Hero Interview

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Plot: The Start of the Hero Interview Training Arc.

Somewhere in the middle of Japan stood a Catholic Church as Niko Nikomatsu walked on over to the entrance but stay a few spaces away.

Niko: Funny...It's been awhile since I've been here...

After all, he was raised in this church...forced to live in this godforsaken.

If there really is a God. Niko had no faith in him anymore.

The memories he had in this church.

Niko: Ahhh....I HATE IT.

Ever since he was young. He hated being here. He once heard the Catholic Church in Japan is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the pope in Rome...

Niko: It's funny...because isn't Christianity banned here in Japan.

Jesuits brought Christianity to Japan in 1549, but it was banned in 1614.  When Japan's ban on Christianity was lifted in 1873, some Hidden Christians joined the Catholic Church; others opted to maintain what they saw as the true faith of their ancestors.

Niko: But they still had it ongoing for those who had lies to confess...

He puts on a sneer.

Niko: Fuck it. I'll worry about it someday.

The lies that was spread through him. The accused sins brought down upon him. His parents believing every little thing the church said about him and they just...gave him up.

The taunts...

The jeers...

The stares...

The whispers behind his back...

They'll never go away.

Sad isn't it...how people like him would just want to escape from reality such as this. But they can't.

This place had stolen not only his sanity and dignity...

But his innocence as well...

All this happend because of his quirk?

He hate it...


Niko: Heh heh heh~! Whoops. Enough about the past. Can't have secrets spurring out just yet. Let's start the beginning of the New Year...With some fireworks~!

He snapped his fingers and...


The church was set on fire. It didn't even last a minute as everything combusted in a wall of flames.

Multiple fireballs came out heading for the sky before falling down everywhere.

He then heard screams.

Screams of people crying...

Screams of begging for God.

Screams for salvation.

Screams for help as flesh and skin BURN to a crisp.

Too bad...because God won't save them. He has written their fates. Their sins can't be ERASED.

Niko watched the whole scenario as the church burned to the ground. He did nothing but smile.

His smile was haunting. After all, this was only just the beginning of a new era.

Niko: Hehehe...HAHAHAHAHAHA!


At the start of coming back to U.A for the new year. Deku, along with Mikoto, Uraraka, Sylvia, Haru, and Iida were walking together in the hallways of their dormitories.

Mikoto: Hey. I heard Yin and Kieran had getting interviewed today.

Uraraka: Oh! That sounds great! I wonder what answers they'll give to the press.

Sylvia: As long as Bakugo keeps his mouth shut. I'm sure things will be alright.

Mikoto: Sylvia. What you said was the impossible. Bakugo will never shut up.

Haru: W-Well...the interview can't be all that bad...

Iida: *Chop* *Chop* Looks like we're going to have to see for ourselves.


Yin along with Kieran, Shouto, and Bakugo are interviewed by a well-known media outlet.

Interviewer: So you guys must've bonded during your training given how well you worked together, right?

Yin: Well....


Shouto: Yes. We are friends.


Shouto: Didn't we spend time together in our supplementary classes?


Yin: I agree...I'll never be friends with a loud dog like you. I need my peace and quiet.


Yin: I'll say it again. Not unless you die first...


Yin: A dog kicking a bucket is so unheard of...Be more specific Bakugo. You're not making any sense.

Bakugo: DIE!!!

Kieran:....Can I go home now?


The boys accidentally showcase how untrained to the media they are as they don't agree on most statements, with Bakugo being overly angry and rude and Yin throwing sadistic comments back at him. So much so, that they cut all his footage from the full interview released to the public.

Much to the shock of Deku, Mikoto, Sylvia, Uraraka, Iida, and Haru.

Sylvia: Oh My God....

A/N: So much for being friends, lol.


Class 1-C was laughing their asses off after seeing the interview on phone the next day.


Mio: Hehehe...I can't stop laughing.

Luna: Please stop making us die from laughter! XD

Oka: I would enjoy that~!

Luna stopped laughing and started crying.

Luna: Why Me.....?

Sylvia: OMG. Emo. Leave her alone. Why of all people do you gotta mess with Luna-chan?

Oka: Because the she's one of the most easiest to make fun of, Bimbo.

Luna: HEY!

Oka: *Dark* Got something you want to say to me?

A chill ran down Luna's spine.

Luna: EEEEEK...I mean...No! Nevermind!

Oka: Heh.

Sylvia: Honestly, you're just a female bully picking on her.

