More Requests

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A/N: Just some Class 1-C students taking on requests because I'm bored as heck.

It's been a week since Class 1-C and 1-A returned from the life and death situation back at Nabu Island. They were all given a chance to relax for a while and had all their wounds healed.

After a week, they had all returned to school.

Mikoto Yukimura, the class rep, decided to check the quest board to which he haven't used in a while.

Mikoto: Whoa...There's a few quests already on the board and it looks like our reputation had rise a little.

Class Reputation: C-

Mikoto: How Ironic...It must've been from the few side quests we had applied for on Nabu Island. Alright... let's see what requests had been send... hopefully none of them is
Mr. V.

Luckily, there were none send to them from the mysterious benefactor.

He took a sign of relief and grabbed the next request.

Request: Patrol Fukuoka City.

Description: I need you some of you kids to do some patrolling in Kyushu, Japan. Ya know like look for any suspecious people. If there's a problem you can't solve. Call for backup from a more experienced hero. I know you listeners can do it~! GOOOOOOD LUUUUUCK~!

Client - Present Mic

Payment - 20,000 yen

Rank: 3

Mikoto: Huh. That's simple enough. I have my hands full with some other things to do. So I send some people down in Kyushu, Japan. What's the next request?

Request: Conflict Between Elves

Description: Hey Class 1-C. It's your boi, Mishima. From the support class. I need your help. Two family members of mine are both elves from different races. One is a high elf and the other is a dark elf. They're both in the business course of U.A

They both don't get along and are always fighting. Sometimes their fighting and different opinions leads to conflict and it's annoys others. Could you please stop them.

I would do it myself but sometimes they don't like it when family gets involved with their internal affairs. I'll pay you guys and give you a new support gadget for free if you can stop them. Thanks..

Client - Kyoya Mishima (Support Class)

Payment - 10,000 yen + New Support Gear

Rank: 3

Mikoto: Oh dear...conflict too...
between elves no doubt. Jack and Luna used to read a lot of fantasies stories about elves and their discrimination towards one another. never thought it would happen here at U.A. Okay. Last request for now.

Request: Taking down delinquent gang members.

Description: OMG. There is this delinquent gang reeking havoc around town. They use multiple quirks to intimidate the public. Not even the police can stop them. I'm sorry but we're gonna have to lead this to U.A. I heard a certain is taking on requests, so I asked Present Mic to send this. Please help us. We're scared....

Client - Anonymous Witness

Location: Esuha City.

Payment - 10,000 Yen

Rank: 3

Mikoto: Esuha City? That's where Fat Gum Agency is at? I guess he must be busy doing other things to not realize the city is being overrun by juvenile delinquents. With crime rate coming up and villains rising once again. It's understandable he can't be in two places at once.


Mikoto: I would help but like I said before. I got some things to do on my own. So I guess I'll will send some of my classmates to fill in these requests. But the question is...who?

After a small while of thinking, Mikoto decided to go random and started making some phone calls.

-Plus Ultra-

1. Request: Patrol Fukuoka City.

In Kyushu, Japan, Sylvia, Samuel, Luna, Destiny, and Haru were all together doing their daily rounds around Fukuoka city. Riku was doing his annual work of analysising the entire city.

Sylvia: Do you find anything suspecious yet?

Samuel: Everything so far so good on my end...

Haru: I remember this was the place where Dabi used High-End aganist Endeavor.

Luna: You mean that talking Nomu that nearly cut off his eye?! Man...that was scary.

Destiny: Girl. You are so right...I still have nightmares about that.

Samuel: Same....

Sylvia: Guys. Please. Less taking, more focusing. Okay. Anything at all?

Riku: Nothing over at the west district-HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Destiny: What is it?!

Riku: Guys! Head on over the east district quick! There's a small crowd and man with a knife!

Sylvia: Oh...that don't sound good...

Destiny: What are we standing around for?! Move!



Everyone in the small crowd was staring at horror as a man with dark brown hair and black eyes with fair skin was glaring at a couple nearby holding a knife.

Woman: What the-?! Dear?!

Man #2: Wait what?!

Man #1: I knew it! After all this time! You were cheating on me! What about our kids?! How could you do this to our family?!

Woman: N-Now dear! Calm down! I can explain! I was only using this man to get money! He's rich and so-?!

Man #2: Hold on?! Are you serious?! You were seducing me?! You told me you weren't seeing anybody!

Woman: I...well...H-He abused me! he manipulated me into marriage! So...

Man #1: When did I ever do that?! We claim our vows to be together!

The students nearby watching the entire scenario knew what was going on. It was a situation where a spouse catches their significant other cheating on them.



