up On Your Shoulders! Let's Go!🎶 ~~~ 🎶Lifting Me Up! Filling My Cup! Pumping Us Into Heroes!🎶

Denki, Kyoya, and Haru were both called to help charge up a farmer's tractor battery; Koda and Maria retrieves lost pets; Iida and Lilac goes to assist an old lady who had a broken back to the hospital; Hein, Mio, Souta, Samuel, and Destiny had to fill in and help people who are in no condition to do their jobs around the island.

Kenji, Yin, Kieran, and Tokoyami patrols the skies above Nabu Island.

Ojiro, Shouto, Eito, Riku, Mineta, Tsuyu, Sato, Mezo, and Sero monitor the popular tourist beach area.

Yuga and Mina clear a highway road blocked by boulders; Kirishima and Luna both help a fisher and his family load up on a semi-truck; Momo and Yoshirou fixes up some scooters; etc…Bakugo is the only member of the two classes to not have taken a call all day.

Deku: Kacchan still hasn't received one...

Mikoto:....I see.

Deku: He claims it's because he's waiting in case a real villain shows up.

Bakugo: Tch. Don't need to tell him that, Deku!

Sylvia: (Heh. Welp. Too bad for him~!)


Bakugo: Hah? What you looking at-?!

Mikoto: Shut up before I freeze your body temperature below zero.

Bakugo: HAH?! YOU WANNA GO-?!

One dangerous hellfreezing look from Mikoto made him shut him up.

Mikoto didn't care of Bakugo's excuse. In fact. If you notice beforehand, Mikoto was now avoiding Bakugo as far away as possible while performing his hero duties. 

You can tell now he by now it's a fact that he hates Bakugo. Everyone from both classes could understand why.

It's because Mikoto can't let go of his grudge against the other boy.

He called Mikoto's father a weakling for being Quirkless.

He insulted his Mother, The Yuki-Onna.

Made fun of Mikoto's problems due to being in his mother's shadows.

Finally, he was on thin ice when he said that Class 1-C was nothing but a bunch of extras who were weaklings and inferior to Class 1-A.

Did all that just to make himself feel superior.

After that, it was like hell had froze over.

Mikoto had every right to be furious with him, hate him, even. His friend Izuku was bullied for eleven years by said asshole and no one did anything about it until now. Their excuse, the boy was quirkless back then and Bakugo's quirk was powerful. Hierarchy at it's finest course. That day his friend was told to kill himself had made the snow user blood boil.  Mikoto didn't see Bakugo do anything to help him back then when they forced to work together during the final exam. He was only screaming and shouting at them. He even attacked Deku out of spite.

Even if he changed now. It was pretty clear to everyone that Izuku was so special to Mikoto that he probably wanted to punch Bakugo square in the face if he ever dared to try and harass the other again.

Even if the world forgives Bakugo for stepping out of line. They know Mikoto will never find it in his heart to forgive said boy.

And Bakugo knows that.

"When will you learn?! That your actions has consequences!"

Mikoto already shown him the reality that not everyone was going to take his shit and boy, did it hit him hard.

He didn't care if Bakugo was insecure at the time. He was still an jackass back then and sadly. He still is one.

If Bakugo actually would apologize. Not sure if he really would or not. Mikoto's initial response would be "Fuck You" with a chilly glare.

So saying it again. He'll never forgive him. EVER.

Bakugo:.....(I'm not scared of Snowball. Nope. Not one bit.)

Mikoto: ....*Looks Away* (Keep it together...Keep it together...)

Deku: Miichan...


Souta: (Hmph. Bakugo deserves it.)

Haru: W-Well...that was awkward.

Luna: Very awkward...(Why can't we all just get along?!)

Kenji: Yep...

Kirishima: Yikes. So he still hates Bakubro?

Denki: Seems like it.

Sero: He's literally giving him no filter.

Jirou: Like I said before. Some people can't let go of their grudges.

Destiny: You are so right...

Hein: Yukimura. I understand how you feel about Bakugo. But please don't let get in the way of our mission.

Riku: Indeed. It's best you put those feelings aside for now when we're doing our hero duties.

Mikoto:....Alright...(I want some ice cream. Maybe I could get some later.)

Uraraka receives a a call from a little girl who lost her brother somewhere on the island, and calls across the room and asks if anyone can help her to find the lost kid. Izuku, Mikoto, Sylvia, and Kyoka volunteer to help her out.

Mikoto: Alright! Let's go find that kid~! (So I can be further away from Bakugo as possible.)


The five teens search the island and find the little boy named Katsuma Shimano at a nearby park.

Mahoro: You're Late!!!

Teens: EHHH?!

His older sister, Mahoro Shimano suddenly appears and scolds Izuku and the others, well mostly Izuku, for taking so long to find them, revealing that she was timing Izuku and the others on their arrival to their location.

Sylvia: Umm. Who are you again, kid?

Mahoro: I'm Katsuma's sister Mahoro! How can you guys take a hour to find a lost child!

Mikoto: Sorry. You see not everything is going to be on a timely schedule. Heroes had to be qualified everywhere in order to help-?!

Mahoro: NO EXCUSES! I think we were much better with our old heroes!

Deku: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Mikoto: think we get scolded by a child.

Sylvia: At least she's cute...(Even if she is a little brat...)

Uraraka and Jirou arrived once they heard the commotion. Mahoro took that as her chance for her and her brother to leave.

Mahoro: Let's go, Katsuma!

Katsuma: U-Uhh...Right!

He then went towards Deku and whispered "Arigatou" before catching up to his sister.

Sylvia: Awww. Even if Deku-kun barely did anything, the kid already likes him.

Mikoto: Kawaii~!

Deku: *Embarrassed* Guys!

Mahoro: There's no need to thank him for anything, Katsuma! Let's go!

Katsuma: O-Okay!

The two siblings left as Uraraka and Jirou joined with the other three.

Jirou: What was that all about?

Mikoto: Nothing too serious. Turns out the older girl sibling was testing us.

Jirou: Testing Us?

Sylvia: Yep. To see if we would be on time on finding a lost child which was her brother. But she was there the entire time. From her perspective, it seems like she doesn't seem to view us as heroes.

Mikoto: Probably...or maybe Mahoro-chan doesn't seem fond of heroes. Also, she seems like she doesn't her brother getting involved with them.

Jirou: Good Observation Yukimura. But why is that? Why is she trying to make her brother change his opinion on heroes?

Mikoto shrugged. But he had a peculiar feeling he knew why. He remembers All Might saying something about the world is losing faith in heroes. Did the girl and brother had a traumatic experience to make them look on the black side where there's no light at the end of the tunnel? Also, weren't those two just at the playground by themselves? Where are their parents?


Uraraka: Wait...Why did you apologize, Deku-kun?

Mikoto: That's just how Izuku is...even if something is not his fault. He'll still beg for forgiveness.

Jirou: Don't you think you should get out of that. You shouldn't let people take advantage of you like that regardless if you're a hero or not.

Sylvia: I agree. Come on Deku-kun. Man up a little.

Mikoto had noticed that Izuku had tuned out their conversation while staring at the two kids who had left the playground and into the streets. He made a smile watching them go.

Mikoto not sure why...but he had a funny feeling that all of them will be meeting those two kids again pretty soon.

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