Mom? Dad?

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He swears...there's always one problem to the next!

First, Niko...Then Mr. V...The PSC...The corrupted government...Then Niko Again...Then Izuku leaving...

Now This!

Mikoto wasted no time ordering a Lyft to get him to the Akatsuka Hospital where Mizuki is waiting for him. The receptionist allowed him in because he was scheduled to come in as a visitor thanks to his uncle.

Along with another surprise visitor.

Hiroyuki: Bark!

Mikoto: Hiroyuki! Can you take me to see Uncle?

Hiroyuki: Bark!

Hiroyuki runs down the hall with Mikoto giving chase until they made them a room where Mizuki is waiting for them.

Mizuki: Mikoto...

Mikoto:....Give it to me straight. How bad is it?

Mizuki: Straight to the point huh.

Mikoto: Uncle. I've been enough to not even worry about jokes. What's happened to Mom and Dad.

Mizuki:....Sometime after your father had a chat with you the other day. He was with your mother. Then, suddenly a villain attacked them.

Mikoto: Who was it?

Mizuki: We weren't able to indentify the villain yet but according to some rumors around here at the hospital. We were able to figure out what the quirk is. Sin Exchange.

Mikoto: Sin Exchange huh...

Mikoto then turns on his headset.

Mikoto: Riku? Did you get that.

Riku: Yes. I can also indentify the villain as well. But first. Sin Exchange. It's capable of ingesting the DNA of the target in order to activate one of four very distinct effects. These effects work by forging a connection between the user's "soul" and the "soul" of their opponent, changing the make-up of her DNA ever so subtly in order to allow this connection to be formed.

Hein: Let me say a word. This process takes sometime to take place, though the time frame is shorter for females than it is for males, requiring a total of two minutes for males and one minute for females. The process is also extremely uncomfortable for the villain themself, though it manifests as more of an uncomfortable itching sensation than anything.

Riku: Agree. This can also in some situations. It can kill the target.

Mikoto heart dropped hearing this.

Mikoto: Are you parents could die?!

Mizuki swore underneath his breath.

Mizuki: How long do we got?

Riku: This connection lasts for up to twenty-four hours after it is forged, though it is only capable of being used by only one person.

Mikoto: So you already identified who the suspect is?

Riku: Yes...Have any of you heard of...The Hero Killer. No. Not Stain. The other Hero Killer.

Chassy: You're talking about the female one, Akatsumi Kiyomeru.

Jack: Never heard of her.

Mizuki: I have.

Mikoto turned to his uncle.

Mikoto: Who was she.

Mizuki: Another enemy of your mother, apparently. She used to be a hero until she was exposed for commiting theft and being involved with the PSC.

Mikoto grimaced. Why is he not surprised.

Mizuki: And this is not good. Because when she is within one hundred feet of someone she has forged the connection with. Due to the strain on her body, Akatsumi is capable of forging connections with a maximum of ten individuals.

Riku: Indeed. The effects of Akatsumi's Sin Exchange are as follows, and each have their own restrictions and drawbacks based on their respective strengths. Sin of Envy, Sin Of Pride, Sin Of Lust And Sin Of Wrath.

Souta: So that's almost all of the seven deadly sins.

Luna: Why does she only have four though if there's supposed to be seven?

Destiny: Does it even matter?

Riku: Well it's unknown she only has four of the seven deadly sins. But we can worry about that later.

Mikoto: Yeah. This is my parents I'm worried about.

That the entire class understand.

Mikoto: Uncle. May I see them.

Mizuki: Of course Buddy.

Mikoto walked into the room. The hospital room consist of two separate beds of where his parents are at. His father was on the left. While his mother was on the right.

They both had their eyes closed. They looked like they were sleeping. But Mikoto knew the situation was more than just them being unconscious.

Mikoto walked up to his parents. He feared for their lives. They only had 24 hours to live unless he do something.

No. He can't lose his parents. He still needs them.

They were finally starting to act as a family. Back then, it was only just him and his father because his mother was always absent due to work as a hero.

But now...she started being more into Mikoto's life.

He didn't want any of that to be ripped away.

