Moping Around...

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While Class 1-A and Class 1-C continue to train and study with a work study/brainstorm/hotpot party. Shota and Geysis both find All Might sitting outside.

Geysis: Hey! There you are... what's a skeleton like you doing outside all by yourself..

All Might: I...wasn't doing much...

He then looked at Aizawa asks about Eri and Inari.

Erasherhead: Eri's asleep and Class 3-C is looking after Inari.

Geysis: Yeah. We'll start training those two little ones this week.

All Might: Is it okay...if I help...

Geysis: I don't see why not.

All Might had offered his help, to which both teachers appreciates. However, the pleasant atmosphere went away and everything was silent.

To break the silence, Erasherhead then asks what's bothering All Might.

All Might:...I had a talk with to see the Previous One For All Wielders... especially Yoichi Shigaraki...

Geysis: Wait....Isn't that All For One's Brother?

All Might nodded.

Geysis: How long...How long has he been seeing...Has he also...been talking to them...

All Might: So far...the only people he talked too was Nana-Sensei and Yoichi Shigaraki... Yukimura told me the truth that Yoichi Shigaraki is the one who gave him Engage.

Geysis: he's the one who gave him that quirk...

Erasherhead: It's almost the same as how Midoriya...the problem child, was given blackwhip.

All Might: He will be receiving more..

Geysis: I got a question...If Midoriya is going to manifest more quirks in the future thanks to One For All...Will Yukimura also received more quirks as well...


All Might:....Good question...It's possible...He might end up receiving more quirks as well...Quirks that didn't belonged to the other previous wielders...

Geysis: Yeah...because Engage was pretty random...but so is image breaker.

Erasherhead grunted in agreement.

All Might:.....I've live.

Erasherhead: Toshinori...

All Might: I know I have lived, fought, and survived as a hero for quite some time. But seeing these kids...especially Midoriya and Yukimura...back then, I thought for sure my time would be up sooner or later...but...I haves decided to live, I still can't help but feel powerless when I see how much everyone has developed.

Erasherhead: That's because you bore the title of Symbol of Peace for so long, it would hard for you to accept that but there are so many other things you can do for the students, such as being there for them, and to keep being the person they knows you are.

All Might:...

Geysis: Yeah. So enough moping around already. Those three boys (Midoriya, Yukimura, and Bakugo) looked up to you. They would be pretty sad if they saw you kicking the bucket now, wouldn't they?

All Might: Yeah...You're right. Thanks for the advice you two...


All Might accepted the advice, as Shota relays a message from Naomasa delaying his intended meeting. with Stain.

Erasherhead: Before I go...There's something I gotta ask you Geysis...

For some reason, Geysis did not like where this conversation was going...He turned to his younger coworker with an annoyed face.

Geysis: Go on.

Erasherhead: They know something is up about you as well, don't they?


Erasherhead: You can't keep the secret forever. Because if you do, you'll hurt them more than you already have... Present Mic misses them. Everyday he believes what happened to those kids was his fault even if he wasn't present at the time. But you were...

Geysis: Where are you getting at?

Erasherhead rolled his eyes and gave him a frown.

Erasherhead: Tell them the truth.

All Might:....


Erasherhead: Tell them the truth of why Nedzu brought you here.

Geysis: So you have spoken to him about my employment...

Earlier, Aizawa had talked to Nedzu about Geysis' involvement with the original Class 1-C. The rat told him everything in detail of what Geysis had really been up too.

Erasherhead: It surprised me a little to know that the Principal knew all this time. But then again, Nedzu has eyes everywhere just like the PSC...


Erasherhead: They deserve to know, Geysis...after all...It was thanks to you, the PSC won't be trying to kill them anytime soon. You been redeeming yourself by helping out in the sidelines, correct?

Not bothering to wait for an answer Aizawa leaves the two to attend to meeting with Stain in Tartarus Prison. Geysis let our a groan as he felt an headache forming...

Geysis: I...need a drink.

All Might:...That goes for me too...


Work Study/Brainstorm/Hot pot party to energize everyone for the new term, which Class 1-B will also be stopping by for later. The students talk about how soon they'll be second-years, and all the new first-years that'll arrive, to which Tenya reminds everyone about finals three months from then.

Iida: Don't forget the finals are just about over the horizon!



Mikoto: Eito...Jack...You guys really need to study.

Jack: I hate studying...

Riku:...I could help you with your math problems.

Jack: You're using that as an excuse to get me to work aren't you?


Souta: Hey Loudmouth. How about I leave some equations and hard questions on your desk so you can suffer?! :D


The class laughed as Jack being overwhelmed with

Iida: I agree with Yukimura, you should really try to study, Anderman.

Mineta: Stop talking Iida! You're ruining the food!

Shouto: Words can't change the taste.

Destiny: OOF....

