Niko Makes His Move

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"What is the meaning of this Hikari-sama?!"

Hikari looked at the scene before him...How boring. A couple of church goers and believers who used to be followers now stand against him questioning his motives?

Hikari: Do I even need to explain myself? I'm done working with you people.

"Y-You can't just turn your back on the church after so many years of service!"

"You're turning against God and that makes you a traitor!"

"Filthy Sinner!"

"How dare you go against God!"

Hikari: Go aganist God? I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. In case you forgot, I still have the Lord of my side. No matter what decision I make.


"What?! That can't be true!"

"You lie!"

Hikari: Whether you believe it or not, as a follower of God. He had whispers to me on what kind of people you truly are...


Hikari: You're not even a real church. You're a cult. Similarities between missing persons: each were described as distant, socially inept, easily coerced, sought acceptance companionship. Ideal targets for cult recruitment. Several had lost someone important to them or were interested in quirks. That's how you sought me...

"Y-You! How dare you!"

"You dare mock us! God will never accept you! Filthy Sinner!"

The cultist all tried to attack Hikari using their own quirks however, he trapped them using the chains of Heavens.

Hikari: God...Won't accept you all for your sins.

A huge wavelength of light blasted through the chains and all the cultist begin to scream in agony.





After the wavelength of light had vanished. What remain now of the cult leader and their followers was nothing but ash.

He did it. He put an end to the nightmare he had suffered for years. These people had brainwashed him and turned him into the person he is now.

He killed them. In the name of God.

There's no going back now.

Hikari: God won't redeemed sinners.

Hikari then looked at the secret sanctum. On the wall was a symbol of a deity that the cultist had worshipped.

Ahura Mazha...

An ancient deity. He created the twin spirits Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman)—the former beneficent, choosing truth, light, and life; and the latter destructive.

They remind him so much of him and his brother.

Hikari:...How intriguing....

Hikari knew from the moment he was born something was off about him and his brother. Or rather, why people preferred him over  his little brother. His quirk...When he was young...He doesn't know from much but the one who somewhat resembled him; While Hikari was born with plantinum blonde hair, Niko had bluish black hair (Turning to Green)? Both of their blue eyes match and Hikari much softer skin than Tsume whose were rougher but the younger twin was a bit smaller than him. They looked a little identical but they were fraternal twins though...

When a child reaches the age of 18, they are no longer considered a child but an adult. When a bird decides to flap its wings and take flight from its nest, it's also considered an adult. And when a fish decides to dance up from the waters, it no longer fears.

Hikari no longer feared life. Tsume no longer feared death.

Hikari: Fate is taking a huge turn for this hero society...


Tsume...I mean...Niko said things would be interesting as Pansa had just came back with a huge surprise. Hikari wasn't amused by the sight.

Niko: Well Well Well~! B-B-Boi~! What do we have here~~~?


Tied up and gagged by Pansa, was another missing member of Class 1-C.

Tadashi Kyoko.

His quirk was disfigurement.

After his "disappearance" from Class 1-C. He had went into hiding with his family away from the hero government. But it looks like thanks to Pansa tracking skills, he had been caught.

Tadashi: (What is this?! Raion!What's going on?! Untie me!)

Pansa: For you, Niko-sama! Hikari-sama!

Niko: For me~~~?! It's not even my birthday! I don't know what to say! This is sooo sweet~! Thank you~!

Pansa nodded gleefully.

Niko: Make sure you continue finding the others~! There's still a few of you out there!

Pansa: Yes Niko-sama.

Tadashi: (Niko-sama?! Wait...Niko?! As in...the shadow slasher?! So this is what been going on! This is why my former classmates had disappeared?! Because Raion was luring them to the League Of Villains...)

Tadashi's skin turned immediately pale as Niko grabbed his brown hair. He let out of muffled scream as Niko started dragging him away.

Niko: Oi! Oi! Stop it...Yare Yare Daze (Good Grief)...


Niko: Awww~! Don't look at me like that~! With such a hatred gaze! You're gonna make me act up~~~!

Tadashi: (Ew...)

Niko: Now...With pleasantries aside. Tadashi Kyoko, was it? Quirk. Disfigurement. You can stretch your body, take them apart, and reconstruct them. What an interesting quirk you got~~~! I hope you don't mind me using it for a bit.

Niko snapped his fingers and like a puppet, one of his experiments begin to move.

Tadashi recognized her from the shadows.

Tadashi: (C-Chenya-chan?!)

Chenya Shiro walks on over to him as Tadashi stared at her in fear. Her face looked the same but her eyes looked haunted...and dead.

She grabbed her former classmate by his head.

She was mumbling words he couldn't understand but he knew what she was going to do to him.

Hikari then walked on over to them and puts his hand on her shoulder. A yellowish glow came around him then it transferred on over into Chenya.

Niko: Let the brainwashing begin~!

Tadashi: (No! Stop! No! This isn't funny! Leave me alone! I don't want this!)

She was going to put him through an "illusion".