The unhinged man charged in rage at the two. The woman hid behind the other man using his body as a shield as her husband came at them with the knife...

However, the knife soon vanished in a portal created by Samuel as Sylvia and Haru held him down.

Realizing he's been defeated, the man started to cry.

Sylvia: Sir...We understand how you must feel. Being played with your feelings must really hurt but...

Destiny: Don't do things you're going to regret. Think about your kids...They still need you.

Distraught Man:....Thank you heroes...thank you for stopping me...

Riku: I think it's maybe too late for that woman though.

The students turned their heads to see the rich man slapped the woman in anger.

Rich Man: I can't believe you. Don't ever come near me again, you harlot!

Woman: Grrr...! This is all your fault!

She pointed at her crying husband in anger which startled the students.

Woman: I was so close to getting his money! I could've gotten everything I wanted! *Smirks* I was so close! If I had his child! I would've claim if was yours and leave you to pay for child support rendering you penniless~! Taking all your money as well! Hmph!

The students and everyone nearby who heard all of it in general just stared at the woman in shock as she walked away with her nose in air like a total snob while the police were coming.


Samuel turned to distraught man in pity.

Samuel: Dude...what kind of monster did you married?

Sylvia: Exactly. She's acting like an Karen. If not, worst. What a bitch.

Distraught Man:....

Riku: I think this is a time to file for a divorce...

After the police showed up, the distraught man was taken into custody. But since no one was hurt. Despite his attempted murder, no one pressed charges and witnesses along with the students gave their testimonies of what went down. So the police arranged for 300 hours for community service. After that, the couple were now divorced and the mother lost custody of their kids but kept the house. The distraught man is now currently living with his parents and kids.

Sylvia: I hope he's doing well... It's bad enough when men cheat on their wives. But when woman do it to...

Luna: It's vile and despicable...

Riku: Exactly. No one deserves to be cheated on.

Destiny: Especially a certain someone we know...

They turned their heads to Eito, glaring at him who sweatdropped.

Eito: Why do I hear boss music.

Kenji: ':(

Request: Conflict Between Elves.

Hein, Chassy, Souta, Kelly, and Mio were all summoned by Mikoto to head on over to the business to see if they can stop the mutual distribution between Kyoya's cousins.

Mio: So Kyoya's cousins are a high elf and dark elf?

Hein: Yes. According to Mikoto, since Kyoya is a poison elf. I take that his family comes from a long line of elves from different races.

Chassy: This is my first time seeing a high elf and dark elf. I wonder what they'll be like...




Kelly: Well shit...

Souta: *Sighs* Let's just get this over with.

They made their way to business course, to see two male students fighting. They both had long pointy ears. One had long blonde wavy hair, light skin, and green eyes while the other male had dark tan skin, yellow piercing eyes, and short black hair. They both also were wearing the school uniform with had the business reverse badges on them.

Chassy: Whoa. They kind of look like Kyoya.

Hein: Expect Sir Kyoya had purple skin due to his quirk and all.

High Elf: I'm telling you there's no way you can resolve this issue by fighting! Honestly, you dark elves don't have no honor!

Dark Elf: Hah? Look whose talking, hypocrite! You high elves are always preaching to your God about honor and bullshit! When it's obvious you're casting judgement upon those who are not elves!

High Elf: At least I'm not boasting about how hot dark elves are like some wicked cult!

Dark Elf: At least I'm not always thinking my little footsies need baby powder EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. HOUR!

Souta: *Snickers*....

Chassy: (Don't laugh...Don't laugh...)

Hein: (What is the point of this conflict. I thought they would be discussing business affairs...but they're just arguing about what flaws they have...this is ridiculous...)

High Elf: HOW DARE YOU?!

Kelly: We should stop them before a fight takes place.

Mio: I think we're too late for that.

Hein: Let's just stop them anyway.

Souta: Hey! You two!

Elves: Huh?

Both of the two elves stopped grabbing each other by the collar and looked at the students.

High Elf: Hah? Humans?

Dark Elf: Leave. This doesn't concern any of you.

Souta: Okay. Chill. You stupid idiots need to take a breather and not be at each other throats. You'll never get anything done if you keep acting like that.

Chassy: (Look whose talking. You're always fighting with Jack.)

High Elf: What business do you all have with us?

Hein: Please. We're from Class 1-C. Kyoya Mishima from the support class mentioned you all.

Dark Elf: Tsk. Kyoya send you guys? Well tell him it's none of his business! There's no way I'm going to get along with this asshole!

High Elf: Language!

Dark Elf: Shut up! No one asked you hypocrite!

High Elf: Seriously! You dark elves never listen to reason! You always think you can do whatever you want! You caused havoc and destruction. You are just selfish creatures!