Sylvia: So dense...

Mineta: *Glares at Shouto* You! How can someone so dense gets so popular with the ladies! I mean! Look at Kenji! He's so popular! He's not even trying.

Kenji: Leave me out of this, Grape Boy.

Jirou: Oh man, Mineta. It sounds to me that you're concerned that you won't pass either.

Mio: Ha! I bet he wouldn't either!

Mineta: Ah Shut up!

Mineta got so pissed his eyes bulged out of his sockets in cartoonish way, it made the other students laugh.

As they continue to socialize, Izuku internally reflects how he never imagined All Might would be watching over him, or when he could talk to Katsuki normal-ishly, and remarks how blessed he is.

Mikoto: You really like the change, huh Izuku?

Deku: *Smiles* Yeah. I do. I'm glad that All Might is still with us and I can also get to talk Kacchan more without him trying to kill me anymore.

Kirishima: Umm...Midoriya, did you forget that in the changing room, Bakugo threw a headpiece at your head and you almost bleed to death while you fell over.

Deku: Oh...Yeah...

Mikoto: HE DID WHAT?!

Momo: Oh dear...

Mina: Uh-Oh...

Uraraka: Here we go. Miichan is becoming overprotective again! Can't blame him though...

Satou: Looks like Bakugo is in trouble again.

Tokoyami: What a mad bouquet of darkness....

Yin: Pity. The Dog Never Learns...

Deku: M-Miichan! Please calm down!


Kirishima: Sorry Bakubro! I thought he needed to know!

Sero: Yeah. You kinda went too far as usual, Bakugo.

Bakugo: Shut up! Snowball needs to stop putting Deku on a pedestal! I was just sick of his stupid rambling!

Mikoto: *Icy* So that gives you an excuse to attempt murder?!!


Mikoto: I'm watching you, Bakugo. I advise you to cut it out. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today or I would've froze your ass right here in front of everyone.


Bakugo: *Shudders*.......

Haru: There it goes...

Oka: I like angry Mikoto.

Luna: (Seriously. You like anything negative.)


Luna: O_O....Nothing...

Destiny: It's fun seeing him act this way~!

Mina: As usual, Miichan gave Bakugo frostbite and put him in his place.

Ojiro: I'm not even surprised anymore.

Iida: Yukimura, we all understand your frustrations with Bakugo but please cease trying to commit confrontation in a threatening matter. No fighting in the dormitories.


Everyone: *Sighs in relief*

Sylvia: Be thankful Iida saved your ass Bakugo.


Yin: He shouldn't have. Class Rep would've had him in the doghouse.

Everyone: Hahahahaha!


Yin: Why? You act like one.

Souta: True True...

Tsuyu: I hate to be blunt again, Bakugo, but you surely do act like one.

Yin: Thank you. Someone agrees with me.

Bakugo: GRRRRRR!

Tsuyu: See?

Everyone: PFFFFT.

Bakugo: Screw this! I'm going back to back to my room!

Yin: Don't forget your collar. Can't have you being taken to the pound because you're out in the open.

That did it. That comment made everyone lose it.

Both classes fell on their asses laughing.


Uraraka: Pfft!

Jack: OMG! Stop Yin!

Kelly: *Snickers* Ha!

Chassy: Lol!

Mio: SO FUNNY!!!

Samuel: I-I can't breathe!


Chassy: Somebody get a recording!

Yin: Just stating the obvious.

Bakugo: FUCK YOU ALL!!!

Souta: Fuck you too.

Hein: Language!

Bakugo: SHUT UP!

Mikoto: You shut up.

Bakugo leaves after that as everyone continued to snicker or giggle a little.

Mina: You just love bullying Bakugo, don't ya Miichan?

Mikoto: Can ya blame me?

Everyone: No.

Mikoto: Thank you.

Shouto: Such a shame you and Bakugo can never be friends, Yukimura.

Mikoto: Like I want to be friends with him. At least I'm willing to work with him.

Everyone: (At least that's some progress there...)

Deku: Miichan.

Mikoto: Izuku. If Bakugo tries to kill you again. Come to me and I'll put him in his place.

Deku: *Pouts* Miichan!!!

Yin: Can I be there. I still want to insult the dog just in case he barks.

Maria: Are you just here to make Bakugo's life at school miserable, nya?

Yin: Is that a trick question. If so, then yes.

Everyone: LMAO.

Mocking Bakugo 24/7 aside, both Class 1-C and 1-A continued on doing their daily work study & hotpot party. As they all continue to have their own conversations, Mikoto talked and laughed with Izuku and Shouto. Spending time with his best friend/brother and cousin.

It was truly a lovely sight to him.

He wished this moment would last...

But as he already knew...with the war that will take place soon...

All Goods Things Would Come To A End...








Mikoto: *Broken* Izuku....? Why?

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