Mikoto: Dad...Mom...

He then felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to Mizuki who also had a concern look on his face.

Mizuki: I know how you feel kid. I... don't want to lose my youngest brother. There must be something we can do. We got 24 hours. We have too.

Mikoto:....Maybe there is a way.

Mizuki: Eh? Really? You have an idea.

Mikoto: This...worked on my classmates. Maybe it can work on my parents too.

Mikoto then called for Riku again.

Mikoto: Riku? What's the strongest sin right now. Can you do an analysis?

Riku:.....I believe right now. It's the sin of Pride. as well as the empowered attributes granted by said Quirk, of the targets she has forged connections with. Once this connection is enacted, all effects of the Quirks are implemented upon her, including mutations or odd appearance modifications. This requires her to quickly learn the mechanics of whatever Quirk she is attempting to replicated, lest she tire or even harm herself through any unforeseen drawbacks of the Quirk itself. Due to the complexity of this connection, the distance she must be within in order for the connection to be maintained is lessened to 75 feet and the time-limit is lowered to eighteen hours, rather than twenty four. The maximum amount of connections she can form is three, and attempting to go above this maximum will cause intense epistaxis. She is only capable of mimicking one Quirk at a time, placing her at a disadvantage should she copy any Quirk that is incapable of being shut off at will.

Mikoto: So upon attempting to exceed this limit, she will experience powerful migraines that can render her unconscious or even comatose depending on the strengths of the Quirks in question.

Mizuki: At that rate, she can kill your parents at any time. Fuck!

Mikoto: Not unless we have something to do about it. Riku! Get Class 1-C ready. Time to hunt down a villain.

Riku: You don't need to tell us twice. They're all getting ready right now.

Haru: We got it all under control.

Jack: We'll take care of that villain for you Class Rep!

Destiny: In the meantime, worry about your parents..

Samuel: They mean the world to you. So good luck!

Sylvia: Yeah! We'll take care of everything from here!

Luna: Whoo! Let's go beat up that villain!

Eito: She won't know what hit her!

Mikoto smiled at his classmates' support.

Mikoto: Thanks you guys...and be careful! Remember! Never underestimate Class 1-C!

Class 1-C: Plus Ultra!

Mizuki:....(You really have great friends, Mikoto. Your parents must be so happy for you.) So what are you doing to do Mikoto?


Mizuki: Engage?

Mikoto: Somehow. I have multiple abilities. So maybe if I use Engage. I could dive into my parents' subconscious minds and free them from whatever connection that Akatsumi had strapped them too.

Mizuki: I see...that...could actually work. But be careful. You never know what you might hit in there.

Mikoto:....I know.

Mizuki: Jeez. I always did wonder what goes through Tohru's mind no less his wife too. Well...Guess we're about to find out.

Mikoto: Yeah. Wait us?

Mizuki: Well duh. I'm coming with you. If you go in there alone. There's a possible chance you might not come back. So to ensure your safety. I'll go with you.

Hiroyuki: *Tail Wags* Bark!

Mizuki: *Chuckles* Looks like Hiroyuki wants to come too.

Hiroyuki barked in agreement.

Mikoto: Uncle...Hiroyuki...*Smiles* Alright. Let's do this. Let's save Mom and Dad.

Mizuki: You got that right. We're right behind you.

Hiroyuki: *Bark*

Mikoto nods as he picks up Hiroyuki as Mizuki puts another hand on his shoulder.

Mizuki: exactly does this work.

Mikoto: Well. I say Engage. My body glows and the rest is history. I'm not sure how it actually works. It just does. Mostly it runs on emotions.

Mizuki: I see...

Mikoto: Okay. Here we go. It's going to be a bumpy ride.



Mikoto closed his eyes.



His parents. They...along with his friends are the reason he is his own hero. The reason why he still fights.
This was his chance to save them. He was not going to waste it.

Time was running out. The clock was ticking. Only 24 hours. Every hour. Every minute. Every second counts.

It was now or never.

His body glowed as the other two did as he muttered the words.


Sending him, Mizuki, and Hiroyuki into the mind of the person to save first.

Tohru Yukimura.

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