Dark Elf: Ha! Selfish?! Pot calling the kettle black! At least we dark elves respect animals and actually tend to help nature while you assholes cause senseless violence and blame it on us!

High Elf: It's all in the name of our God!

Dark Elf: Dumb Excuse!

Souta: (It was a dumb excuse...)

Hein: Alright! Gentleman! Please calm yourself! Okay...I see what the problem is...You two don't want to get along. You hate each other based on your background on what type of elves you are from history.

High Elf:....

Dark Elf:....

Chassy: Yeah. I noticed that too. High Elves believe in God while Dark Elves do not which led them to become astrayed and then casted out. Like it said in the history books.

Kelly: Which all happend many years ago....even before quirks became a thing. In other words, you're just fighting a meaningless fight.

High Elf: Excuse Me?

Dark Elf: What do you mean by that?

Hein: Do you see any other elves action that way?


Hein: Exactly. From what I seeing and hearing. This is what I got from you. Dark Elves were betrayed by the Light Elves which drove a wedge between you guys. But the way I see it. The High Elves refused to believe they did anything wrong which fueled the hatred of the dark elves.

Dark Elf: *Nods*

Hein turned to the High Elf.

Hein: You're not giving your cousin a chance. Just because he's a dark elf doesn't mean he's secretly some violent criminal. The biased discrimination against him was too much. You need to understand you shouldn't be acting that way. What happened between light elves and dark elves was years ago. You need to let things go.

High Elf:....

Dark Elf: Ha! Told ya!

Chassy: You're not any better either. You were always rubbing his insecurities in his face as well because he's an high elf. If you anything, you're just as bad as he is. Sure, he follows things by the rules and all. But he's isn't always going to be some stuck up jerk.

Dark Elf:....

Mio: In short terms, you both need to grow up. What happened years ago...should not be what's happening now.

Kelly: You're in the business course. This department which focuses on all aspects of heroic business, from founding and managing hero agencies to executive producing heroes.

Chassy: They even do hands-on lessons in venture capitalis. From your behavior, it wasn't even business like. It's just sounds like two men holding a grudge against each other.

Hein: As business partners. You need to work together. If you can't put aside your differences and do that. Then you both have no place in the business course of U.A at all.

High Elf:....

Dark Elf:....

Mio: H-Hein-chan...? Don't you think you were a little harsh on them.

Hein: Sorry. I get this way when people fool around and not take things seriously.

High Elf:....I guess your guys were right...

Dark Elf: Yeah...Umm...What were we fighting about again?

High Elf: I...don't know. We been fighting for hours, I guess I forgotten all about it.

Dark Elf: Yeah...Me too...I guess we owe you humans an apology. Plus, you had a point.

High Elf: We lost sight of what's truly important. Providing and maintaining business matters for U.A. Our classmates must be so ashamed of us.

Kelly: It's not too late to make amends with them.

Dark Elf: Yeah...I think we'll start with that.

Then the two elves turned to each other.

High Elf: I'm....sorry for bringing up the past.

Dark Elf: Sorry for rubbing for insecurities in your face. I some way I do feel a little jealous of you.

High Elf: I...feel the same way...Thank you.

Dark Elf: Don't mentioned it and thank you, Class 1-C.

Mio: Are you guys going to get along now.


Students: *Confused* Ehhh?

Hein: Pardon?

High Elf: You may have helped us withur family problem. But with so many things to discuss in the business course. Different validated opinions and all.

Dark Elf: Yep. We'll most definitely going back to screaming at each other. Thanks for trying though, virgin humans~!

High Elf: Tsk. So disgraceful.

Dark Elf: Looks whose talking. I saw you staring a female classmates butt earlier~! You pervert~! I'm telling the teacher~!

High Elf: H-How dare you accuse me of such disgraceful acts! I've done no such thing! You hear me! GET BACK HERE!!!!



Mio: Kyoya's cousins are weird...

Souta: (Are all this?)

Hein: *Sighs* (Great. What an headache...)


*Request: Taking down delinquent gang members*

Downtown in Fukuoka City, two young middle school students were targets by a few delinquents.

Student #1: Wait! What do you mean give you guys money?!

Student #2: You're the ones who into us?!

Delinquent: Do those heads of yours got a few screw loses?! In case, you don't who we are, we're-?!

Jack: *MEME* 🎶I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!!🎶

Jack used his auto tone to blasts the delinquents into the air. Their screams echoed everywhere until Zoe caught them in vines.

Oka, Yin, and Kenji hold up some number signs.

Oka: *10*

Yin: *10*

Kenji: *10*


Zoe: You can tell us all about who you guys are...once the authorities arrive.

Delinquents: *Crying* NOOOOOO!

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