Not just any illusion...

Hikari: Visual Illumination.

Chenya: Afterimage...

Tadashi: (NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!)

Niko: Welcome to the party, Tadashi-kun~! Get ready to join your classmates in this mind breaking reunion! Now...if you excuse me, I need to pay a visit to a certain facility that's holding a villain I need~!

Hikari: And who is that villain?

Niko:...They call her...Antithesis.

The room brightened around Tadashi as he let out an soup shattering scream.




Everything happened so fast...

One minute, a prison that had over three hundred prisoners. Much to Niko's disappointment. Most of them were just petty theives, crooks, murders. Not like Tartarus Prison that held the most dangerous criminals on the planet.


A young girl named Gyaku Soku was in that prison as well. She had black hair and white eyes. Was around 5'7. She had a body type that resembles the rabbit hero, Mirko. Gyaku was a former villain called "Antithesis" wanted for many charges against her because of her quirk.

Opposite. Which allows her to change the beliefs of a person even though she needs to look at a person or walk in front of them in order to do that.

Also...for those who didn't get it... She's also another missing member of Class 1-C who ended up in prison last year...thanks to the work of stupid heroes and the PSC (Public Safety Commission).

Gyaku: Man...Screw those heroes. I can never forgive them. Especially the men! How dare they do this to me! I didn't do anything wrong!

She let out a groan. She didn't deserved this. She was only sixteen when she was charged. It's been one year since that incident.

Gyaku: Is this really how things end for me...? Wasting away in prison? For no hope or salvation??? I are my former classmates doing?


However, that was all going to change for her and so many other prisoners.

Gyaku: What the hell was that?!


Juurou, Miyumi, Remy, and Teddy had burst into the prison and killed many guards.



Juurou had shot the man dead.

Juurou: Here we go again...the tide of the world never stops and more stories of tragedies often arise.

Miyumi: With many unexpected beginnings.





Miyumi: You're right...but does it look like we care?

Miyumi then pulled off her mask and stared directly at the guard. Her death eyes had made the guard scream one final breath before his demise.

Teddy: Damn girl. You scary.

Miyumi: Hmph. (Puts back on her mask.)

Remy pulled a lever and multiple jails cells had opened with many prisoners had started rioting before they begin to escape out the doors.

Guard: N-No...this can't be happening!

Teddy: Oh it's happening, sweetheart~! Just sit back and enjoy the fun~!

Guard: Stop! Gack?!

Remy used his puppet master skills to subdue the final guard as the other villains.

Remy: Be quiet already. It's time you all see what's going to happen...
because the tide of the distorted about to change...


Niko: Hehehehe~!

Niko giggled like a school girl watching villains exited the jailhouse and begin to start their raid all over Japan. First, before they do that. Howver, he didn't care about them. He just wanted them and turned them into his slaves. His shadow abilities not only kill but they had also manifested and harness overtime. It gave him not only the power to biomanipulate people but it also takes their inhibitions making them act on their worst impulses....thus...

Turning all of anyone he touches into mindless, murderous, hateful individuals...

Niko: Hello~~~!

Villains: Eh?

"Whose the kid?"

"Wait...that cat hoodie...fuck! It's the shadow slasher!"

Gyaku: (Oh no...No! Please don't do this to me!)

Niko: Oh! I'm so bashful! I got a ton of fans~! Anyway! Before you all go crazy! I got an announcement to make~! But first...become my loyal subjects...NOW.


Suddenly, the world around them got dark. The prisoners then felt themselves being slashed by the dark shadow claws appearing everywhere before it they were soon under the control of one boy. They didn't even get the chance to scream....

Gyaku watched in horror...she had to get away! NOW!


She tried to run however, she felt a tightening grip on her. She tried to escape of the inmate's hold but to no avail.


Niko: Where do you think you're going...Antithesis~?


Niko: I've heard a lot about you~! You used to be such nice and calm person who enjoys reading and hanging out with friends. Although what stresses you out is when there are multiple heroes against her. Especially heroes who are men~! Because you can't use your quirk properly. So after being framed, charged, and arrested for a crime you didn't commit. This led you to lose the trust in heroes~!

Gyaku: What it's to you?! What do you want?!

Niko: I'm going to need to borrow your quirk for a little while. I need help changing everyone's belief in heroes~! Rejoice Antithesis~! You have become very useful in my plans~! HOLD STILL. THIS IS ONLY GONNA HURT A LOT~~~!!!!

The shadow claw appeared from the ground and loomed over her before it raised...


...Then it striked.


Absorbing Antithesis' quirk, Niko had now at least five hundred escaped prisoners and villains under his control by just using his shadow claws.

The villains all stared at him waiting with swirls in his waiting for him to continue.

Niko: Long ago. The definition of "human" has been died out. In a world where 80% of humanity has a superpower known as a quirk..

Ugh...Everytime...Everyday... the same thing...You all know how it goes...Heroes defeat the villains and save the day...Following that damn cliche script like actors would use in a play or a drama theatre.