Destiny: Anyway. Back with Yin and Kieran. Do you guys realize that interview could make you guys look bad?

Kieran: ?!


Hein: Agree. As much as it's admirable seeing someone shut down Bakugo. It's better to understand that you still need to be presentable when you're talking to the public.

Chassy: Yeah...If it wasn't the interview team's editing skills, I'm sure no one would've hired you to be on board for the next round for the hero work studies.

Hearing that made Yin and Kieran feel really guilty.

Kieran: You're right. We're sorry for our performance.

Yin: Yeah...(It was worth it though...)

Kelly: You don't have to apologize. I'm sure things will work for you guys.

Haru: R-Right. It's not like what you guys done was the end of the world. Plus, the interviewers did edit the video like we said before.

Mikoto: So I'm sure you guys have a chance to make up the next time it happens.

???: Speaking of that, there's something to discuss with you all.

Every student turned their to be greeted by their loud teacher, Present Mic.

Present Mic: S'up little listeners!

Souta: What did you wanted to discuss about sir?

Present Mic: I want you all to get ready for the interview training!

Kenji: Interview Training?

Present Mic: YEAH! Nezu-san and All Might are preparing to announce the time for the next round of Hero Work Studies. Meanwhile, before you do that, you kids along with Class 1-A will be having an interview training with a Pro-Hero!

Jack: COOL!

Mio: Oh dear! Then we need to prepare!

Present Mic: Now Now! Don't overdo it. All you guys gotta do is change into your hero costumes and meet up with the Pro-Hero interviewing you! Any questions???

Riku and Chassy raised their hands.

Present Mic: Okay! Both of you!

Riku: What will be the certifications for this training?

Chassy: Will we have to give them our applications or something?

The loud Pro-Hero shook his head.

Present Mic: There will be none for that! The Hero Interview Training has a similar focusing on team-ups when getting their provisional licenses. You...the students will continue to be groomed on the current hero expectations.

Akira: S-Sounds tough....

Present Mic: Exactly! This time their interviewing in order to put the public at ease and show them who they are, both with their words and by demonstrating their powers. It’s another step in keeping public morale high while at the same time learning what other heroes you may end up partnering with can do.

Jack: Eh?

Destiny: You lost me...?

Eito: I don't get it...

Hein: To dumb it down for you guys...It's a simple yet important training exercise. They'll be asking us questions while we provide the answers.

Jack: Ohhh...

Luna: I guess that makes sense.

Hein: *Annoyed* You guess???

Luna: S-Sorry. It just sounded a bit complicated understanding.

Samuel: It's understandable that not everyone is going to get what other people say. So they would need someone to help them out on figuring it out.

Luna: See! He gets it!

Souta: Which is why she dumbed it down for a pack of idiots like you.

Eitosquad: HEY!

Kenji: Urusai. You're being loud.

Eitosquad: Sorry...

Hein: Continue Sensei.

Present Mic: Okay! As you all are aware...the villains in this world are starting to rise once again...

Class 1-C:.....

Present Mic: Which is why heroes like Mt. Lady will interviewing you guys.

Mio: Wait. MT. Lady is interviewing us

Present Mic: Partially No. But don't get the wrong idea. Someone as media obsessed as her is working harder as a legit hero. So it's good on you. And, not just Mt. Lady. Also Seems Endeavor’s influence after his High-End fight is reaching far and wide.

Souta: *Smirks*...

Mikoto fought the urge clicked his tongue.

Present Mic: The heroes overall are gathering more support from the public and the heroes themselves are stepping up. So as you know... This ain’t All Might’s world anymore. The heroes can’t count on an overpowered super-duper hero saving everyone.

...It’s time for everyone to do their part in keeping Japan safe.


Present Mic: Now without further ado. I will be introducing the hero that will be interviewing. Some of you are already aware of him. Everyone! Give him a round of applause! LEEEEEET'S GOOOOOOOO!

On cue, the Pro-Hero walked in as every student inside was clapping. Everyone's eyes went wide. Especially Souta. He stopped clapping. He couldn't believe who he was seeing.

Souta: NII-SAN?!!

That's right. The Pro-Hero is Souta's older brother and current guardian.

Shun: *Smiles* Nice to meet you. Class 1-C. My name is Kobayashi Shun. But most of you know me as Deadly Scent. I can't wait to see how this interview goes~!

Souta quietly groaned trying to avoid his classmates' evil smiles. Especially Jack. He can tell this is going to be embarrassing.

Souta: (Somebody please kill me...)

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