How annoying...

How revolting...

It makes me sick...

Most of the prisoners had agreed to that statement. The reason they're in this mess is because of those heroes.

"I hate those heroes!"

"I lost everything because of them!"

"They're going to pay!"

Niko nodded at their complaints.

Niko: Those "heroes" get to live their luxurious lives...while we the "villains" live ours in the slums...

The prisoners nodded at that as well.

Well, there's no perfect system for a society that gets random powers... let's think about it...since they'll always be outliers. Heroes or villains... People will always do terrible things no matter what you do~!

Sad isn't it...This is our bone crushing reality...Those "heroes" have no idea what we been through! But's time we show them all...Cause we had enough!


Niko: Ever since quirks had came into the picture...Quirks...That's how it always been... that's what people always talk about everyday...

Quirk! Quirk! Quirk! Quirk! Quirk!

"Did you get your quirk yet?"

"How flashy is your quirk?"

"Is it powerful?"

"That's all your quirk could do...lame?"

"Such a great quirk...or not?"

"That quirk is dumb."

"That quirk is dangerous!"

"That quirk is villainous!!!!"

"You can't be a hero with that type of quirk!"


Niko: All Might and many other heroes had failed this society.For years...people had been stereotyping of peoples quirks, people not knowing how to deal with problematic quirks, quirk counseling, mutant discrimination.


"That's the really why I'm in this predicament!"

"I only defended myself! But look where that got me!"

"Those bastards! I'll never forgive them!"

Niko:.I understand your angry and your pain. This is also perpetuated by hero society somewhat as well with the "heroes that look like villains". But there's bottom of the line. Is it really all about your status and praise by hero society is decided, but not on the true content of your character but the strength, flashiness, and marketability of ones quirk?

They don't bother to get to know you...

They only want to see if you have a flashy quirk or not.

"They only care about appearance!"

"This world is fucking insane!"

Niko: IKR! There are those who are born with respect because they have a powerful quirk handed to them while others are clowned and laughed at for having a dream of wanting to be a great hero. We also see this principle everywhere even to people who aren't villains but they are mocked and judged for having a "villainous" quirk by the content of their characters.

Just hearing Niko called out on their problems. The escaped prisoners all stared at him like he was some kind of God.

Niko: People like us are misunderstood by our quirks, not our characters, and every single flaw from that is a offspring of that inherent principle...

Of course...ever since those last two hundered's been widely accepted that the world has become a superhuman society. About 80% of the world's population has been born with some sort of unique traits called quirks and yet information of how the quirk phenomenon happened is largely unknown.

Like when quirks are either more useful or powerful while others weak and embarrassing is still a question.

But sadly...In this world swirling with chaos, the professionally inspiration that everyone once dreamed about, the desire to come into the limelight, and or that comfort to be safe. To be a hero. To be saved.

Heroes on top...Villains at the bottom...

But seriously though...

Powers or no powers, society has always concerned themselves of who is useful and who is useless. If a quirk is useful, then that person is just cattle. But those who are deemed quirkless don't have a role nor are accepted in this society...

So they are to be discriminated by their peers and their dreams are sent to be rock bottom.

Tbh, no real hero exist as people think they do. Only those who use others and those who are used. Because that's how it always been...This is real life...This is society...

People with "villainous" quirks or no quirks at all can't be heroes...? That's what they all say...


Niko: What a fucking load of bullshit.

Whoever came up with this dumbass logic must've been high off their rocker...

"I agree!"

"I want to sock the fucker!"

Niko: No matter how much we scream, rant, or cry to be accepted...

They never gave us a chance...


They don't care what happened to us. They don't care if we're hurt...They don't care if we bleed...

They don't care if we die...

Our story doesn't matter to them...

Because they will always as nothing more but "villains".

Niko: This rotten society...needs to be painted...IN RED. The world isn't fixable...Madness will consume everything. Since those dumb heroes won't do a damn thing about it.

"What a bunch of selfish lying hypocritical assholes."

Nothing has changed..

We, The League Of Villains,no...the Paranormal Liberation Army Front...will make our move...

Little did these silly heroes knew...

"The Seeds Of Disaster Have Already Been Planted~!"

The crowd of villains all begin to cheer!

Niko: Join me prisoners! Join the Paranormal Liberation Front! Together we will take down the rotten borders of this place! Our little game will soon be set in stone and this hero society will soon learn the hard way of what happens when you fuck someone over!


"We will win!"

"Niko-sama will give us salvation!"

Gyaku: Niko-sama! NIKO-SAMA!!!!

Niko smirked watching as his manipulation got through to the minor villains. All he had to do now was get more stronger villains from tartarus prison and he knew exactly how to do it.

Tartarus Prison. A place where most of the dangerous villains had all holed up in.

Niko: (I think Shigaraki and the doctor wouldn't mind me borrowing a few Nomus~!)

Welcome To Niko's Game...

This society will never be the same!

QOTD: Do Hikari and Tsume (Niko) represent the twin deities, Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu???

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